BRI Performance Highlights and Green Initiatives

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Bank BRI








#10 SENTRA LAYANAN TRANG Senyum Senyum BRPNM SENYAL LAYANAN ULTRA MO BRI Pegadalan PNM SATOAS PENYERAHAN BANSOS OR EXSAT AgenBRILink TOKO SEJAHTERA SPUR (BRI FY 2022 FINANCIAL UPDATE PRESENTATION PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (PERSERO) Tbk.#2BRI 5 OUTLINE Macro Economy. FY'22 Key Highlights Investment Propositions BRI FY'22 Performance Highlight. BRI Consolidated Performance Highlight Balance Sheet Highlight - Consolidated Profitability Highlight - Consolidated Key Ratios Consolidated. BRI Bank Only Performance Highlight Balance Sheet Highlight - Bank Only Profitability Highlight - Bank Only Key Ratios - Bank Only Loan Quality - Bank Only Guidance & Key Takeaways Supporting Material FY'22 Consolidated Performance FY'22 Bank Only Performance BRI FY'22 Loan Quality Business Updates Digital Initiatives Subsidiaries ESG Initiatives Others 9 32 13 20 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 + A W W w w w N N N N N 31 32 35 36 40 49 53 62 69 74 84 2#3CEO MESSAGE Targeting Sustainable Growth in a Higher Rate Environment Sunarso, CEO BRI The Indonesian government has done excellent work through its measures to safeguard and stabilize the domestic economy from the lingering effects of the pandemic and the pressure of surging global inflation. The improving trend continues to receive support from strong domestic demand as GDP Growth in 2022 already surpassed the pre pandemic 2019 level. Moreover, inflation has gradually begun to decline after a modest increase due to pressure from the fuel price increase, while leading macro indicators such as CCI and PMI persistently remained in optimistic territory. Furthermore, the BRI MSME Business Index remains in optimistic territory as the government has announced the discontinuation of Covid-related movement restrictions. The improved condition has enabled Indonesian banks to perform positively and deliver strong results. Correspondingly, BRI has reported stellar performance. Micro lending's composition increased to 48% from 40% of our total loans with the integration and ongoing synergies of the Ultra Micro (UMI) Holding. Throughout the year, our loan quality improved, and our balance sheet, shown by provisioning level remained conservatively positioned. Moreover, liquidity remains ample as our LDR stands at 78.82%, with well- controlled OPEX and positive subsidiaries contribution producing solid double-digit net profit growth of 67.1%, reaching an all-time high of Rp51.4 trillion. While conditions continue to improve, we remain cautious on upcoming challenges. From a macro standpoint, there remain uncertainties due to inflation, higher interest rates globally, geopolitical tension, and supply chain disruptions that could potentially lead prognosticators to forecast a global economic slowdown in 2023. Nevertheless, we maintain our optimism for 2023. In our view, the Indonesian economy will remain resilient, supported by strong domestic consumption from recovering economic activities and the optimism of MSME's to support economic expansion. We continue to strive towards sustainable growth. First, we have secured a new source of growth through the UMi Holding Company that provides growth opportunities on assets, liabilities, and revenues. This will further strengthen our core capabilities in micro as we rebalance the growth of Kupedes as a commercialization strategy for KUR. This is in line with the government's aspiration to migrate KUR borrowers to Kupedes. Second, we maintain a strong capital position that will support our business' growth and deliver optimum returns to shareholders, including through an elevated dividend payout ratio in the near term. Third, we have ample liquidity and continue to progressively transforming our funding structure to increase our CASA Ratio and lower our COF. In 2023 we will focus on shifting Micro growth to Kupedes, strengthening our retail banking capabilities, which are highly important to connecting all segments as an integrated ecosystem. Fourth, we maintained our asset quality through a proper risk management strategy as our LAR declined, with coverage already returning to pre-pandemic levels. Lastly, we continue to improve our ESG implementation with the aspiration to become a World Class Sustainable Banking Group focusing to become a leader on Environmental, Social, and Governance issues. 3#4MANAGEMENT HIGHLIGHTS Macro Holds Up Well Despite Global Environment Strategic Response has Secured Sustainable Business Growth and Delivered Record Profit BRI Room to Increase ROE Through Normalized Leverage GDP Growth Inflation vs BI7DRR Source of Growth 5.02 5.31 3.69 5.95 5.51 4.35 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.42-5.04 Retail Segment as source of asset & TPF 5.5 growth 4.25 UMI Holding 3.5 as source of 2.64 1.68 1.87 asset & TPF 2 SME & Consumer growth 2019 2020 2021 2022E2023E 2020 2021 Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2022 BI7DRR Inflation Ultra Micro -2.07 1 Holding Positive Growth Of GDP Will Continue Despite Potential Downshift Benchmark rate starts to increase as pre-emptive response to control overshooting inflation 2.10 Trade Balance 4.54 (USD Bn) 5.15 4.97 3 Wholesale Strong Capital Wholesale as source of TPF and fee income growth through wholesale transaction banking REGULATORY REQUIREMENT 17.5% If all Basel 3 fully implemented 15.0% Normal condition 12.5% OJK Relaxation Sufficient Liquidity ROE: ROA & Leverage 17.77% 25.28% 23.30% 20.61% 16.76% 14.09% 7.1 5.5 6.4 6.3 9.91% 2.77% 3.03% 2.23% 1.39% 2020 2021 2022 2019 During Pandemic 2020 2021 2022 Growth Quality MSME Business Index Limit of RIM 48.0% -89.0% -88.9%- 94% 87.6% 42.4% 44.9% 38.5% 35.6% Q3'22 Q4'22 83.7% 83.7% 138.3 88.5% 84% 28.3% 87.1% 87.5% 80.0% 130.1 126.5 127.2 124.0 82.8% 82.0% 114.6 79.2% 25.8% 24.1% 22.6% 20.8% 19.3% 17.1% 3.89 103.2105.9 1.01 2020 2021 Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2022 Trade surplus momentum continued, supported by high commodity price & industrial down streaming Business Business Business Government Activity Activity Sentiment Perception Index Expectation Index Index Index Economic activity has steadily normalized with optimism for continuing economic recovery *Bank only numbers 2020 2021 Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2022 <<-0-LDR O-RIM 2020 2021 Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2022 -O-LAR Sustainable Profit -O-LAR Coverage ROE ROA Leverage Subsidiary Contribution to Diversify Income Subsidiary Contribution - Net Profit 0.70% 0.90% 10.20% 2019 2020R 2021 2022 -4.50%#5MACRO ECONOMY & BANKING INDUSTRY AgenBRILink S PIS PENYERAHAN Penerima SPUN BRI 5#6BRI MACRO ECONOMIC UPDATE Optimism for Economic Upturn Remains Intact, Supported by Improving Macro Indicators Continuing Economic Recovery Momentum GDP Growth (% YoY) 4.96 Quarterly Full-Year 5.02 5.31 7.07 5.02 5.01 5.44 5.72 3.69 Retail Sales Index (RSI) 235.1 4.42-5.04 Optimistic Post Covid Metrics Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) 126.4 3.51 Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 5.0 Q4'19 Q1'20 Q2'20 2.97 -5.32 -3.49 -2.17 -0.7 Q3'20 Q4'20 Q1'21 Q2'21 Q3'21 2019 -2.07 2020 2021 2022 2023E Investment & Household Consumption Growth (% YoY) 7.1 5.0 5.0 -2.2 5.0 -5.3 7.5 5.51 5.4 4.5 4.3 4.5 -3.6 -5.5 6.0 5.0 4.1 3.6 4.1 3.1 3.3 119.9 216.4 239.2 227.5 سية حقيقية 177.1 Dec-19 Dec-20 Dec-21 Dec-22 5.4 5.7 5.0 Dec-19 -6.2 -8.6 Q4'19 Q2'20 Q4'20 Q2'21 Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Investment Household Q3'22 Total GDP Q4'22 Inflation (% YoY) Headline Inflation 2.59 5.95 5.28 4.13 2.880 0.64° Core, Volatile & Administered Price 12.28 Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) 49.5 40.1 57.2 50.9 77.8 Dec-20 77.3 MSME Business Index Q3'22 Q4'22 130.1 126.5 105.9 103.2 Dec-21 Dec-22 127.2 124.0 114.6 138.3 poo 5.71 3.27 27.5 Dec-19 Dec-20 Dec-21 Dec-22 Business Activity Index Business Activity Business Sentiment Expectation Index Index Government Perception Index Core O-Administered Price Volatile Food Dec-19 Dec-20 Dec-21 Dec-22 Dec-19 Dec-20 Dec-21 Dec-22 "Economic recovery to continue with manageable inflation rate" "Business activities recovering with despite global macro headwinds"#7MACRO FUNDAMENTALS Prudent Macroeconomic Policy, Strong Terms of Trade Support Key Macro Indicators BRI Trade Balance (USD Mn) Budget Deficit (% of GDP) 7,565 (78) AN Dec-19 Dec-20 Dec-21 "High commodity prices & commodity down streaming resulted in sustained trade balance surplus" USD/IDR & Foreign Reserves 3,890 -2.20% Q -4.57% -6.14% -2.38%* Threshold (-3%) Dec-22 2019 2020 *2022 Budget deficit realization data as of Jan'23 2021 2022 15,573 137.2 "Strong government earnings & prudent fiscal management led Indonesia to maintain its budget deficit under 3% threshold in 2022, ahead of the end of the relaxation in 2023" Foreign Flow to Government Bonds +IDR 48.6 Tn* B Supportive Policies for Economic Growth & Stability Pro-Stability Monetary Policy Mandatory use of rupiah within the territory of BANK INDONESIA Republic of Indonesia OKERITAS KEUANGAN Underlying document transaction requirement for forex ■ Hedging requirement for non-bank corporation Triple Intervention policy (Spot transaction, DNDF transaction and Purchase of Govt Securities in secondary market) for exchange rate stability Implementing forex monetary operations (MO) in the form of foreign currency term deposits (TD) as an instrument for exporters to place foreign exchange proceeds of exports through banks to Bank Indonesia Pro-Growth Macroprudential Policy ■ More comprehensive RRR policy with additional incentives for banks who serve prioritized sectors, MSMEs & green financing ■ Digital-based payment system policy Extending Covid-19 restructuring relaxation for several economic sector & provinces until March 2024 13,866 129.2 Dec-19 USD/IDR (LHS) Foreign Reserve (USD Bio, RHS) Dec-20 Dec-21 Dec-22 "Ample foreign reserves to maintain stable exchange rate" Source: Bloomberg, Bank Indonesia, BPS, Ministry of Finance Dec-21 Mar-22 *YtD as of 1st of Feb'23 Jun-22 (IDR 106.9 Tn) Sep-22 Dec-22 "Indonesia started to experience positive foreign flows to government bonds since Q4'22, signaling confidence in the economy" Transforming the economy by increasing commodity value through downstreaming natural resources ■ Economic reopening by ending social activities restriction (PPKM) ■ Tax Regulation Harmonization (UU HPP) 7#8BANKING INDUSTRY Continues to Show Positive Performance, BRI Excels in Terms Of Profitability Loan (IDR Tn) Deposit (IDR Tn) CASA % CAGR* 6,274.9 BRI 6.2% 7,479.5 7,647.3 I 6,665.4 CAGR* Industry 8.5% | 943.7 5,998.6 65.65% 63.30% 61.00% 59.01% 5,617.0 880.7 1,007.1 Industry 4.6% 1,127.8 1,132.7 62.45% 1,052.7 I 969.8 | 859.6 5,768.6 I 5,481.6 I 2019 2020 2021 Sep'22 2019 2020 2021 Sep'22 Industri BRI O-Industri O-BRI I BRI 6.4% 61.18% I 57.92% 56.86% I 2019 2020 BRI 2021 Industry Sep'22 NPL LDR ROA CAR BRI 3.50% 3.06% 3.08% 3.14% 94.43% 88.92% 3.97% 25.67% I 23.40% 23.89% 25.17% 83.66% 83.67% 2.72% 2.62% 1.98% 25.28% 24.00% 2.94% 3.00% 88.64% I 22.55% 2.78% 82.54% 2.53% 77.13% 82.05% 2.47% 2.51% 20.61% 1.84% 1.59% 2019 2020 2021 Sep'22 2019 2020 2021 Sep'22 2019 2020 2021 Sep'22 2019 2020 2021 Sep'22 BRI Industry O-BRI -Industry BRI Industry BRI -O-Industry *CAGR ratio is calculated from 2019 to September 2022 Source: Indonesian Banking Statistic - OJK & BRI Bank Only Financial Statement 1#9FY'22 KEY HIGHLIGHTS AgenBRILink S PIS PENYERAHAN Penerima SPUN BRI#10FOCUS ON INCREASING HIGH YIELD ASSETS Overarching Strategy: Boost Kupedes loan Growth to Increase Profitability Comprehensive Strategy to Boost Kupedes Growth BRI KUPEDES Accumulated