LVMH ESG Presentation Deck slide image

LVMH ESG Presentation Deck

23 ESG - Taking action to make a difference Public documents and policies in place At LVMH Code of Conduct LVMH LVMH Group Supplier code of conduct LVMH LVMH FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2021 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT Animal-based Raw Materials Sourcing Charter LVMH LVMH 2021 ANNUAL REPORT Passionate about creativity recruitment code of conduct LVMH "OUR GROUP IS A SOURCE OF DREAMS AND PLEASURE, BUT THIS IN NO WAY LESSENS OUR OBLIGATION TO CLEARLY RECOGNIZE OUR RESPONSIBILITIES. IN MANY WAYS, THE LUXURY INDUSTRY-SYNONYMOUS WITH BEAUTY-HAS EVEN GREATER RESPONSIBILITY THAN OTHERS TO BE EXEMPLARY" BERNARD ARNAULT LVMH Group Health and Safety Policy My health. 2huMu 4.Emre all pless LVMH 2011 SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT Committed to positive impact Mainta LVMH LIFE 360 An alliance of Nature and Creativity LVMH THE CHARTER ON THE WORKING RELATIONS WITH FASHION MODELS AND THEIR WELL-BEING Our groups strongly believe that it is our ethical and social responsibility to ensure the well-be- ing of all models working with our Houses. This belief echoes our strong commitment to human rights respect for diversity, and gender equality, Therefore, after consulting industry profession als, we have jointly developed guidelines, which go beyond the legal requirements, in order to ensure that fashion models are always provided with proper working conditions. We hope to see the whole fashion industry follow suit. We are put ting a monitoring committee in place whose role will be to ensure that all of the following guidelines are implemented effectively. These are the stand ards we are implementing in order to guarantee the well-being of the models with whom we work: April 201 Working conditions The law et bepland within any spect of contact between a feat an agency and a mo Modelshed with spect and professionalism They must be exposed to any dangembang odrading Hesh and Care -The branch omso working with who are able to presentavad edil online provided by the agencies and obtained ka than six months below the shooting the dating to their god beh The branche 32 for women and sta 42 for men French on the ing mand will they cang amin to present and we are spectively si 34 -The brand godded pochope therape at the molde dipesal during working Nudity and appearance -Models munt eply accept changes in appeara adityo semi-maty -In case of adity or wity during a shooting on while getting dressed after befes the mold worbertaaldetes the distin LVMH pile bathebes in onder to preserve peacy as far as pensible, befine and after wandbechungs Acumartable perde mantained to safeguard the main the case of sty Food and drinks -Madds must have to food and drink that comph with dia The franch shall pande m thedinti to m een by the brand in a shoka ng kan fortuin Transportation and accommodation The binds on the topovide modb with a loved of accommodaties het toe well being After pm bands must pidemptatif models tots to the place of Hours and compemark The modeshourbem and comply with local law -Agencies and brands condemerkual enginmutits, with and fam -Spot be caid out with the agencies times 4 boon home the show -The brand at the ages to that the contract with the morbos her agybles her/him to be paid within the framed by if the ng models har mulich ander the ad Poyra Madis between 1 and 25 years date not allowed to wwk.between op and m Naley ormality for de ander is only allowed. through an aged by both the model and The price of a chap dias appointed by the aces, and when she one of the odds pats is mandatory for year Any legal pentativ under of the the simesdation as he chopp -The beantrages to that mod med their schoda -Mechel shall be send to mod onder de age of Complaints and From the fact the last performance the model are the play of making g complaint in the case ofte with a modding any a casting doctor or rundpics then the up of a hot or the nation of stand pentach The presence of at least one presentative of the land during in house cage der -The Gap the brand may alse carry out nounced inspections and as dang tadion she shootings or rement interest replace wh the duster
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