The Difference of a Decade: Rising Purchases amid swings in market share slide image

The Difference of a Decade: Rising Purchases amid swings in market share

Smaller investors are responsible for the bulk of investor homebuying activity, and the rate appears to be increasing. Between 2011 and 2020, these so-called mom and pop investors who have kept 3-to-10 homes increased their share of homebuying more than large- and medium-sized investors, growing from 54% to 56%. This is due to a recent pickup, between 2018 and 2020 this share grew from 53% to 56%. Large investors, those who retained more than 100 homes, remain steady at around 12% since 2018. It seems small investors mostly took their market share from medium-sized investors those who kept between 11 and 100 homes - whose share fell from 34% to 32% of the market between 2018 and 2020. ā€• - 50% 40% 30% 20% 20% 19% 18% 17% 16% 15% 149 13% 12% 2012 U.S Investor Homebuying Rates by Price Tiers: 2011-2020 2014 2016 High Priced Homes Mid Priced Homes Low Priced Homes 2018 2020 U.S Investor Homebuying Rates by Investor Size: 2011-2020 10%- 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 Large Sized Investor Mid Sized Investor Small Sized investor Investor purchase rates were much higher among relatively low-priced homes. In 2020, 18.8% of purchases in the bottom one-third of prices for their respective metropolitan area were made by investors. That rate was well above those for the middle- and top-third of homes, with rates around 12%. Investor activity fell by 1- to-2 percentage points in all three tiers since 2018, consistent with the national trend. 5
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