Disbursement - OS 16.2 13.3 (IDR Tn) 80.5 57.8 65.5 35.2 44.8 28.1 2021: -19.4% YoY 2022: 22.9% YoY 10 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2021 2022 7 Loan Officers' Business Coverage Loan Officer Designated Coverage Area Designated Coverage Area prevents overlapping customers and enables loan officers to work more efficiently with a better familiarity to maximize the potential of an area. BRIKODES BRIKODES as BRI's inclusion management tools which produces recommendation matrices up to sub- district level (inclusion, product holding, digital literacy & risk management) Business Process Reengineering BRI Enhancing Digital Micro Loan SPOT Underwriting Application Sales management, Monitoring & evaluation, Cross selling, Origination & approval SenyuM Mobile Integrated digital sales platform for BRI, Pegadaian & PNM to enable cross selling & joint acquisition Product Innovation & Alignment Kupedes Rejuvenation • Grace period scheme Co-Location . Hybrid scheme (Kupedes Utama) Auto renewal KECE (Kupedes Pre-approval • Lower ticket size Shorter tenor Extra Cepat) • Faster approval Simpedes Micro savings product with Bisa investment & protection features Product Aligning micro loan product within BRI, PNM (Ulaam) and Realignment Pegadaian (Kreasi) New Business Model Senyuй Sharing networks for Pegadaian & PNM to give wider access for UMi customers & enhance cross selling BRILink Mitra UMi Redefine BRILink agents' roles as the primary loan acquisition and to empower Ultra Micro Segment Micro Loan Officer BRIUMI Partner New Rules of KUR Disbursement KUR Allocation Breakdown Parameter New KUR Borrowers Kupedes Growth KUR Loan Quality KUR allocation was determined quarterly based on several parameter Breakdown Mechanism " H UMI Borrowers Jan '22 Early Breakdown Q1, Q2, Q3 Evaluation Develop micro payment ecosystem to capture micro Hyperlocal transaction, boosting CASA, Ecosystem and fee income Dec'22 Breakdown Basis in 2023 The new mechanism encourages the distribution of Micro KUR to remain maximal but still maintain Micro yield by growing customer base and high Kupedes growth 10#11Note: all numbers are bank only, unless stated as consolidated Mar-05 Jun-05 Sep-05 Dec-05 Mar-06 90-unr Sep-06 Dec-06 Mar-07 Jun-07 Sep-07 Dec-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 Mar-10 Jun-10 Sep-10 Dec-10 Mar-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 Sep-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Jun-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 WELL MANAGED PEAK TO TROUGH ASSET QUALITY Improving Loan Quality and Conservative Provisioning Provide an Opportunity to Phase Out Relaxation Policy Inflation vs Asset Quality: Industry, BRI, and BRI Micro wwwww.Inflation Industry NPL BRI Total NPL BRI Micro NPL BRI LAR Improvement with Manageable NPL Pandemic 28.26% 24.11% LAR Coverage and NPL Coverage Pandemic 247.98% Normalizing Credit Cost 200.61% 291.54% 278.14% 2.31% Pandemic 2.47% 3.28% 3.42% 2.47% 7 17.11% 166.59% 9.17% 2.16% 9.78% 2.45% 2.45% 47.20% 44.65% 2.62% 2.94% 3.08% 2.82% 25.77% 35.56% 48.00% 1.49% 1.62% 1.28% 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 -NPL O-LAR O-NPL Coverage -O-LAR Coverage Credit Cost (gross) O-Credit Cost (net) 11 Jun-15 Sep-15 Dec-15 Mar-16 Jun-16 Sep-16 Dec-16 Mar-17 Jun-17 Sep-17 Dec-17 Mar-18 Jun-18 Sep-18 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 Mar-21 Jun-21 Sep-21 Dec-21 Mar-22 Jun-22 Sep-22 2.12% 3.14% 2.78%#12CASA GROWTH REMAINS STRONG Maintaining CASA Growth by Optimizing Wholesale Banking and BRIMO Penetration Theme 2023: Strengthen Retail Banking Capabilities CASA vs COF vs BI Rate 66.9% 6.00% 63.3% 61.8% 5.00% 61.0% 3.75% 59.0% 3.47% 3.58% 3.50% 3.22% +25-50 bps 5.75% 5.50% 2.05% 1.87% 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 1M'23 2023 (P) COF BI Rate O-CASA BRI'S CASA increase led to a 171bps decrease in CoF since 2019. BRI anticipates some pressure on CoF as a follow through from interest rate increases Note: all numbers are bank only, unless stated as consolidated ENABLERS 1 Strengthening cross segment collaboration through value 2 Empowering chain business reliable support system, include complaint management CASA Ecosystem Micro & Retail Wholesale Banking CASA Merchant Axio SMART CASA Smartcoop Junio Smart BRI BRI Smart BRI Smart Billing CLIENT Deepening Client Centric STR BERI 33 03 WHOLESALE BANKING Simpedes UMi BRIMOLA pasar.fd BRI 3 4 Deepening Building sales capability and effective sales culture penetration of BRIMO 5 Focusing on CASA based transaction BRIMO Engagement BRIMO Rate BRI mo 23.8 mio users PEOPLE Strengthening QLOLA People Capabilities 01 QLOLA Digital App 02 PRODUCT Develop Best In Class Product out of 166 mio total BRI customers Transaction & CASA Acquisition Seamless Transaction with Integrated App in One-Platform Offer Full Bank Solutions Through Ecosystem Value Chain Approach Integrated Corporate Solution Data Integration Beyond Banking 12#13Empty#14BRI INVESTMENT PROPOSITIONS 01 Sound Business Strategy, Focus on Flagship Segments 20 02 Hybrid Bank Business Model 03 Solid Foundation for Low-cost Fund 04 Robust Capital Management to Ensure Optimum Return 05 Value Beyond Profit, Commitment to ESG BRI 14#15GLOBAL LEADER SERVING THE ULTRA MICRO & MICRO SEGMENT Leading and Well-positioned To Serve The Ultra Micro & Micro Segment 01 B BRI BRI Well-Positioned to Serve The Ultra Micro & Micro Segment National Posture of Indonesian Enterprises and Individuals Corporation ■ c.5.5k businesses ■ Price sensitive and has easy access to capital markets and banking Medium ■ 60k businesses with assets, >IDR500mn - IDR10bn and sales >IDR2.5bn - IDR50bn ■ Limited production and distribution network High NPL 3 Small ■ c.785k businesses with assets >IDR50-500mn and sales >IDR300mn - IDR2.5bn Micro & Ultra-Micro -57mn businesses Corporation/ Individual HNWI (*) 129k people with assets of USD500bn ■ 50% family-owned businessmen and conglomerates, 15% investors ■ c.1.1mn people with assets >IDR500mn 2 Premium Med- Prem- ium ium ■ Fairly small market, but contributes significantly to to financial industry in Indonesia 3 Middle Class BRI Small Middle Class BRI ■ c.90mn people with assets of I IDR50mn - IDR500mn High knowledge of products and services Micro & Ultra-Micro BRI Micro ⚫c. 165 million people ■ Total c.62mn BRI businesses, including eligible for ultra Pegadaian Mass micro loans Micro and Ultra-Micro Pegadaian PNM or KUR only ■ Access to group loans ■ Limited players in this segment with Ample knowledge of basic saving product, but low for investment and insurance Start using digital banking technology Ultra Micro ⚫Mostly reliant on informal funding BRI, BPRS dominant in this segment ~15K +627K Micro Outlets(1) BRILink Agents ~70K Micro Financial Advisors (2) BRI Comprehensive Ultra Micro and Micro Business Large Customer Base +35.3 Mn Borrowers (+14.4 Mn BRI, +14.0 Mn PNM, +7.0 Mn Pegadaian borrowers) +144 Mn micro depositors (based on account numbers) and +125 Mn (based on CIF) Comprehensive Product Offerings Lending: Individual (Secured & Unsecured), Group Lending, Pawn Lending Deposits: Saving Account, Current Account, Time Deposit Insurance: Life and Health Insurance, General insurance Investment: Gold Savings Community-based Business Model From Locals to Locals: Ultra Micro & Micro business employees (from salesforces to the head of BRI Units) are from local community to build trust with local customers and support local development. BANK Extensive Banking Networks 6,647 BRI Micro Outlets 627,012 BRILink Agents 4,086 Pegadaian Outlets 4,197 PNM Outlets Experienced Financial Advisors ~70k Financial Advisors ( +27K BRI, +2.1K Pegadaian & +40.7k PNM) to serve and empower the ultra micro & micro customers Digitized Business Process BRISPOT Micro, Pegadaian Selena, PNM Digi (Digital Loan Underwriting System) BRILink Mobile (Mobile App for Brilink Agents) Micro Payment Ecosystem Pasar ID (Payment ecosystem for traditional market merchants and buyers) Stroberi Cashier (Integrated electronic transaction solutions for micro customers) Source: BRI's public filings. Notes: (*) High Network Individual (1) Micro outlets include BRI Unit, Teras BRI, Pegadaian Outlets & PNM Outlets. (2) Micro Financial Advisors Include BRI's Micro Financial Advisor, AO Pegadaian & AO PNM 15#16Key Characteristics of Ultra Micro & Micro Customers 2 HYBRID BANK BUSINESS MODEL Combining Physical Presence and Digital Capabilities (Phygital) to Match Customer Journey 1 Familiar with digital platforms, although smartphone penetration remains low Limited knowledge of financial products beyond savings account 3 Cash still being the dominant chosen method of transactions Digitizing Core Digitize existing services and transactions (business process) to boost productivity & unleash the potential Digital Loan BRI Underwriting SPOT Integrated Digital Sales Platform SenyuM Mobile Mobile Banking Super Apps BRI mo Smart Virtual Assistance Digital Office Application BRIStars My Bian World Digital Learning Application bris Art 4 5 Need a financial institution that is "locally embedded" and is able to "gain their trust" Majority without stable income Digital Ecosystem Build ecosystem to offer products and services beyond core business to leverage new liquidity, new opportunities and new source of growth Digital Ecosystem Platform (B2B, B2B2C) Digital BRIMOLA Household LPG Ordering System School BRI Integrated HAR Management Smart Billing System System STR BERI pasar.ta С2С Місто Payment- Traditional Market Transaction Ecosystem Partnership & Collaboration BRI ap Open Application Programming Interface Fintech Ventures BRIventures Capital E-Commerce Partnership P2P Partnership Partnership Ride Hailing Partnership New Digital Propositions Create and launch an independent greenfield digital bank to tap the untapped segment and embedded in customer's life Prefers banking via an agent 6 rather than digital banking 7 model Open to beyond banking offerings to help grow the business Source: Company's Research and Surveys, 2020 ........... BRI HYBRID BANK BRI BRAIN BRI Big Data & Al Buildige Digital Nation Loan Digital ceria BRI Pinang rayo Digital Saving BRI digital Digital Capabilities saving Physical Presences Digital aya Bank 02 70 ~8500 Outlets +250,000 E-Channels Outlets E-Channels ■ +1000 Branches & Sub-branches ■ +6600 Micro Outlets ■ 860 Cash Offices & Payment Points +13,800 ATMs +8,000 CRMs +228,000 EDCs 627,012 BRILink Agents BRI Branchless Banking Simple Financial transaction Services (i.e., money transfer, cash withdrawal, billing payment) Loan Referral Saving Referral ■ Micro Insurance Referral +37,000 Experienced Financial Advisors +79,000 (Group incld. Pegadaian & PNM) BRI Digital Advisors ("Penyuluh Digital") Digital Acquisition, Digital Transaction, and Digital Education Note: All numbers are bank only, unless stated as consolidated 16 BRI#17SOLID FOUNDATION FOR LOW-COST FUND BRI CASA Focus Strategies to Optimize Market Potential and BRI Large Customer Base BRI CASA Performance CASA Potential CASA Growth (IDR Trillion) Financial Inclusion Index 66.9% 63.3% 61.0% 85.10% 59.0% 76.19% 870.5 67.80% 714.0 642.2 572.2 2019 2020 2021 2022 2016 2019 2022 High double digit CASA growth of 15.0% (CAGR 3Y) Source: National Survey of Financial Literacy & Inclusion 2019 by Financial Services Authority . Customer Oriented CASA Products I 03 BRI Broad range products for various customers' needs Savings - Simpedes, Simpedes Bisa, Simpedes UMi, Britama, Britama Bisnis, Britama Valas,, Britama Rencana, Britama Junio, Tabunganku Current Account - Giro BRI Re-Inventing Business Model Digital Ecosystem Platform Close Loop Ecosystem I Improve Customer Experience by re-inventing the business process (BRILink, BRIMO, Digital Saving) Providing customized payment