LVMH ESG Presentation Deck slide image

LVMH ESG Presentation Deck

19 ESG - Taking action to make a difference Integrity in business The LVMH group has always been strongly committed to exemplary integrity and ethics in the conduct of its business and in its relations with all stakeholders. Our codes and charters as well as the open communication and dialogue we promote both internally and externally are examples of how we live up to this commitment. LVMH Code of Conduct Code of Conduct LVMH Outlines the rules to be followed by all employees as they go about their work. Respecting & Supporting Human Rights THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT PRINCIPLES PA NA COMPACT LVMH respects and promotes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and adheres to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, as well as to the United Nations Guidelines on Women's Empowerment. Within its sphere of influence, LVMH supports the values, freedoms and fundamental rights promoted in these texts. LVMH Ethics & Compliance Governance the Welcome on Mics and Compliance Ethics & Compliance LVMH me and conce geband ml with bold ng and pregos hege Them of the Ora and Massona oso depends on the comment of the proces and comme A dedicated governance structure, communication and training The Ethics & Compliance Department steers and coordinates the Group's procedures in the fight against corruption, in personal data protection, and in compliance with international sanctions, human rights, and anti-money laundering laws. Each Maison has their own organizational and governance structure. Employee training and education with regular communication is a key element. LVMH Further information can be found in the 2021 Universal Registration Document - from pages 49 to 74. LVMH Alert Line Alert @ LINE The Group's employees and stakeholders have access to the LVMH Alert Line, an online interface that provides a fully confidential and secure way of reporting in good faith violations of the laws, regulations, or principles of the LVMH Code of Conduct.
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