Tethr Start Up Pitch Deck
the Facebook
post that
started my
PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL | [email protected]
Matt Zerker is in Toronto, Ontario.
May 14, 2019-
This is a really hard post for me to write that has taken a
long time to get out.
In January 2018 one of my closest friends, Christian
Sagermann, passed away suddenly from a pulmonary
embolism at the incredibly young age of 30. It was one
of those things in life that comes entirely out... See More
Matt's Post
Trutyuu on
awesome person
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Addison Brasil
Thanks for sharing-sending all the love
and light on what I know is a life long
journey brother. All we can do is honor it
and take care of ourselves. Grateful our
generation has a lot more info and love
surrounding mental health. Reach out if ya
ever need. Mean that.
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Matt Zerker
Addison Brasil I know you've experience
more than your share of loss so your
msg means a lot. Let's definitely
connect soon!
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