platform to capture new growth potential (BRI Open API, BRIMOLA, Junio Smart) Capturing the liquidity potential based on commodity (, Commodity ¦ Payment Chain) Cost of Fund 3.58% 3.22% 2.05% 1.87% Money Outside Banks (IDR Tn) 831.2 840.5 760.1 586.6 625.4 654.8 Subsidiaries' Synergies I I 2019 2020 2021 2022 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 I Culture & Capabilities Aggressive efficiency efforts lead decreasing COF ratios to 1.87% *Source: Indonesia Financial Statistic Nov 2022; Increasing share of wallet through BRI Group Synergy (joint acquisition/cross selling) CASA Focus KPIs, Empowering Customer's Digital savviness by extending RM's role as Digital Advisors 17#18ROBUST CAPITAL MANAGEMENT TO ENSURE OPTIMUM RETURN Optimizing Capital for Sustainable Business Growth and Shareholders' Return 25.28% 22.55% 1.01% 24.27% 21.21% 1.06% 20.15% 1.03% 21.52% 20.61% 1.02% 19.59% REGULATORY REQUIREMENT 17.5% If all Basel 3 fully implemented 15.0% Normal condition DPO 85% DPO 65% 12.5% DPO 50% DPO 60% OJK Relaxation During Pandemic 2018 2019 Tier 1 CAR 2020 Tier 2 CAR 2021 O-Total CAR 23.30% * 1.00% 22.30% 50 04 BRI Interim Dividend** Max 2.5% (Countercyclical Buffer) 2.5% (Capital Conservation Buffer) 2.5% (Capital Surcharge on Systemic Bank) 10% (CAR based on Risk Profile) 2022 *As of Jan'23, as part of the implementation of Basel 3, the change on RWA of Operational & Credit Risk adds ~200bps to BRI total CAR ** Based on Sept 22 performance, BRI distributes interim dividends of Rp57 per share or with a maximum total amount of Rp8.63 Trillion with the payment date on 27 January 2023 and will be calculated as part of the total Full Year 2022 dividend Note: All numbers are bank only, unless stated as consolidated 18#19. • VALUE BEYOND PROFIT, COMMITMENT TO ESG At The Forefront of ESG Implementation BRI Sustainability Journey 2021 • Established The Ultra Micro Ecosystem • Established Dedicated ESG Work Unit • Established ESG Committee • Constituent of Indonesia ESG Leader Index 05 BRI Sustainable Loan Portfolio 2022 • Established ESG Roadmap • Issued Green Bond (IDR 5 Tn) 67.5% • & Signatory of Partnership for IDR Bn 65.1% 694.9 Carbon Accounting Financials 13.1% YoY 62.5% • (PCAF) New Green office Building "BRILIAN Tower" 614.2 550.4 • BRI Menanam Program • Pulp & Paper Loan Policy FY 2020 FY 2021 Sustainable Loan 2019 Issued sustainability bond ($ 500 Mn) Submitted Sustainable Finance Action 2020 Conducted Green House Gas (GHG) Emission Calculation Plan 2019 2024 2018 2017 • Issued internal ESG Policies (General Sustainable Finance & CPO Policy) First Mover on Sustainable Banking علما Appointed as a Chairman of Indonesia Sustainable Finance Initiative (IKBI) 2013 Published 1st Sustainability Report FY 2022 % Composition to Total Loan Empowering Women Through Ultra Micro Ecosystem BRI 67.5% of BRI Total loan was disbursed to Sustainable Loan Activity. Mekaar Female Borrowers In Mn Mekaar Loan Outstanding IDR Bn 13.9 11.1 7.8 25.4% yoy 35,812 26,255 FY 2020 15,692 36.4% yoy FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 +40,000 Female Mekaar AO Through PNM Mekaar, BRI strengthen its contribution to empowering underprivileged woman 19#20BRI FY'22 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHT AgenBRILink S PIS PENYERAHAN Penerima SPUN BRI 20#21Performance Highlight: Consolidated vs Bank Only Bank Only (IDR Billion) BRI Consolidated Description 2021 2022 g YoY 2021 2022 g YoY Total Assets 1,572,761 1,750,995 11.3% 1,678,098 1,865,639 11.2% Total Loans & Financing (Gross) 943,703 1,029,803 9.1% 1,042,867 1,139,077 9.2% Total Deposits 1,127,849 1,300,776 15.3% 1,138,743 1,307,884 14.9% Net Profit 32,215 47,828 48.5% 30,756 51,408 67.1% NPL (gross) 3.08% 2.82% -0.27% 3.00% 2.67% -0.32% NPL Coverage Credit Cost 278.1% 291.5% 13.39% 281.2% 305.7% 24.57% 3.42% 2.47% -0.95% 3.78% 2.55% -1.23% CASA 63.30% 66.92% 3.62% 63.08% 66.70% 3.63% LDR 83.67% 79.17% -4.50% 83.53% 78.82% -4.70% COF 2.05% 1.87% -0.18% 2.36% 2.06% -0.30% NIM 6.89% 6.80% -0.08% 7.70% 7.85% 0.15% Cost to Income Ratio (CIR) 43.26% 41.95% -1.30% 48.56% 47.38% -1.18% Operating Expense to Operating Income 74.30% 64.20% -10.10% 78.54% 69.10% -9.44% ROA after tax 2.23% 3.03% 0.79% 2.13% 3.01% 0.88% ROE B/S 14.09% 16.76% 2.67% 13.86% 17.63% 3.78% Total CAR 25.28% 23.30% -1.98% 27.16% 25.54% -1.62% 21#22D& SenyuHa PNM SATOAS PENYERAHAN BANSOS BRI BRI BRI CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHT 22 22#23BALANCE SHEET HIGHLIGHT - CONSOLIDATED Positive Loan & Financing Growth Along with Improving CASA Composition BRI Total Assets (IDR Trillion) Loan & Financing (IDR Trillion) MSME Composition 11.2% YoY 9.2% YoY Total Assets 1,678.1 1,865.6 1,139.1 1,042.9 16.1% 15.3% Total Earning Assets 1,588.9 168.3 173.8 278 2.7% 2.4% 1,666.0 4.8% YoY 27.8 218.6 20.4% 19.2% 212.5 526.9 546.0 -3.5% YoY 167.6 14.4% 14.7% 150.4 MSME 83.9% MSME 84.7% 551.3 46.4% 48.4% 1,042.9 1,139.1 9.2% YoY 483.9 2021 2021 2022 2022 ■Loan & Financing Non Loan & Financing g YoY Micro 13.9% Consumer Small Medium 11.5% 2.9% -0.1% Corporate 3.3% Source of Funding (IDR Trillion) 1,305.7 167.0 Third Party Fund (IDR Trillion) ↑ 12.6% YoY 1,470.7 1,307.9 1,138.7 162.8 -2.5% YoY 435.5 420.5 522.6 1,307.9 14.9% YoY 497.7 1,138.7 349.8 220.6 2021 2022 2021 2022 ■Demand Deposits Savings ■Time Deposits Third Party Fund (TPF) Non TPF g YoY 58.6% 5.0% 3.6% 2021 2022 Micro Consumer Small Medium Corporate CASA Composition 14.9% YoY (IDR Tn) 63.1% 66.7% 872.4 718.3 CASA 21.5% YoY 2021 CASA 2022 CASA Composition 23 23#24PROFITABILITY HIGHLIGHT - CONSOLIDATED High PPOP Growth Coupled with More Efficient Provision Expense Drives Strong Net Profit Growth NII BRI (IDR Trillion) Fee Income P&L Movement 27.3 -1.6 151.9 124.6 Interest Income Interest Expense NII 47.3 82.2 Net Fee & Operating Premium Other Opr. Expenses Income Income 27.0 (IDR Trillion) 114.1 9.2% YoY 2021 124.6 17.1 10.2% YoY 2022 2021 Opr Expense* 75.9 8.3% YoY 91.3 2021 64.6 51.4 82.2 PPOP 80.4 13.5% YoY 2022 2021 Provision Expense PPOP Provision Profit Expenses Before Tax Net Profit 39.3 g YoY 5.8% -7.3% 9.2% 51.2% 14.8% 8.3% 13.5% -31.3% 57.6% 67.1% *Other Operating Expense includes COGS of PGDE (Gold business) **Profit attributable to parent company as of 2022 is Rp51.2 Tn 2021 -31.3% YoY 27.0 30.8 2022 2021 18.8 2022 91.3 2022 Net Profit* ** 67.1% YoY 51.4 2022 24 24#25KEY METRICS - CONSOLIDATED Solid Performance across Major Metrics NPL & Coverage LAR & Coverage NPL NPL Coverage LAR LAR Coverage 3.00% 23.31% 305.73% 2.67% 281.16% 36.14% 16.46% 49.66% ↓-0.32% 24.57% -6.85% 13.52% 83.53% LDR* Cost of Fund NIM 4.70% 78.82% 2.36% -0.30% 2.06% 7.70% ↑ 0.15% BRI Credit Cost 7.85% 3.78% -1.23% 2.55% 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 48.56% 2021 CIR -1.18% 47.38% 2022 Operating Expense to Operating Income ROA BT 78.54% 2021 -9.44% 69.10% 2022 2.64% 2021 1.15% 3.79% 2022 2.13% 2021 ROA AT ROE B/S 0.88% *Only calculated BRI and Raya financial numbers. If loan & financing of all subsidiaries are calculated, LDR is 91.58% in 2021 and 87.09% in 2022 Total CAR 17.63% 27.16% 3.01% 25.54% -1.62% 13.86% -1.63% 26.16% 24.53% 3.78% 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 25#26D& SenyuHa PNM SATOAS PENYERAHAN BANSOS BRI BRI BRI BANK ONLY PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHT 26 26#27BALANCE SHEET HIGHLIGHT - BANK ONLY Solid Loan Growth Driven by Micro Loan, Coupled by Improving CASA Composition Total Assets (IDR Trillion) MSME Composition BRI Loan & Financing (IDR Trillion) 11.3% YoY 9.1% YoY Total Assets 1,572.8 1,751.0 1,029.8 943.7 18.3% 17.5% Total Earning 1,504.8 1,573.6 4.6% YoY 172.4 180.6 210 2.2% 2.0% Assets 20.8 216.9 21.6% 21.1% -3.1% YoY 543.8 561.1 943.7 1029.8 9.1% YoY 圓圓 204.1 161.7 15.8% 15.7% 149.4 MSME MSME 81.7% 82.5% 449.6 42.1% 43.7% 397.0 2021 2022 Loans Other Earning Assets Source of Funding (IDR Trillion) 2021 2022 Micro g YoY 13.3% Consumer Small Medium 8.3% 6.2% 0.7% Corporate 4.8% Third Party Fund (IDR Trillion) 2021 2022 Micro Consumer Small Medium Corporate CASA Composition 15.3% YoY (IDR Tn) 1,300.8 13.4% YoY 1,396.1 1,231.1 1,127.8 95.4 -7.6% YoY 430.2 103.2 413.9 521.0 1,300.8 15.3% YoY 494.6 1,127.8 349.5 66.9% 63.3% 870.5 CASA 21.9% YoY 219.4 714.0 2021 2022 2021 2022 Demand Deposit Saving Time Deposit 2021 2022 Third Party Fund (TPF) Non TPF g YoY 59.3% 5.4% 4.0% 27#28PROFITABILITY HIGHLIGHT - BANK ONLY Strong Net Profit Growth Driven by High Double Digit PPOP Growth and More Efficient Provision Expenses P&L Movement 38.3 22.8 56.6 23.6 (IDR Trillion) NII 95.8 5.4% YoY 2021 Opr Expense 101.0 BRI (IDR Trillion) Fee Income 16.5 11.6% YoY 2022 2021 56.6 PPOP 73.4 12.6% YoY 123.8 54.8 3.4% YoY 101.0 82.7 2021 2022 59.4 2021 47.8 Provision Expense Interest Income Interest Expense NII Fee & Other Operating Opr. Income Expenses PPOP Tax Provision Profit Before Net Profit Expenses 34.0 g YoY 3.3% -4.9% 5.4% 18.3% 3.4% 12.6% -30.7% 51.5% 48.5% 23.6 32.2 -30.7% YoY Net Profit 48.5% YoY 18.5 2022 82.7 2022 47.8 28 2021 2022 2021 2022#29MODIFICATION LOSS IMPACTS IN 2022 REGULATIONS PSAK 71 par 5.4.3 When the contractual cash flows of a financial asset are renegotiated or modified and does not result in the derecognition of the financial asset. In accordance with this statement, the entity recalculates the gross carrying amount of the financial asset and recognizes any gain or loss arising from the modification in the profit or loss. SE OJK No.34/SEOJK.03/2021 The modified gain or loss is calculated as the difference between the discounted new contractual cash flows using the contract's initial effective interest rate and the carrying amount of the credit (day 1 gain/loss), recorded as part of the interest. Note: all numbers are bank only, unless stated as consolidated FY 2022 BRI (Rp billion) Items Published Number One-Off Impacts Adjusted Number Interest Income 124,009 Interest Expense 23,042 NII 7,557 131,566 23,042 100,967 7,557 108,524 NIM (YtD) 6.80% 0.48% 7.28% Yield (YtD) 10.82% 0.71% 11.53% Note: The one-off impacts are related to modification loss due to restructuring in a few primary companies (business sectors of manufacturing, airline, infrastructures, & others) 29 29#30* 83.67% KEY METRICS - BANK ONLY Improving Major Key Matrics LDR & MIR 79.17% 82.77% Cost of Fund 6.89% 2.05% 1.87% -0.18% NIM 79.95% 1.91% 1.73% -0.18% ↓ -0.08% Credit Cost 6.80% 3.42% -0.95% 2.47% 43.26% CIR -1.30% BRI 41.95% 4.50% -2.82% 2021 2022 LDR MIR Cost of Deposits ■COF (Liabilities) 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 Operating Expense to Operating Income 74.30% 2021 -10.10% 64.20% 2022 MIR: Macroprudential Intermediary Ratio 2.72% ROA BT 1.04% 3.76% 2.23% ROA AT 0.79% ROE B/S Total CAR 16.76% 25.28% +-1.98% 3.03% 23.30% 14.09% 2.67% -1.97% 24.27% 22.30% 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 CAR Tier 1 Total CAR 30#31LOAN QUALITY - BANK ONLY Improving LAR with Conservative Provisioning Strategy Loan At Risk (LAR) Current Restructured Loan 24.11% 17.11% 17.33% SML 3.87% 3.70% 10.42% 3.08% NPL BRI 2.82% 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 Covid-19 Restru. Loan - Outstanding Coverage Write Off & Recovery Rate (IDR Trillion) 22.1% 21.2% 21.3% 19.2% 17.8% 16.6% NPL Coverage LAR Coverage Write Off (IDR Trillion) Recovery 193.7 186.6 190.6 175.2 166.2 157.0 8-8-8-8-8-8-0-0-0-0 14.8% 12.9% 11.6% 10.4% 291.54% 48.00% 35.56% 144.3 129.6 4.6 -2.6 0.8 -5.3 -2.6 -0.1 -4.8 -4.2 -3.7 -4.0 116.5 107.2 278.14% 59.1% 20.2 14.6 60.9% 11.9 8.9 Sep Dec Mar 2020 Jun Sep Dec Mar 2021 Jun Sep Dec 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 Total - Monthly % to Total Loan Note: All numbers are bank only, unless stated as consolidated 31#32GUIDANCE & KEY TAKEAWAYS AgenBRILink S PIS PENYERAHAN Penerima SPUN BRI 32#332022 BRI GROUP GUIDANCE FY'22 Actual