The Difference of a Decade: Rising Purchases amid swings in market share slide image

The Difference of a Decade: Rising Purchases amid swings in market share

Increase in Investor Activity Associated with Greater Housing Stock Turnover Additionally, investors have gained market share over the last decade as housing market turnover has increased. At the metropolitan level, there appears to be a good correlation between the two, as shown by the fitted line in the figure below. It seems that increasing investor activity goes hand-in-hand with market turnover, or the percentage of homes that are sold.² 2 Turnover is calculated as the share of homes sold in a MSA in a year. For instance, if an MSA has a stock of 100,000 units and 10,000 of them sell in a given year, the velocity for that year is 0.1. CoreLogic Change in Market Tumover, 2011-20 6% 4% 2% 09 -20 -4% -6% -8% -10% -2% -1% 0% 196 2% 396 4% Change in Investor Share, 2011-20 •
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