2nd Quarter and 1st Half 2022 Results slide image

2nd Quarter and 1st Half 2022 Results

GROUP RESULTS In EURm Net banking income Operating expenses Underlying operating expenses (1) Gross operating income (1) Underlying gross operating income Net cost of risk Operating income Underlying operating income (1) Net profits or losses from other assets Net income from companies accounted for by the equity method Income tax Net income O.w. non-controlling interests Reported Group net income Underlying Group net income ROE ROTE (1) Underlying ROTE (1) (1) Underlying data: adjusted for exceptional items and IFRIC 21 linearisation (see Supplement) *when adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates SOCIETE GENERALE Q2 22 Q2 21 Change H122 H121 Change 7,065 6,261 +12.8% +13.4%* 14,346 12,506 +14.7% +14.8%* (4,458) (4,107) +8.5% +9.6%* (9,787) (8,855) +10.5% +11.2%* (4,590) (4,225) +8.6% +9.6%* (8,915) (8,322) +7.1% +7.9%* 2,607 2,154 +21.0% +20.7%* 4,559 3,651 +24.9% +23.3%* 2,475 2,036 +21.6% +21.3%* 5,431 4,184 +29.8% +28.4%* (217) (142) +52.8% +52.4%* (778) (418) +86.1% +23.4%* 2,390 2,012 +18.8% +18.5%* 3,781 3,233 +17.0% +23.2%* 2,258 1,894 +19.2% (3,292) 5 n/s 4 2 (327) (404) +100.0% -19.0% (1,225) 1,615 n/s 257 176 +46.0% +18.9%* n/s +100.0%* -19.0%* n/s +43.6%* 4,653 3,766 +23.6% +29.2%* (3,290) 11 n/s n/s 4 5 -20.0% -20.0%* (680) (687) -1.0% +48.7%* (185) 2,562 455 (1,482) 1,439 n/s n/s (640) 309 2,253 n/s +47.2% n/s +45.7%* n/s 1,505 1,349 +11.5% +11.0%* 3,079 2,647 +16.3% n/s +11.1%* -12.0% 9.8% -3.4% 7.5% -13.5% 11.2% -3.8% 8.6% 10.5% 10.4% 10.8% 10.2% 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 10
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