FY'22 Guidance FY'23 Guidance I Loan Growth (YoY) 9.2% 9% -11% 10% -12% I I Net Interest Margin 7.85% 7.7% - 7.9% 7.7% - 7.9% I I I Cost of Credit 2.55% 2.7% -2.9% 2.2% -2.4% I I I Opex Growth 8.3% 6% - 8% I I I NPL 2.67% 2.8% -3% 2.6% -2.8% I CIR (Bank Only) 41.95% 40% -41.5% I 33 33 BRI#34KEY TAKEAWAYS BRI STRONG DOUBLE-DIGIT NET PROFIT GROWTH, REACHING AN ALL TIME HIGH, DRIVING ROE HEADING BACK TO PRE-PANDEMIC LEVELS, AMID THE HIGHER LEVEL OF CAPITAL Composition of Micro loan, the Higher Lending Yield segment, Increased to 48% from 40% Of Total Loans with the Integration of Ultra Micro Holding ➤ Ample Liquidity and Ongoing Transformation towards Low-cost Liabilities Structure for COF Efficiency Lowering Cost of Credit from Improvement on Asset Quality Continuously Improving Cost Controls by Focusing on Efficiency Ratio Improvements and Group Wide Synergies ROBUST CAPITAL POSITION SUPPORTS GROWTH AND DELIVERS VALUE THROUGH HIGHER THAN PEER DIVIDEND PAYOUT RATIO 34#35SATOAS PENYERAHAN BANSOS BRI D& SenyuHa PNM BRI SUPPORTING MATERIAL 35#36AgenBRILink FY'22 CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE S PIS PENYERAHAN Penerima SPUN BRI 36#37FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS - CONSOLIDATED Description Asset/Liabilities Total Assets (IDR Billion) Total Loans & Financing (Gross) (IDR Billion) Total Deposits (IDR Billion) Asset Quality NPL (gross) NPL Coverage Liquidity CASA LDR* Profitability Net Profit (IDR Billion) Cost of Fund (CoF) Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 BRI (IDR Billion) g YoY % 2021 2022 Nom 1,650,279 1,652,839 1,684,604 1,075,927 1,104,785 1,111,478 1,126,495 1,136,982 1,139,765 1,678,098 1,042,867 1,138,743 1,865,639 187,541 11.2% 1,139,077 96,210 9.2% 1,307,884 169,141 14.9% 3.09% 286.23% 3.26% 3.09% 266.26% 278.79% 3.00% 281.16% 2.67% 305.73% -0.32% 24.57% 63.63% 65.12% 65.43% 63.08% 66.70% 86.96% 88.45% 88.51% 83.53% 78.82% 3.63% -4.70% 12,220 24,876 39,311 30,756 51,408 20,652 67.1% 1.97% 1.91% 1.94% 2.36% 2.06% -0.30% NIM 7.72% 8.24% 8.21% 7.70% 7.85% 0.15% Cost to Income Ratio (CIR) 44.62% 44.30% 45.07% 48.56% 47.38% -1.18% Operating Expense to Operating Income 69.34% 69.56% 68.36% 78.54% 69.10% -9.44% ROA before tax 3.69% 3.76% 3.94% 2.64% 3.79% 1.15% ROA after tax ROE Tier 1 ROE BS 2.94% 3.00% 3.15% 2.13% 3.01% 0.88% 7 19.00% 19.36% 20.12% 16.04% 19.53% 3.48% 17.22% 17.48% 18.16% 13.86% 17.63% 3.78% Capital Tier1 CAR Total CAR 23.61% 24.05% 25.14% 26.16% 24.50% -1.66% 24.61% 25.06% 26.14% 27.16% 25.51% -1.65% *Only calculated BRI and Raya financial numbers. If loan & financing of all subsidiaries are calculated, LDR is 91.58% in 2021 and 87.09% in 2022 Financial figures for 2021 is restated to include Pegadaian and PNM in accordance with PSAK 38 37#38BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED Description Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 BRI IDR Billion g YoY Nom % Total Assets 1,650,279 1,652,839 1,684,604 1,678,098 1,865,639 187,541 11.2% - Gross Loans & Financing 1,075,927 1,104,785 1,111,478 1,042,867 1,139,077 - Other Earnings Assets 485,882 451,412 447,448 546,047 96,210 9.2% 526,891 (19,155) -3.5% Total Earning Assets 1,561,809 1,556,197 1,558,926 1,588,914 1,665,968 77,054 4.8% Earning Assets Provision (93,962) (97,760) (98,130) (89,821) (94,975) (5,154) 5.7% Total Earning Assets (net) 1,467,848 1,458,437 1,460,796 1,499,093 1,570,993 71,900 4.8% Total Non-Earning Assets 182,432 194,402 223,808 179,004 294,646 115,641 64.6% Total Liabilities & S.E 1,650,279 1,652,839 1,684,604 1,678,098 1,865,639 187,541 11.2% Total Customer Deposits 1,126,495 1,136,982 1,139,765 1,138,743 1,307,884 169,141 14.9% - Demand Deposits 227,551 240,047 245,644 220,590 349,756 129,165 58.6% - Savings 489,258 500,372 500,083 497,677 522,648 24,971 5.0% -Time Deposits 409,687 396,563 394,038 420,476 435,481 15,004 3.6% Other Interest-Bearing Liabilities 141,070 142,287 158,497 167,005 162,817 (4,187) -2.5% Non-Interest-Bearing Liabilities 106,727 87,305 86,007 80,563 91,543 10,979 13.6% Tier I Capital 248,252 256,619 270,798 266,166 274,539 8,373 3.1% Total Shareholder's Equity 275,986 286,265 300,336 291,787 303,395 11,609 4.0% 38 Financial figures for 2021 is restated to include Pegadaian and PNM in accordance with PSAK 38#39INCOME STATEMENT - CONSOLIDATED BRI IDR Billion g YoY Description Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 Nom % Interest Income Interest Expense 36,732 76,861 115,252 143,523 151,875 8,351 5.8% (6,325) (12,247) (18,744) (29,429) (27,278) 2,151 -7.3% Net Interest Income Net Premium Income Fee & Other Opr. Income Gross Operating Income Other Operating Expenses 30,407 64,614 96,507 114,094 124,597 10,503 9.2% 278 855 830 1,043 1,577 534 51.2% 10,474 20,828 32,643 41,216 49,967 102,319 154,338 191,729 (18,365) (38,225) (58,578) (75,918) 47,303 6,087 14.8% 208,115 16,386 8.5% (82,192) (6,274) 8.3% Pre-Provision Operating Profit 22,794 48,071 71,403 Provision Expenses (7,474) (16,926) (22,565) 80,435 (39,291) 91,285 10,850 13.5% (26,979) 12,312 -31.3% Non-Operating Income (Net) 40 79 401 (152) 291 Profit Before Tax n Minor. Int. 15,360 31,224 49,238 40,992 64,597 443 -290.8% 23,605 57.6% Income Before Pro Forma Net Income Arising From Acquisition Transaction With Entities Under Common Control 12,220 24,876 39,311 33,156 51,408 18,252 55.0% Pro Forma Net Income Arising From Acquisition Transaction With Entities Under Common Control Net Profit - full year 12 months (2,401) 12,220 24,876 39,311 30,756 51,408 20,652 67.1% 39 Financial figures for 2021 is restated to include Pegadaian and PNM in accordance with PSAK 38#40AgenBRILink FY'22 BANK ONLY PERFORMANCE S PIS PENYERAHAN Penerima SPUN BRI 40#41FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHT - BANK ONLY Description Asset/Liabilities Total Assets (IDR Billion) Total Loans (Gross) (IDR Billion) Total Deposits (IDR Billion) Asset Quality NPL (gross) NPL Coverage LAR LAR Coverage Credit Cost Liquidity CASA LDR Profitability Net Profit (IDR Billion) g YoY BRI IDR Billion Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 Nom % 1,540,856 1,542,793 1,575,760 1,572,761 974,802 1,118,705 1,003,616 1,128,249 1,007,118 1,132,673 943,703 1,127,849 1,750,995 1,029,803 1,300,776 178,234 11.3% 86,100 9.1% 172,927 15.3% 3.15% 275.66% 3.32% 265.15% 3.14% 275.88% 3.08% 2.82% -0.27% 278.14% 291.54% 13.39% 22.58% 20.78% 19.28% 24.11% 17.11% -7.00% 38.50% 42.39% 44.90% 35.56% 48.00% 12.44% 2.96% 3.35% 2.88% 3.42% 2.47% -0.95% 63.75% 65.36% 65.65% 63.30% 66.92% 87.14% 88.95% 88.92% 83.67% 79.17% 3.62% -4.50% 10,903 23,826 37,185 32,215 47,828 15,612 48.5% Cost of Fund (CoF) 1.73% 1.70% 1.73% 2.05% 1.87% -0.18% NIM 6.85% 7.35% 7.23% 6.89% 6.80% -0.08% Cost to Income Ratio (CIR) 38.37% 37.11% 38.99% 43.26% 41.95% -1.30% Operating Expense to Operating Income 64.26% 63.98% 62.59% 74.30% 64.20% -10.10% ROA before tax 3.56% 3.82% 3.97% 2.72% 3.76% 1.04% ROA after tax 2.84% 3.11% 3.21% 2.23% 3.03% 0.79% ROE Tier 1 ROE B/S Capital Tier1 CAR Total CAR 19.11% 21.38% 22.00% 16.87% 20.93% 4.05% 15.39% 17.08% 17.58% 14.09% 16.76% 2.67% 21.39% 21.97% 23.00% 24.27% 22.30% -1,97% 22.39% 22.97% 24.00% 25.28% 23.30% -1,98% 41#42BALANCE SHEET - BANK ONLY Balance Sheet Optimization Supported by High Growth in Low-Cost Fund BRI IDR Billion g YoY Description Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 Nom % Total Assets - Gross Loans - Other Earnings Assets Total Earning Assets 1,540,856 1,542,793 1,575,760 1,572,761 1,750,995 178,234 11.3% 974,802 503,679 1,003,616 1,007,118 943,703 1,029,803 86,100 9.1% 468,812 465,239 561,094 1,478,481 1,472,428 1,472,357 1,504,797 Earning Assets Provision (86,837) (90,315) (89,389) (82,868) Total Earning Assets (net) 1,391,643 1,382,113 1,382,969 1,421,928 Total Non-Earning Assets 149,213 160,681 192,791 Total Liabilities & S.E 1,540,856 1,542,793 1,575,760 150,833 1,572,761 Total Customer Deposits 1,118,705 1,128,249 1,132,673 1,127,849 - Demand Deposits 227,276 239,990 245,628 - Savings 485,911 497,473 497,942 219,397 494,576 - Time Deposits 405,518 390,786 389,103 413,876 Other Interest-Bearing Liabilities 77,055 78,088 93,694 103,204 543,806 (17,288) -3.1% 1,573,609 68,812 4.6% (86,447) (3,578) 4.3% 1,487,162 65,233 4.6% 263,833 113,000 74.9% 1,750,995 178,234 11.3% 1,300,776 172,927 15.3% 349,492 130,095 59.3% 521,040 26,464 5.4% 430,244 16,368 4.0% 95,353 (7,851) -7.6% Non-Interest-Bearing Liabilities 76,552 57,496 57,390 55,291 Tier I Capital 212,728 221,101 233,847 231,397 Total Shareholder's Equity 268,544 278,961 292,003 286,418 61,244 234,728 293,622 5,954 10.8% 3,331 1.4% 7,204 2.5% 42#43LOAN PORTFOLIO – BANK ONLY - Micro Driven Persistent Loan Growth Capitalizing On Economic Recovery Momentum Loan Outstanding - by business segment Composition - by business segment (%) BRI (IDR Trillion) 1,029.8 943.7 880.7 859.6 180.6 24.1% 22.2% 19.1% 18.3% 17.5% 798.9 172.4 21.0 2.3% 2.2% 2.0% 168.4 191.1 20.8 2.3% 2.5% 192.5 20.0 216.9 22.4% 21.6% 21.1% 21.5 204.1 22.9% 23.1% 18.3 197.2 198.7 161.7 15.7% 15.8% 183.0 16.3% 149.4 16.4% 16.3% 143.7 140.5 130.8 449.6 39.9% 42.1% 43.7% 397.0 351.3 34.3% 35.8% 307.7 274.3 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Micro Consumer Small Medium Corporate Total YoY Growth (%) 13.3 8.3 6.2 0.7 4.8 9.1 (IDR Tn) 52.7 12.3 12.7 0.2 8.2 86.1 √ Since 2022, BRI has classified SOE and Corporate non-SOE into Corporate Segment 43 33#44DEPOSIT - BANK ONLY Strong CASA Growth with Manageable Cost of Fund Deposits Growth (IDR Trillion) YoY 15.3% 1,300.8 Deposits Composition, COF 3.58% 3.47% 1,127.8 3.22% 1,052.7 4.0% 3.49% 430.2 969.8 3.21% 898.0 3.06% 33.1% 413.9 410.5 397.5 342.7 36.7% 38.2% 39.0% CASA 21.9% 41.0% 2.05% 1.87% 494.6 459.1 378.9 404.4 521.0 5.4% 1.91% 1.73% 349.5 219.4 176.4 167.8 183.0 59.3% 61.8% 59.0% 61.0% 63.3% 66.9% 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Demand Deposit Saving Time Deposit O-Total 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Low Cost High Cost Cost of Fund (Liabilities) Cost of Deposits Note: all numbers are bank only, unless stated as consolidated BRI 44#45INCOME STATEMENT - BANK ONLY Stronger Profitability From Business Operation Efficiency and Moderated Credit Cost BRI IDR Billion g YoY Description Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 Nom % Interest Income 30,216 63,621 94,784 119,828 123,835 4,007 3.3% Interest from Loans 26,263 55,955 83,187 104,883 107,535 2,652 2.5% Int. from Other Earning Assets 3,953 7,667 11,596 14,945 16,300 1,355 9.1% Interest Expense (5,127) (9,915) (15,384) (24,008) (22,830) 1,178 -4.9% Net Interest Income 25,089 53,707 79,400 95,819 101,005 5,185 5.4% Fee & Other Operating Income 7,827 17,533 26,703 32,401 38,320 5,920 18.3% Gross Operating Income 32,916 71,239 106,103 128,220 139,325 11,105 8.7% Operating Expenses (12,618) (26,401) (41,182) (54,778) (56,618) (1,841) 3.4% Pre-Provision Operating Profit 20,298 44,838 64,920 73,442 82,706 9,264 12.6% Provision Expenses (6,695) (15,589) (19,364) (34,018) (23,564) 10,454 -30.7% Non-Operating Income (Net) 28 51 375 (203) 277 480-236.3% Profit Before Tax n Minor. Int. 13,631 29,300 45,931 39,221 59,419 20,199 51.5% Tax Expense (2,728) (5,474) (8,746) (7,005) (11,591) (4,586) 65.5% Net Profit 10,903 23,826 37,185 32,215 47,828 15,612 48.5% EPS* 356 389 405 263 391 127 48.5% Note: all numbers are bank only, unless stated as consolidated 45#46OTHER OPERATING INCOME & OPERATING EXPENSES - BANK ONLY Positive Other Operating Income Growth with Manageable Operating Expenses BBRI Fee & Other Operating Income Description Gain Fr Sales of Securities (realized) Increase in Fair Value of Securities (unrealized) Fees and Commissions Gain fr Forex Recovery Others Total Other Operating Income Operating Expenses Personnel General and Administration Description Losses from decrease