LVMH ESG Presentation Deck slide image

LVMH ESG Presentation Deck

ESG - Taking action to make a difference Solid social performance Four pillars 11 Respecting each one's dignity and individuality and develop diversity 72% of recruiters trained or made aware of the importance of eliminating discrimination (over the last 3 years) 71% of the Group's total workforce is female, with 65% of managerial positions held by women 44% of key Group positions are held by women 1.2% of LVMH Group employees with disabilities worldwide (up 20% on 2019). The Group's intermediate objective is 2%. Supporting the safety and well-being of our employees 4.23* Group Accident Frequency rate, decreasing by 24.6% compared to 2019 0.14** Group Accident Severity rate, decreasing by 12.5% compared to 2019 100% of Group employees have access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and financial assistance when facing a serious personal situation €59.2 M invested in health and safety (up 54% in 2019) Transmitting our World heritage's savoir-faire 82% of employees received training (all categories) 1,400 IME apprentices trained since 2014 across six countries (France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Japan and Germany) 65% of Maisons have a structured training policy in place to help adapt to future needs 67 Virtuosos, have been selected as the first promotion of guardians of exceptional skills and expertise *The frequency rate is equal to the number of accidents resulting in leave of absence, multiplied by 1,000,000 and divided by the total number of hours worked. ** The severity rate is equal to the number of workdays lost, multiplied by 1,000 and divided by the total number of hours worked. LVMH Committing to a better society 575 partnerships established by Maisons with associations, NGOs, Foundations, around the world 502 associations, NGOs, Foundations supported around the world 765,000 people assisted thanks to these partnerships 29,000 employees involved into these partnerships
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