LVMH ESG Presentation Deck
ESG - Taking action to make a difference
Harnessing corporate philanthropy to advance culture and design
For more than 25 years, LVMH has pursued a corporate philanthropy policy that reflects the values of creativity and solidarity shared by all its Maisons,
seamlessly aligning with their respective communication strategies and image.
Promoting health and
Promoting heritage, art
and design
The fire that tore through Notre-Dame cathedral
in Paris in 2019 particularly resonated within
LVMH, touching the artisanal and cultural core
of a Group that believes in preserving and
passing on its unique savoir faire from
generation to generation.
That is why its Chairman, Bernard Arnault,
donated €200 million to help the renowned
monument once again rise from the ashes.
Further information can be found in the 2021 Universal Registration
Document - from pages 119 to 124.
Promoting and spreading
Every year since 2014, the Classe d'Excellence de
Violoncelle de Gautier Capuçon has taken place in the
Auditorium of the Louis Vuitton Foundation. This project,
created and directed by Gautier Capuçon, is designed to
promote six young and talented cellists from around the
world. Selected by audition, the laureates meet each
month for public work sessions and concerts.
Hôpitaux de Paris
Hôpitaux de France
Reconnue d'utilité publique
The innovative and ambitious philanthropic efforts to
promote art and culture also extends to humanitarian,
medical and scientific causes. LVMH supports for example,
the Fondation des Hôpitaux de Paris - Hôpitaux de France.
Fendi, supporting Roman heritage
The Maison Fendi financed the
restauration project of one of the
most emblematic and historic
places of the Italian capital-the
Temple of Venus and Rome.
The Louis Vuitton
Since opening in 2014, the Louis Vuitton Foundation has
captivated imaginations with the ground-breaking genius
of its architect, Frank Gehry, and forged a place for itself as
one of the foremost institutions in the global art scene,
having already attracted nearly eight million
visitors from all around the world.
The Group and its Maisons driven by creativity
Le Château de la Colle Noire and the
Beaux-Arts de Paris
Since December 2021, Résonance, the
sculpture created by Clarisse Aïn who
won the first Dior de la Colle Noire
Award, has been installed at Château de
la Colle Noire.
Restoring the Tuileries Garden
Moët Hennessy helps to
"re-green" and restore the
Tuileries Garden.View entire presentation