of Securities and Govt. Bonds value Losses from sale of Securities and Govt. Bonds Losses from forex transaction Premium Paid on Govt Guarantees g YoY IDR Billion Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 Nom % 433 852 1,154 3,190 1,431 -1,759 -55.1% 75 43 20 50 50 4,271 8,798 13,644 16,548 18,470 1,921 11.6% 411 602 1,067 1,736 993 -743 -42.8% 2,336 5,022 8,245 8,918 11,857 2,939 33.0% 301 2,215 2,573 2,008 5,520 3,512 174.8% 7,827 17,533 26,703 32,401 38,320 5,920 18.3% IDR Billion g YoY Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 Nom % 7,179 14,458 20,949 29,961 29,316 (644) -2.2% 3,798 8,293 13,133 17,693 19,039 1,346 7.6% 34 Promotion 309 926 1,437 2,005 2,411 406 20.3% Others 1,332 2,724 5,664 5,085 5,852 767 15.1% Total Other Operating Expenses 12,618 26,401 41,182 54,778 56,618 1,841 3.4% 46 Note: all numbers are bank only, unless stated as consolidated#47FEE & OTHER OPERATING INCOME - BANK ONLY Optimizing Subsidiaries Roles Through Cross-Selling Potential Fee and Other Operating Income (IDR Billion) Fee and Commission - Composition YoY g = 18.3% 2021 g YoY = 11.6% 787 38,320 789 5% 5% 319 32,401 5,520 2% 4,376 26% 28,430 2,008 2,474 27,552 1,595 9% 2,035 4,926 22,777 4,564 4,051 11,857 1,697 1,787 11% 3,167 8,918 6,895 42% 1,510 7,161 6,997 6,200 18,470 14,293 15,183 16,548 11,900 ■Deposit Adm Fee ■Loan Adm Fee ■Non E-Channel Related Fee ■ Others YoY Growth 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Fees and Commissions Recovery Treasury Income Others Total Fee & Other Operating Income growth driven by Recovery Income and Fee Based Income. Ratio of Fee Based Income to Total Income reached 11.4%. Trade Finance & Int'l Business Related Fee 1,066 438 6% 922 2% 5% 4,628 25% 2,106 12% 1,919 10% 7,391 40% ■ E-Channel Related Fee ■Trade Finance & Int'l Business Related Fee ■Insurance Related Fee BRI (IDR Billion) 2022 Deposit Adm Fee 5.8% E-Channel Related Fee 7.2% Loan Adm Fee 7.4% 32.1% Non E-Channel Related Fee 37.4% Insurance Related Fee 35.0% Others 17.1% 47#48FINANCIAL RATIOS - BANK ONLY Solid Performance in Host Metrics Description Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 ΔΥΟΥ BRI CASA 63.75% 65.36% 65.65% 63.30% 66.92% 3.62% Cost of Fund (Liabilities) 1.73% 1.70% 1.73% 2.05% 1.87% -0.18% LDR 87.14% 88.95% 88.92% 83.67% 79.17% -4.50% Net Interest Margin (NIM) 6.85% 7.35% 7.23% 6.89% 6.80% -0.08% Cost to Income Ratio (CIR) 38.37% 37.11% 38.99% 43.26% 41.95% -1.30% Opr. Expense to Opr. Income 64.26% 63.98% 62.59% 74.30% 64.20% -10.10% NPL ratio Gross 3.15% 3.32% 3.14% 3.08% 2.82% -0.27% NPL Coverage 275.66% 265.15% 275.88% 278.14% 291.54% 13.39% LAR 22.58% 20.78% 19.28% 24.11% 17.11% -7.00% LAR Coverage 38.50% 42.39% 44.90% 35.56% 48.00% 12.44% Credit Cost 2.96% 3.35% 2.88% 3.42% 2.47% -0.95% Return on Assets (ROA) - b.t 3.56% 3.82% 3.97% 2.72% 3.76% 1.04% Return on Assets (ROA) - a.t 2.84% 3.11% 3.21% 2.23% 3.03% 0.79% Return on Equity (ROE) - Tier I 19.11% 21.38% 22.00% 16.87% 20.93% 4.05% Return on Equity (ROE) - B/S 15.39% 17.08% 17.58% 14.09% 16.76% 2.67% Tier I CAR 21.39% 21.97% 23.00% 24.27% 22.30% -1.97% Total CAR 22.39% 22.97% 24.00% 25.28% 23.30% -1.98% 48 48#49AgenBRILink BRI FY'22 LOAN QUALITY S PIS PENYERAHAN Penerima SPUN BRI 49#50LOAN QUALITY - BANK ONLY Classified Loan, Write Off, and Recovery Non-Performing Loan - by Segment NPL Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 NPL Coverage BRI 291.5% IDR Trillion Micro 1.77% 2.21% 2.12% 1.49% 1.74% 278.1% 275.7% 275.9% 265.2% Consumer 1.93% 2.00% 1.98% 1.78% 1.83% 84.7 88.4 87.2 84.6 80.9 Small 4.39% 4.71% 4.81% 4.05% 4.30% Medium 3.95% 3.83% 2.53% 3.57% 2.26% 30.7 33.3 31.6 29.1 29.0 Corporate 5.89% 5.25% 4.64% 6.68% 4.68% Total NPL 3.15% 3.32% 3.14% 3.08% 2.82% Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 Provision NPL -O-NPL Coverage Special Mention - by Segment SML Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 Write Off & Recovery 71.4% 60.9% 59.1% 56.0% 54.7% Micro 4.44% 5.06% 4.63% 3.03% 3.95% Consumer 2.95% 2.92% 3.04% 2.20% 2.76% 20.2 Small 5.46% 5.79% 5.69% 3.42% 4.30% Medium 3.14% 2.78% 2.66% 3.08% 2.55% 9.0 15.2 14.6 8.3 8.9 11.9 5.0 3.3 2.3 Corporate 7.25% 7.37% 7.53% 6.94% 4.32% Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 Total SML 4.91% 5.28% 5.09% 3.70% 3.87% Write Off Recovery Income Recovery Rate 50 Note: All numbers are bank only, unless stated as consolidated#51LOAN QUALITY - BANK ONLY Loan at Risk Continues to Decline Coupled with More Adequate Provisioning Loan At Risk % to Total Loan Total Restructured Loans % to Total Loan BRI Credit Risk Management Strategy 29.8% 28.3% 28.8% 27.3% 25.6% 24.1% 22.6% 20.8% 19.3% 17.1% 22.1% 21.2% 21.3% 19.2% 17.8% 22.1% 21.2% 21.3% 19.2% 16.6% 14.8% 12.9% 17.8% 16.6% 11.6% 14.8% 10.4% 12.9% 11.6% 27.2% 26.2% 26.3% 24.5% 23.0% Preventive and anticipative ways to mitigate uncertainties 21.8% 19.8% 17.8% 16.2% 14.4% 01 Build adequate provision in accordance with borrowers' risk classification 10.4% 7.7% 7.1% 7.6% 8.1% 7.8% 7.5% 7.8% 7.9% 7.7% 6.7% 9M'20 2020 1Q'21 1H'21 9M'21 2021 Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2022 LAR Non Covid-19 Restru Covid-19 LAR & LAR Coverage (Inc. Covid-19) Total LAR 5.1% 5.0% 5.1% 5.3% 5.1% 5.1% 5.0% 4.9% 4.7% 3.9% 9M'20 2020 Q1'21 1H'21 9M'21 2021 Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2022 Restru Non Covid-19 1 Restru Covid-19 Total Restructured Loans by Collectability 48.0% 44.9% 42.4% 38.5% 35.6% 33.3% 29.8% 31.0% 28.3% 28.8% 27.6% 27.3% 25.8% 25.6% 24.1% 22.6% 21.8% 20.8% 19.3% 17.1% 02 Conduct stress tests and portfolio review periodically Total Restru 03 Closely monitor borrowers' capacity, soft lending strategy, to anticipate cliff effect at the end of OJK relaxation 9.4% 11.0% 11.0% 16.4% 04 Early detection to see potential restructuring failures and develop strategy 79.6% 72.6% 05 Selective loan growth based on Loan Portfolio Guideline and "business follow stimulus" 2021 2022 9M'20 2020 10 21 1H'21 9M'21 2021 Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2022 Current SML NPL LAR LAR Coverage 51#52COVID-19 RESTRUCTURED LOAN - BANK ONLY Declining Restructured Loan Outstanding and Borrowers Outstanding Outstanding Composition by Segment Covid-19 Restru by Stage Covid-19 Restru by Collectability BRI 22.1% 21.2% 21.3% IDR Trillion 19.2% 193.7 186.6 190.6 8888888 17.8% 16.6% 14.8% 12% 2% 18% 1.3% 3.0% 1.3% 12.9% 11.6% 2% 5.3% 8.6% 5.5% 5.3% 8.6% 10.4% 10.4% 16.7% 175.2 166.2 43% 157.0 42% 144.3 4.6 -2.6 0.8 116.5 107.2 -5.3 -2.6 -0.1 -4.8 -4.2 -3.7 -4.0 129.6 95.7% 5% 87.1% 91.4% 93.2% 84.2% 6% 74.7% 37% 31% Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec 2020 2021 2022 Total - Monthly % to Total Loan Micro Small Consumer 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 ■Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Current SML NPL Medium # Borrowers Corporate and SOE 24.7% 21.6% 20.4% 19.2% in Million Covid-19 Loan Provisioning Covid-19 Restru Loan Movement (IDR Tn) ~90% 16.3% 14.0% 3.0 12.0% 10.5% 9.0% 7.7% 25.3% 15.4 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.3 17.70% 2.1 1.8 1.6 90.0 -5.7 42.2 260.6 ~62% 245.2 15.4 -0.0 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 1.4 -0.1 1.2 -0.1 7.27% 107.2 -0.2 -0.2 Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 -Total Monthly --% to Total Borrowers Accum. New Restru Restru Loan Loan FY'21 Accum. Restru Loan Paid Off Principal Restru Write Off Restru OS Payment Unflagged 9M'22 9M'22 52#53BUSINESS UPDATES AgenBRILink S PIS PENYERAHAN Penerima SPUN BRI 53#54D& SenyuHa PNM SATOAS PENYERAHAN BANSOS BRI BRI ULTRA MICRO & MICRO BUSINESS 54 54#55THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ULTRA MICRO ECOSYSTEM Strengthen BRI's Positioning In Micro Banking Through Integrated Customer Journey Ultra Micro Business will serve as BRI's New Source of Strong and Sustainable Growth BRI Business ecosystem of BRI, Pegadaian and PNM will create integrated customer journey through Unique Value Propositions 45mn required additional funding... XX 1 But only 15mn were served by formal financial institutions... # of Ultra Miro businesses 18mn 3 Not served 2 And 12mn were served by personal lending/informal lending... BRI 3mn Bank ~3mn Pawn lending Pegadaian ~6mn Group lending 15mn ~1.5mn 30mn BPR ~1.5mn Loan Fintech Friends & Shark Family 5mn 2 7mn 3 With the remaining 18mn still not served by any providers PNM Podari Entities Benefits BRI Market leader in micro banking, serving ~13mn micro borrowers and ~100mn micro depositors Pegadaian Market leader in pawn lending, serving ~6mn borrowers 1. EMPOWER PNM will empower the unfeasible and unbanked Ultra Micro customers to become independent entrepreneurs 2. INTEGRATE Through their increased capabilities and wider product offerings, Pegadaian and BRI UMi will serve the individual lending needs of the graduating PNM customers who have become feasible and banked 3. UPGRADE As the Ultra Micro customers mature, they will be upgraded to micro segment EA $ forg Economic Increasing entity's valuation and hence shareholder's value Social Improve living standards and reduce financing costs for UMI customers 1 Served by formal financial institutions PNM Market leader in group lending, serving and empowering ~10mn borrowers Served by personal lending/ informal lending The huge potential of Micro and ultra-micro business will serve as the new source of growth and therefore strengthen BRI's core competency in Micro and Small business. Source: Company, as of 2018 1 Comprehensive Financing Product Offering I PNM BRI BRI Pegadaian 2 Joint Customer Acquisition 3 Value Propositions 4 Wider Customer Point of Access Through Co-Location Access to Micro Payment Ecosystem & Beyond Banking Products 5 6 Data Analytics Sustainable Contribute to financial literacy and social inclusion for all Indonesians Empowerment & Increasing Capabilities 55#56ULTRA MICRO & MICRO ECOSYSTEM Comprehensive Financial Products & Services Offer Huge Potential for Cross Selling and Joint Acquisition BRI Access to comprehensive Ultra Micro & Micro Financing Products • Group Lending (PNM Mekaar): IDR 35.8 Tn (36.4% YoY), 13.9 mn borrowers (25.4% YoY) Pawn Lending (Pegadaian): IDR 51.5 Tn (10.6% YoY), 6.6 mn borrowers (5.4% YoY) • Micro Loan: a) BRI Micro Loan: IDR 449.6 Tn (13.3% YoY), 14.4 mn borrowers (7.8% YoY) b) PNM Ulamm: IDR 5.7 Tn (-22.2% YoY), 74K borrowers (-10.4% YoY) c) Pegadaian (Non-Pawn Lending): IDR 7.6 Tn (28.5% YoY), +317K borrowers (25.3% YoY) II: +35mn (13.3% YoY) Umi & Micro Borrowers Physical Outlets +15K units (1.3% YoY) (BRI Micro Outlets +6.5K (-5.7% YoY); Pegadaian +4,086 (0.0% YoY); PNM +4,197 (14.2% YoY) *Based on Company's Internal research as of 2020 4 +144mn Micro Deposit Account • ~30 Umi customers still need mn additional financing* Wider Points of Access Comprehensive Savings and Beyond Banking Products Micro Savings: IDR 367.7 Tn (3.2% YoY) Micro Insurance (Life/Health, House & Property): 35.6 mn insurance policies (67.83% YoY) • • Life/Health: 18.0 mn policies (76.45% YoY) . House: 9.7 mn policies (53.97% YoY) Property: 7.8 mn policies (67.77% YoY) Gold Savings & Investment: 3.4 mn customers & 7,417 kg gold OS (4.6% YoY) Mobile Banking (BRIMO): 23.8 mn users (68.46% YoY) Co-Location (Senyum Outlets) BRILink Agents BRI E-Channels Financial Advisors ~70K (13.5% YoY) (BRI 1,013 units (562.1% YoY); i 627K Agents (24.6% YoY) +250K units (11.3% YoY) BRI +27.2K (0.9% YoY); Pegadaian +2.1K (23.3% YoY); PNM +40.7K (23.2% YoY) 56#57THE ULTRA MICRO ECOSYSTEM UMI Holding Integration Synergies Impact on Financial Performance Loan Composition - Outstanding # Borrowers (in IDR Tr) Business Performance BRI (in Mio) 551.3 13.9% YoY 529.2 35.3 13.3% YoY 518.8 34.0 506.7 42.6 23.4% YoY 32.9 31.0 40.7 483.9 38.4 28.6 36.8 59.1 12.7% YoY 34.5 55.9 55.1 54.5 25.1% YoY 14.0 13.2 