LVMH ESG Presentation Deck slide image

LVMH ESG Presentation Deck

14 ESG - Taking action to make a difference Transmitting our World heritage's savoir-faire Priorities Shaping the future of the Group Consolidating and passing on savoir-faire Developing employee skills Main objective by 2024 Ensure 30,000 recruitments in Métiers d'Excellence Further information can be found in the 2021 Universal Registration Document - from pages 101 to 118. Main programs & initiatives ME MÉTIERS D'EXCELLENCE LVMH The Métiers d'excellence aims to pass on and promote 280 métiers related to specific savoir-faire of LVMH's Maisons. DARE Disrupt Act Risk to be an Entrepreneur LVMH Disrupt, Act, Risk to be an Entrepreneur... DARE. Following a call for ideas sent to managers and high-potential talents from across the Group, 60 "idea sponsors" from 40 Maisons and 15 countries are selected to take part in each DARE session. LVMH LVMHPRIZE The LVMH Prize aims to support young fashion designers. This sponsorship initiative reflects the values of our Group: our designers single out the talent of tomorrow, and they are rewarded and supported through the development of their House. SIDE Inside LVMH: Inaugurated in 2016 by physical meetings with students, INSIDE was transformed into a digital platform launched in March 2021 and already had more than 45,000 subscribers at the end of December 2021.
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