12.4 11.2 9.6 52.4 6.6 6.8 7.0 6.2% YoY 6.6 7.0 449.6 13.3% YoY 415.4 425.3 432.6 397.0 7.8% YoY 13.9 14.0 13.3 14.4 12.1 Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 * ■BRI Micro Pegadaian PNM Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 ■BRI Micro Pegadaian PNM BRI Pegadaian Key Ratios Cost of Fund Description 9M'21 2.1% FY'21 2.1% FY'22 1.9% 9M'21 FY'21 FY'22 9M'21 PNM FY'21 FY'22 6.2% 6.0% 4.9% 8.7% 8.6% 7.4% Opt. Expenses to Opt. Income 76.4% 74.3% 64.2% 75.5% 77.5% 71.3% 88.1% 88.3% 90.3% CIR 42.1% 43.3% 42.0% 63.0% 62.8% 63.7% 76.6% 74.5% 67.0% Pegadaian, PNM's Cost Of Fund (COF) calculated by dividing annualized interest expense with average monthly Interest Bearing Liabilities *As of Dec 22, PNM's financing outstanding include IDR 1,1 Tn disbursed to LKMS (Syariah Micro Financing Institution) and venture capital 40 57#58" ULTRA MICRO ECOSYSTEM USAGE ENABLERS Widening Customer Point of Access & Building Cashless Ecosystem Phase 1 - Set up the Foundation +1,000 Established co-location (Senyum outlet) across Indonesia. Cashless Ecosystem Mekaar BRILink Agent +69,000 BRILink Agent from Mekaar Group Members Established Cashless Transactions ~57% Trx Penetration of cashless transaction by Pegadaian & PNM customers in Senyum outlets Phase 2 - Strengthen BRI Strengthening Product Portfolio through Monoline Business Model Sales Acquisition Platform Development Total number of referrals from Senyum Mobile continue to increase (in Thousand) 138.9 63.7 10.1 Gold Referrals 477.0 (in Thousand) 77.90 50.87 29.48 3.06 Mar Jun Sept Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Total number of Integrated (in Million) Data Analytics Databases 26.3 25.4 23.4 34.2 Mar Jun Sept Dec Simpedes UMI +7 Mio Simpedes UMI account opened, paving the way for cashless disbursements Optimizing Empowerment Program Dedicated Digital Application for UMI Customers BRIGADE MADANI BRI (14 Pegadaian PNM BRIGade Madani reflects the movement of three entities' employee to foster sustainable performance and strengthen Ultra Micro economy Data Analytics for Hyper- Personalization 58#59BRI MICRO BUSINESS PERFORMANCE Double Digit Micro Loan Growth Micro Loan Outstanding BRI (IDR Trillion) Pandemic # Borrowers (in Mio) 13.3% Pandemic 7.8% (IDR Trillion) Third Party Fund Pandemic 3.2% 449.6 14.4 356.3 367.7 13.3 397.0 335.4 351.4 68.9 11.7 0.7 297.3 43.5 43.4 10.5 2.8 272.8 307.7 74.9 10.0 0.8 2.8 45.1 1.2 1.5 1.6 274.3 46.3 79.9 129.2 0.9 0.9 3.4 41.3 1.3 1.4 83.2 131.8 78.7 3.9 3.6 144.7 311.3 322.7 10.9 289.1 155.1 9.8 230.2 249.6 131.3 251.5 7.5 190.3 5.5 5.7 126.7 64.3 69.3 2018 KUR 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 Kupedes Briguna -Total g YoY KUR Kupedes Briguna 2021 -Total 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 g YoY Savings Demand Deposit ■Time Deposit - % CASA g YoY Growth YoY Growth YoY Growth YoY Product 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Product 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Product 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 KUR 8.5% 7.9% 82.8% 50.1% 32.2% KUR 7.4% 4.5% 31.4% 31.1% 10.8% Savings 10.9% 8.4% 15.8% 7.7% 3.7% Kupedes 20.6% 18.1% -6.7% -8.9% -1.9% Kupedes 7.2% 8.7% -12.8% -19.5% 2.7% Demand Deposit 18.2% 7.7% -12.9% 30.9% -7.5% Briguna 10.4% 5.8% -4.0% -6.3% -8.0% Briguna -1.9% -3.9% -9.8% -10.1% -13.6% Time Deposit 11.9% 12.1% -2.6% -3.7% 0.3% Total 14.5% 12.2% 14.2% 13.0% 13.3% Total 6.5% 5.3% 11.4% 13.5% 7.8% Total 11.1% 9.0% 12.8% 6.2% 3.2% 59 Bank only numbers#60D& SenyuHa PNM SATOAS PENYERAHAN BANSOS BRI BRI OTHER BUSINESS SEGMENTS 60 60#61BUSINESS UPDATES CONSUMER Outstanding (IDR Tn) 8.3% 161.7 149.4 143.7 21.1% 140.4 6.6 130.9 5.4 6.8 6.6 44.0 12.5% 6.0 27.1 32.3 35.7 39.1 % OS to Total SMALL Outstanding (IDR Tn) 6.0% 27.2% 97.8 101.3 101.3 104.8 111.1 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Salary Based Mortgage Others MEDIUM Outstanding (IDR Tn) 4.1% 68.7% 6.2% 216.9 198.7 197.2 204.2 183.0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 OS by Economic Sectors CORPORATE Outstanding (IDR Tn) OS by Economic Sectors Transportation 2% Business Services 7% Agribusiness 10% Trading, Hotel & Rest. 69% BRI Social Services 1% Mining 1% Industry Manufacturing 6% Electricity, Gas & Water 0% Construction 3% OS by Economic Sectors Social Services. Business Services. Social Services 2% 1% 6% 21.5 20.8 21.0 20.0 18.3 0.7% YoY H Transportation. 7% Mining 2% 192.5 191.1 Agribusiness 12% Industry Manufacturing 16% Trading, Hotel & Rost. 38% Electricity, Gas & Construction 15% Water 2% 4.8% YoY IIIH 180.6 Transportation 5% Business 168.4 172.4 Trading, Hotel & Rest. 7% Services Agribusiness 10% 14% Mining 7% Construction 11% Industry Manufacturing 26% Flectricity, Gas & Water 19% 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 19 61#62DIGITAL INITIATIVES AgenBRILink S PIS PENYERAHAN Penerima SPUN BRI 62#63BRILINK AGENT Redefining Agent's Roles to Tap The Untapped # Agents (Thousand) FBI (IDR Billion) SERVICES PROVIDED Ultra Micro Payment (synergy with Pegadaian & PNM) LinkAja Cash Withdrawal 503.2 24.6% 627.0 FY'21 FY'22 # of Transaction (Million) 929.4 16.0% 1,078.0 FY'21 FY'22 Loan & Saving Referrals (Thousand) 1,342.9 6.0% 1,423.6 FY'21 FY'22 Transaction Value (IDR Trillion) 1,143.6 13.5% FY'21 CASA (IDR Trillion) 17.6% YoY 63.7 462.7% YoY 937.7 19.4 54.2 166.7 FY'21 Loan Referrals FY'22 Saving Referrals 6.7% FY'21 1,297.7 FY'22 20.7 FY'22 58,896 villages covered by BRILink Agents (78.9% out of total villages) STRATEGY SERVICES Loan Installment Mobile Phone Voucher Cash Deposit & Withdrawal FOAM BRILink AgenBRILink BRI Bill Payment Money Transfer Cash Pickup • Productivity Enhance business process • Empower agent community & capabilities • Introduce agent loyalty programs Beyond Banking Transaction Develop agents as local super store • Utilize big data capabilities through BRIBRAIN • STRATEGY BRILINK 2.0 UMi Enabler • Redefine role of agents to support UMi Ecosystem ⚫ Integrate BRILink • platform with UMi Corner & Gadai platform Sales Channel Collaborator Increase numbers of cross sell BRI Group market- matched products • Platform integration to create excellent user experiences 63#64BRIMO Accelerating the Shift of Transaction into Digital OSDESIGN BRIMO BRI mo Halo, Nikolas! * 60%-> # Users (in Million) 14.2 BANK BRI FY'21 Pulsa BRIZZI Transfer Tarik Tunai Top Up Gopay Login PFM 68.5% 23.8 FY'22 Transaction Value (IDR Trillion) 1,345 98.5% 2,669 FY'21 FY'22 BUMN # Financial Trx (in Million) 1,825 869 110.0% FY'21 FY'22 B BRI Pake BRImo Transaksi Aman Super BUMN BRIMO e-Payment Bayar Bebas Repot Belanja Online BRI DO mo ***** સો વલસીમાં એ BRI ma op Up MPET ITAL BRI mo ah Transaksi nuh Gaya BRI BRI # of Financial Trx (in Million) Internet Banking 1,113 FY'21 74.8% 1,946 FY'22 *internet banking numbers shown incl. BRIMO transactions ATM 2,761 -0.45% 2,748 FY'21 FY'22 64#65BRISPOT Digitalize Business Process through BRISPOT, to Increase Productivity and Efficiency Boost Productivity & Unleash The Potential DIGITALIZATON .." WHAT'S ON BRISPOT?"... + 100 K USERS (LOAN OFFICERS & APPROVERS) +140 IMPACTFULL FEATURES BEFORE Double work Variative Financial Assessment No Cross Selling Modul AFTER All in one go Standardized Template Build-in Cross Sell Module AUTOMATION AFTER BEFORE Manual Prescreening Manual Disbursement Manually notify by loan officer Automated Pre- screening • Automatic Disbursement SMS & Email Notifications Selamat Datang BRISPOT Nasrani Yeay! Laba yang kamu hasilkan sebesar MANTAP BOSQUE Rp.1.311.357.458 BRI Micro Productivity BRISPOT FEATURES BY SEGMENT # Borrowers per Loan Officer MICRO +65 528 SMALL +34 CONSUMER +43 488 430 375 356 BRISPOT Features Boost Productivity . Sales & Pipeline • Working Area Mapping 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 • Portfolio Balancing Dashboard • UMi Corner Integration BRILink Partnership . WARUNG Profit and Loss Portfolio Loan Outstanding per Loan Officer Pemasaran Prakarsa Pembinaan umi CORNER Increase Efficiency • Automated Pre-Screening • Penagihan Umi Corner Pick Up Trx Less Paper All in one Application gog Pengelolaan Agunan Sosialisasi Monitoring Vaksin SIMPLIFICATION BEFORE Paper Based Manual Mapping Approval Process in 20 days AFTER Paperless Geo-tagging Technology Less in 1 day Reporting Agen Brilink . Pick Up Transaction BRISURF Integration Online Loan Application Letter Register Strengthen Risk Management Assistance (IDR Bio) 16.5 14.6 12.9 11.0 9.8 • Monitoring & Evaluation • Monitoring Point to Early Warning System Loan Collection Point KUR Limit Monitoring 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 • "Activity Today" 65#66BRI OSDESIGN DIGITAL SAVING Digital Business Process, Easy Access to Banking Services $221 8420 777 9:41 AM BANK BRI Selamat Datang di layanan pembukaan Rekening Bank BRI BritAr O Buka Rekening DIGITAL SAVING ...Create account anytime anywhere... $60% - Web Browser Digital Onboarding through BRIMO Apps BRI Digital Saving Advantages Easily accessed User Friendly Quick Approval Process No Visit Outlet BRI Bundled with BRIMO & Internet Banking mo pro Tabungan BRI BritAma BritAmaX Simpedes BISA Tabungan BRI BritAma Bisnis Simpedes Si Serba Bisa Tabungan BRI BritAma Giro BRI Transaksi Bisnis Anda # Total Account As of Dec 2022 (In Thousand) 1,312 FY'21 2,965 2,126 296% (YoY) Q1'22 # Deposit Amount As of Dec 2022 (IDR Trillion) 7.0 5,189 4,320 1H'22 9M'22 FY'22 11.8 12.1 9.5 Tell 4.5 170% (YoY) FY'21 Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 FY'22 66#67DIGITAL PLATFORM ECOSYSTEM Leverage New Liquidity, New Opportunities and New Source of Growth BRI BRIAPI Execute Digital Partnership with Precision & Speed (OpenAPI) API which stands for 'Application Programming Interface' connects business processes, services, content, and data to channel partners, internal teams, and independent developers in an easy and secure way. Digital Ecosystem Platform Build ecosystem to offer products and services beyond core business to leverage new liquidity, new opportunities and new source of growth As of Dec, 22 Transportation Ecosystem Healthcare Ecosystem BRI api BRI Virtual Account (BRIVA) Balance Inquiry Money Transfer BRIZZI Direct Debit Oil & Gas Ecosystem, Education Ecosystem, etc Platform BRIMOLA User ~131K (23.1% YoY) #Transaction Volume ~9Mn (29.5% YoY) IDR 12Tn (23.4% YoY) Agri Ecosystem (for LPG Agent & Distributor) BRI Smart BRI Smart Billing ~432K (91.1% YoY) ~559K (122.3% YoY) IDR 784Bn (65.4% YoY) Junio Junio Smart SMART ~357K (52.4% YoY) ~393K (194.8% YoY) IDR 339Bn (182.4% YoY) Fintech & E-Commerce As of Dec, 2022 Sales Volume IDR 468.6 Tn Transaction 457.1 Mn 150.0% yoy 91.6% yoy 132.9% yoy Fee Based Income 111.4 Bn¦ 714 Total Partners Online Traditional Market Platform pasar.a Launched on Jun 2020 #Registered Market #Market Traders #Transaction Transaction Volume 6,633 (0.6% YoY) 215.5K (13.7% YoY) 745.7K IDR 116.0 Bn#68DIGITAL ADVISOR ...Follow Customer's Digital Journey... Financial Inclusion Index 85.10% 76.19% 67.80% 2016 2019 2022 • Financial Literacy Index 49.69% 38.03% 29.70% BRI "To increase the financial and digital literacy of its customers, BRI introduced the role of Digital Advisors to increase customers' digital savviness and to assist them along the continuum of their digital journey" Based on The OJK's survey, Indonesia Financial Inclusion Index shown increasing trend reach 76.19% in 2019. However, the Financial Literacy Index remain relatively low at 38.09%. The survey held by The Ministry of Information and Communication in 2021 also shown that National Digital Literacy Index still in Medium category (score 3.49 out of 5) Digital Advisors Digital Acquisition Encourage customers to do banking transaction through BRI digital platform, e.g. opening digital saving, using BRIMO for daily financial transaction, etc. Digital Transaction Assist customers to perform Financial transactions through IB, Mobile Banking & BRIMO, etc. Secured Digital Transaction Educate customers to have secure financial transactions, ie. by maintaining personal data confidentiality such as biological mother's name, PIN, OTP, CVV, avoid using wifi in public areas, etc. "Digital Advisor proactively educate BRI customers to prevent Social Engineering” G20 INDONESIA BUMN BRI Waspada Modus Penipuan Perubahan Tarif Transfer Bank! BBANK BRI G20INDONESIA BUMN BRI Segera hubungi Contact BRI dan akun resmi Social Media BRI yang terverifikasi (centang biru/hijau). AKUN SOCIAL MEDIA BANK BRI bankbri_id BANK BRI BANKBRI ID apromo_BRI kontakBRI BANK BRI #BRLiaNFightSocialEngineering #BRILiGNLawanBegaRekening ed/gangnawing 14017 bankbrid bankbrid BANK BRS BRI merupakan peserta perjaminan LPS & terdaftar dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan CHANNEL CONTACT BRI 0812-12-14017 14017/1500017 PENGURASUN B3 SANK 2016 2019 2022 . Digital Literacy Index 3.54 3.49 3.46 2020 2021 2022 Source: • National Survey of Financial Literacy and Inclusion 2019 by Financial Services Authority National Digital Literacy Index Survey Results 2021 by Ministry of Information and communication Indonesia 68 68 880#69SUBSIDIARIES AgenBRILink S PIS PENYERAHAN Penerima SPUN BRI 69#7065.00% 272 Bn SUBSIDIARIES CONTRIBUTION TO BRI GROUP Danareksa Investment Management To be Top 3 Investment Management in Indonesia with Focus in Retail Segment ASSETS 99.99% 73.3 Tn Pegadaian 3.9% 3.9% BRI 2021 2022 2.6% 2.5% 1.1% 1.2% 1.0% 0.7% 0.3% 0.4% 0.2% 0.3% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Pegadaian PNM BRILife Bank Raya BRIFinance BRI Insurance BRI Ventura BRI Danareksa BRC DIM Market Leader in Indonesia's Pawn Industry Services 99.99% 46.7 Tn PNM Permodalan Nasional Madani Leading in Community Based Lending in the Nation 90.00% 4.9 Tn BRIinsurance To be The Best General Insurance in Indonesia in Category Equity 1 Trillion - 2,5 Trillion in 2025 99.97% 2.2 Tn BBRI ventures To be the leading Venture Capital in financial technology and beyond Net Profit BRI 100% 17.9 Bn 67.0% BRI danareksa sekuritas 6.5% 2021 2022 1.7 Tn To be One of The Most Valuable Securities House in Indonesia 1.7% 1.8% 1.1% 0.9% 0.7% 0.6% 0.7% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.1% -10.0% 0.0% 0.7% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 99.88% BRIfinance 7.3 Tn To be Leading Multi finance with Asset Above Rp10 Trillion With Focus On Consumer Financing Pegadaian PNM BRI Insurance BRILife BRIFinance BRI Danareksa Bank Raya BRI Ventura BRC DIM 59.02% BRILife 21.5 Tn To be the top 5 Player Based on Market Share GWP in 2025 BRIremittance Top of Mind Indonesia Remittance Company Provider 86.85% raya 13.9 Tn The Best Digital Bank by Becoming House of Fintech & Home for Gig Economy BRI Ownership Total Asset 9.3% Assets Loan & Financing 9.2% 9.9% 10.0% 2021 2022 2021 2022 Net Profit 10.2% -4.5% 2021 2022 70 70#71PT. PEGADAIAN Market Leader in Indonesia's Pawn Industry Services BRI Balance Sheet Highlight 1Q'22 Total Assets Loan Outstanding (Gross) Total Liability Total Equity 1H'22 9M'22 68,013 68,744 69,407 54,477 55,113 55,947 40,899 41,907 41,969 27,113 26,837 27,438 2021 2022 g YoY Loan Composition As of 2022 65,776 73,330 11.5% 52,420 59,053 12.7% 39,517 44,911 13.7% ■Pawn 26,259 28,418 8.2% 87% 13% Non-Pawn Income Statement Highlight 1Q'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 Net Interest Income 2,817 5,754 8,715 10,622 11,645 g YoY 9.6% Other Operating Income 392 803 1,220 1,523 1,638 7.5% Products & Services Overhead Cost* 2,146 4,120 5,967 7,627 8,463 11.0% ■ Pawn financing Net Income After Tax 821 1,774 2,375 2,427 3,299 35.9% ■ Micro-fiduciary financing *Excluding Cost of Good Sold for gold Key Ratios ■ Gold savings ■ Others (e.g., money transfers, payments) Extensive Network & Sales Force 1Q'22 NIM COF 1H'22 21.2% 21.5% 9M'22 2021 2022 21.4% 19.4% 21.2% g YoY 1.8% 4.8% BOPO CIR 70.1% 4.8% 68.6% 66.9% 62.8% 4.7% 71.9% 60.1% 6.0% 4.9% -1.1% EL כזר 77.5% 71.3% -6.2% + 4,700 Outlets +2,100 Sales Force 62.8% 63.7% 0.9% Pegadaian The oldest pawn service provider with more than 120 years experience ■ The largest pawn service provider based on Asset & Loan ■ Leader in pawn lending with market share of more than 95%, catering to more than 6.9 mio borrowers +6.9 Mio Active Borrowers Gold Savings +3.4 Mio Active Cust. with +7.4 Tonne gold outstanding 71#72PT. PERMODALAN NASIONAL MADANI Leading Community Based Lending in the Nation PNM Permodalan Nasional Madani Balance Sheet Highlight Loan Composition As of 2022 1Q'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 Total Assets 45,029 45,470 46,051 43,712 46,731 g YoY 6.9% Loan Outstanding (Gross) 36,839 38,391 40,672 34,523 42,588 23.4% Total Liability 38,338 38,576 38,877 37,274 39,353 5.6% Total Equity 6,691 6,894 7,174 6,438 7,378 14.6% Income Statement Highlight 1Q'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 Net Interest Income 2,086 4,355 7,173 6,119 Other Operating Income 68 130 164 236 10,269 220 g YoY 67.8% 84% -6.8% Overhead Cost 1,304 2,808 4,549 4,739 7,028 48.3% Net Income After Tax 257 458 736 845 945 11.9% Key Ratios NIM COF BOPO CIR 1Q'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 YOY 23.4% 23.6% 25.2% 20.2% 26.4% 6.2% 23.4% 8.1% 7.8% 8.6% 89.4% 89.7% 89.7% 88.3% 7.4% 90.3% -1.1% 2.0% 60.5% 62.6% 62.0% 74.5% 67.0% -7.5% BRI 13% 3% Mekaar ULAMM Others Products & Services ■ Mekaar group lending for female borrowers ■ ULaMM Micro lending Extensive Network & Sales Force Extensive network with +4,100 outlets across Indonesia One of the largest group lending provider in Indonesia Catering more than 13.9 Mio borrowers Providing loans that are mostly aimed to empower underprivileged women Strong sales force with +40,000 account officers 72#73ESG INITIATIVES AgenBRILink S PIS PENYERAHAN Penerima SPUN BRI 73#74BRI SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY To Be "World Class Sustainable Banking Group focusing on Environmental, Social, and Governance" BRI 2022 ESG INITIATIVES HIGHLIGHT BRIVOLUTION2.0 "The Most Valuable Banking Group in Southeast Asia and Champion of Financial Inclusion" "World Class Sustainable Banking Group focusing on Environmental, Social, and Governance dimensions" SUSTAINABILITY PILLAR STRATEGY Q1'22 Environmental Onboarding the Climate change strategy Green banking policy Environment risk management Carbon emissions management Social Empowering the community Human capital management Human right Financial inclusion • . Social responsibility Operational eco- Q3'22 Governance Maintaining a good corporate governance • Product governance O • Corporate governance Business ethic Information/cybersec urity system efficiency Establishment BRI Sustainable Strategy First Bank in Indonesia as Signatory of Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) Issued Green Bond (IDR 5 Tn) Issued Policy on Fixed Asset Management & ESG-Based Procurement Issued of Respectful Workplace Policy Establishment of BRI Green Team Q2'22 ■Green Campaign Implementation (Zero Waste to Landfill) ■New Green office Building "BRILIAN Tower" BRI Menanam Program Issued Sustainability Linked Loan (USD 1.0 Bn) Conducted Sustainable Finance Trainning for employee Issued Data Management Policy Installation of the Public Electric Vehicle Q4'22 Charging Station Electric vehicles as operational vehicles Issued Pulp & Paper Loan Policy#75BRI ESG PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHT Environmental Highlights Social Highlights BRI Assets BRI Green Loan Portfolio (as of Dec 2022) IDR 78.8T Loans disbursed to Green Sectors 7.7% of BRI total loan disbursement Renewable Energy: IDR 7.1 T Green Transportations: IDR 12.1 T Green Building: 1.4 T Other Environmentally-Friendly Business: IDR 58.2 T Liabilities (as of December 2021) BRI Green Bond 2022 BRI Sustainability Bond 2019 31% of total bond proceeds in 2021 70% for Green Project (based on total bond proceed allocated POJK POJK 60/2017) (as of December 2021) Assets BRI Social Loan Portfolio (as of Dec 2022) IDR 616.1T 59.8% Loans disbursed to Social Sectors of BRI total loan disbursement PNM Mekaar Empowering underprivileged women through the ultra micro ecosystem Liabilities 13.9 million IDR 35.8T Total Oustanding Women Borrowers (as of December 2021) BRI Sustainability Bond 2019 BRI Green Bond 2022 total bond proceed allocated 69% of total bond proceeds in 2021 30% for other sectors i.e. MSMEs were used for Social Projects Operation Ultra Micro Holding (based on POJK POJK 60/2017) were used for Green Projects BRI Digital BRI Digital Savings has the potential to reduce emissions Savings Operations from customers' commutes & less use of paper Green House Gas (GHG) Emisions ↓ 1.4% Gross Emission Reduction from Scope 1 & Scope 2 (fuel & electricity) 197.4% 15.5% Gross Emission Reduction Gross Emission Reduction from business travels from paper usage Senyum Mobile Human Capital -70,000 Number of BRI, PGD, PNM sales forces with access to Senyum mobile Co-Location Employee 43% Women Employee Breakdown +1000 BRI Green Building 0 0 BRILIAN Tower received a gold category greenship certificate from the Green Building Council Indonesia units across Indonesia Data Analytics (as of December 2022) -28.0 million customers database identified 0000 Governance Highlights BRI Governance Rating Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) 95.18 "Most Trusted Company" The higher CGPI Score among others SOE Bank, with an increase in score from 93.25 (2019) to 95.10 (2021). ESG Governance at BRI Dedicated ESG Division Established an ESG Division, a dedicate team that is responsible for ESG and Sustainable Finance implementation at BRI Top 3 Public Listed Companies in ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard 110.2 Increased form 93.5 in 2019 ESG Committee Established a dedicated ESG Committee lead CEO. by The Committee is responsible in Review and evaluate the implementation of ESG policies and initiatives. Establish and recommend ESG work programs. Customer's Data Privacy & IT Security Management 1 Dedicated Data Privacy & IT Security Division Composition 2022 Women BRI Green Operation Board of Management -23% By Gender Senior Management (VP-SVP-SEVP) -16% 2023 Women -23% -17% 2 Employee Public Vehicle Electric Charging Station (SPKLU) Electric vehicles as operational vehicles *Percent reduction represents FY2021 performance vs FY2019 baseline Engagement Survey 2022 2021 3.48 3.46 2019 3.39 Enterprise Data Management Division a Division that specifically handles Data Management IT Security Certified certified PA-DSS (Payment Application-Data Security Standard) for BRI's Direct Debit API 00000 Information Security Division a Division that specifically handles Cyber Security ISO 27001:2013 For Big Data, Open API, Card Production Managing Event & Cyber Threat Monitoring, Spacecraft Operation & Data Center Facilities 75#76SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Financing For Sustainable Development Micro & SMES Rp616.1T Renewable Sustainable Business Activities* Loan Portfolio *Based on Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK). No.51/POJK.03/2017 on the Application of Sustainable Finance for Financial Services Institutions, Issuers and Public Companies. As of December, 2022 Environmentally Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources & Land Use Rp51.8T BRI Loan Policy BRI BRI Negative List Loan Policy, BRI is committed to have no exposure in several sectors including but not limited to: Illegal Logging Cultivation of Marijuana & Narcotics productions and trading Forced labor, child exploitation, human rights violation Money Laundering Energy Rp7.1 T Pollution Prevention & Control Rp1.7 T Clean Transportation Rp12.1 T Green Building Rp1.4 T 13.1% YoY growth Rp614.2 T 65.1% of Total Loans Terrestrial & Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation Rp694.9 Trillion 67.5% of Total Loans Rp583.7 B Destroying historical and X archaeological building Sustainable Water and Dec 21 Dec '22 Wastewater Management Trading protected animals X Fishing business using fishing gear that is Rp5.0 B prohibited by regulation X Eco-efficient Product, Production Technologies and Processes Other fields/sector according to applicable law Specific Loan Policy Rp4.OT Other "The BRI Sustainable Business Activities Loan Portfolio has sustainably increased and the highest among peers" Sustainability- related projects Rp56.0 B CPO Sector Required to has an ISPO/RSPO certificate or at least has registered in the ISPO certification process Pulp & Paper Sector Requires to comply to HCV, HCS, FSC, IFCC, and Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK). Other Loan Policy No borrowers with Black PROPER rating (Company Performance Rating Assessment by Ministry of Environment and Forestry) Other requirements in accordance with the applicable law *Bank Only Number 76#77BRI ESG FUNDING SUSTAINABILITY BOND First Sustainability Bond in Southeast Asia with RegS Format Transaction Highlight • Issue date: 21 March 2019 • Size: $500 Million • Maturity: 5 years • Rating: Baa2 by Moody's BBB- by Fitch (1 BRI GREEN BOND Green Bond Framework The Framework adapt Green Bond Principles of ICMA, Indonesia FSA Regulation and Indonesia Green Taxonomy Transaction Highlight • Listing date: 21 July 2022 Size Phase I: IDR 5 trillion Maturity BRI ESG Bond Issuance As of 31st December, 2021 Total Bond Issuance Rp 30,68 Tn 23.2% . Serie A 370 days • Serie B 3 years Serie C 5 years 76.8% Proceeds Allocation (As of December 2021) 69% for Social Projects 31% for Green Projects Second-Party Opinion SUSTAINALYTICS "BRI's Sustainability Bond Framework is credible and impactful" . Rating: idAAA (Pefindo) Proceeds Allocation 70% for Green Project based on POJK 60/2017 30% for other sectors i.e. MSMES SDGS HUB UI Second-Party Opinion SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS HUS UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA 5.0 Environmentally Friendly/Sustainable SUSTAINABLE REPO In addition to the ESG Bond issuance, on February 2022, BRI has executed USD 104,1 Million sustainable repo transaction on a one-year tenor. The proceed is allocated 100% for social project. ESG Themed Bond Other Bond As of 31st December, 2022 Total Bond Issuance Rp 37,38 Tn 47.6% 52.4% Growth ESG Bond: + 149.6% YoY ESG Themed Bond Other Bond#78BRI ESG RATINGS SUSTAINALYTICS ESG Risk Rating High 30.0 2020 Low 18.8 Medium 20.9 S&P Global CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT (CSA) Dow Jones Sustainability Indices ESG Percentile Rank 63rd Score: 46 2021 2022 2020 Last Updated: Oct 5,2022 I ASEAN G CORPORATE GOVERNANCE I I I I I OVERALL SCORE 110.2 Top 3 Public Listed Company in Indonesia with Top Score above 97 Last Updated: Sep 23,2022 MSCI ESG Rating 90th A 72nd 63 52 52 2021 2022 BRI BBB A 2020 2021 2022 Last Full Rating Review Updated: Nov 23, 2022 I I CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PERCEPTION INDEX CGPI CGPI SRI-KEHATI Index is the Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) IDX Indonesia Stock Exchange Bursa Efek Indonesia 95.18 I Biodiversity index that uses KEHATI the principles of ESG I I IDX ESG Leaders CGPI SCORE IDX ESG Leaders index measures the performance of companies that have good ESG assessments and are not involved in significant controversy I Most Trusted Company I Increased from 93.25 in 2019 SRI-KEHATI ESG Quality 45 IDX KEHATI ESG Sector Leaders IDX KEHATI I BRI has been a constituent of I the IDX ESG Leaders Index (ESGL) since March 2021 78#79BRI MSMES UPSCALE PLATFORM linkumkm linkumkm BANK BRI Selamat Angga zaelani hidayat Skor Indeks Kesiapan Anda adalah 4.35 - Sehingga tergolong dalam kelas kategori Usaha Mikro Berkembang Utama 00000 Pemilk usaha UD SINAR GARUT BRI COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT BRILIAN VILLAGE EMPOWERMENT desai brilian Ketapanrame Village, Mojokerto village empowerment program with the aim of creating economically independent villages and able to grow sustainably POIN ANDA: 10 poin Rumah BUMN Media Komunitas UMKM Smart I I Etalase Bantuan Apa itu Kredit Usaha Rakyat? BRI RAHASIA BISNIS LANCAR CASHFLOW USAHA AMAN BUTUH PROTEKSI LEBIH UNTUK USAHAMU? DAFTARKAN SEKARANG DISIN KLIK DISIN Kategori Kelas O Med 400 OM (384) O Med 834-73 O b 30-300) 3.2143 Od 217--12 Os (1.12-2.1) O Dan PT Bank Rakyat indonesia (Par Sukalaksana Village, Garut Butuh "Nepal van Java" Village, Magelang Empowerment Aspects Innovation Creative in creating solutions to the challenges of village development Sustainability Building resilience & sustainability in village Digitalization Implementation of digital activities &products in village empowerment activities Economic Independence (Bumdes) Increasing the role of BUMDES (village owned enterprise) as the center of the village economy DESA BRILIAN Profile in 2022 As of Des 2022 552 Village Tourism 139 Plantation 492 Manufacturing I 2.182 48 Husbandry Desa Brilian 420 Service 32 Fisheries 301 Trading 198 Others linkumkm The Online Platform, which can be accessed through the website &application, aims to upscale MSME through a series of integrated empowerment programs ㅁㅁ MSME Assessment Competency Certificate UMKM Smart menu on Link UMKM application is for MSMEs to find out their business category through the activities of "Assessment of MSMEs Upscale" & "Programs and training modules". Business Category Output: Traditional Developing Modern Linkumkm features highlight: # LINK UMKM USERS 3.188.808 462 300 Module Expert # Community 854 Menu: Rumah BUMN, MSME Media, UMKM Smart, Community, Digital Showcase & Dashboard Application based: Available @Playstore / @Appstore Web based: # Storefornt 12.044 Top Module #1 Overview Export Business #2 Selling Preparation #3 Determination of search for market access 79#80ULTRA MICRO ECOSYSTEM EMPOWERING UNDERPRIVILEGED WOMEN BRI PNM Mekaar provide access to capital, assistance, & capacity building programs for Underprivileged Community & SME, especially female housewives. As of Dec'22 PNM Mekaar Business Capacity Development Initiatives Training for Borrower Preparation Training Program for prospective customers of PNM Mekaar Carried out for 3 days prior to loan disbursement +40,000 Mekaar Account Officer +13.9Mn Female Borrowers 25.4% YoY All Mekaar Account Officers are female % +IDR 35.8 Tn $ 36.4% YoY Loan Outstanding NM Meaningful Weekly Group Meeting Meaningful Weekly Group Meeting (PKM Bermakna) is carried out by AO Mekaar through weekly grup meeting activities. Customer Business Meetings Training Activities by Mekaar Branch at least 3x in a year . Basic Material • Importance of saving Reading business opportunities Managing business and family finances, etc. As of Dec 2022 • Event Highlight • 11.676 x Customers Business Meeting +564.816 Participant Clustering Group training program based on certain approaches, such as regional similarities, types of businesses, and/or different types of businesses but synergized. As of Dec 2022 Event Highlight • • 119 x Clustering Training +11.968 Participant 88 80#81• BRI GREEN INITIATIVES BRILIAN TOWER BRI's Green Building BRILIAN Tower is 37th floor Building with the Green Building concept on JI. Gatot Subroto Kav. 62 South Jakarta BRILIAN Tower received a gold category greenship certificate from the Green Building Council Indonesia BRI BRI Green Operational BUMN SPKLU BRIbis PLN PLN BRI B 1625 SPM BRI continues to support emission reduction through several initiatives: Installation of the Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) Electric vehicles as ī operational vehicles in i Regional Office and for Loan Officer mobility (30 electric cars & 50 electric motorcycles) BRI Paperless Operations BRIStars My BRILian World Digital Office App BRImenanam BRmenara Target 1,75 Mn trees until 2023 Realization 680.8K tree seeds in 2022 363.153 tree seeds planted in 2.196 villages across Indonesia 317.695 distributed to KUR borrowers bris Art BRI SPOT ROPRA S BRISIM BRIMEN Digital Learning App Digital Loan Underwriting App Digital Operational Risk Management Information System Digital Management Information System BRI Document BRI Menanam is a planting program carried out by distributing tree seeds to KUR Borrowers and Villages across Indonesia, which aims to raise awareness and encourage the community as well as BRI customers to contribute to nurturing the planet. 81 Management System#82RECOGNITIONS ON BRI ESG INITIATIVES ESG AWARDS 2022 AA IDX BRI BEST ESG DISCLOSURE AWARD 1 ESG DISCLOSURE AWARDS 2022 PT BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (PERSERO) TBK GOLD WINNER - CATEGORY ENVIRONMENT, GOLD WINNER - CATEGORY SOCIAL IDEAS AWARD 2022 BEST BANK FOR DIVERSITY & INCLUSION, BEST BANK FOR ESG IN INDONESIA ASIA MONEY AWARD 2022 IDX IDX PRIMARY AWARD IN SUSTAINABILITY CATEGORY, SPECIAL AWARD: INTEGRATED GREEN ECONOMY PROGRAM IDX CHANNEL ANUGERAH INOVASI INDONESIA 2022 PEMENANG PENGHARGAAN ESG DISCLOSURE AWARDS 20221 PREDIKAT LEADERSHIP AAA B UNIVERSE LEADERSHIP AAA ESG Disclosure Awards 2022 B UNIVERSE & BUMI GLOBAL KARBON (BGK) ANUGERAH CSR IDX CHANNEL 2022 ANNIGEPAR CSR 8088 CSR AWARD 2022 EDUCATION CATEGORY REPUBLIKA.COM AWARD THE BEST MSME SUPPORT BANK BANK INDONESIA HR ASIA BEST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR IN ASIA 2022 HR ASIA PLATINUM RANK ASIA SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING RATING (ASRRAT) AWARDS 2021 BEST ESG DISCLOSURE SOE Bank Category BERITASATU AWARD 82#83OTHERS AgenBRILink S PIS PENYERAHAN Penerima SPUN BRI 83#84BRI NETWORKS The Most Extensive Networks Across Indonesia Branchless Network 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 YOY BRILink Agents 401,550 422,160 504,233 503,031 627,012 123,981 Net Profit per Outlet (IDR Bn) 3.5 3.3 3.6 BRI 5.6 Branch Network 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 YOY 1.9 Head Office 1 1 1 0 1 Regional Offices 19 19 19 18 18 0 Branches 468 467 467 450 448 -2 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Sub Branches 609 611 611 588 579 -9 BRI Units 5,381 5,382 5,382 5,222 5,156 -66 Cash Offices 964 952 547 525 506 -19 Teras BRI 2,069 2,049 1,867 1,697 1,370 -327 Outlets vs E-Channel Trx Composition Teras Mobile 136 137 136 136 121 -15 Payment Point 50 54 397 355 354 Total 9,697 9,672 9,427 8,992 8,553 -439 1.6% 2.6% 5.7% E-channel 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 YOY 98.4% 97.4% 94.3% ATM 22,684 19,184 16,880 14,463 13,863 -600 2020 2021 2022 EDC 284,425 204,386 198,785 203,027 228,340 25,313 e-channel Outlet CRM e-Buzz 2,609 57 3,809 57 Total 309,775 227,436 5,809 57 221,531 224,954 7,407 57 8,007 57 600 0 250,267 25,313 E-Channel transaction including: ATM, CDM, BRIlinks, BRIMO, and Internet Banking. 84#85BBRI OVER THE YEARS 5000 BBRI Share Price & Market Capitalization since IPO 4000 100 3000 IPO 2000 Mcap Rp11.5 T Price Rp85 BV Rp 8.5 T (7 Feb 2023) Mcap Rp 720 T Price Rp 4,750 800 2022 BV Rp303 T BRI BBRI Shares-Related Corporate Action 500 400 300 200 100 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2022 EPS-> 30 40 59 124 172 206 237 281 205 337 DPO -> 50% 50% 30% 20% 30% 30% 45% 60% 85% DPS-> Rp15.62 Rp19.63 Rp17.78 Rp24.46 Rp51.47 Rp62.33 Rp106.75 Rp168.20 Rp174.25 Rp57 (Interim Div) 2022 BBRI JCI (30 Dec 21: 100) Dec-21 Feb-22 Apr-22 BBRI vs JCI 120.2 Historical 5-Year 20.22 (%) 20.19 ■BBRI JCI 104.1 0.55 Jun-22 Aug-22 Oct-22 Des-22 Shareholders Composition 1.7 1.03 10.08 2022 2023 Stock Buyback 2020 Employee Stock Allocation (ESA) Program & Stock Buyback 2021 Rights Issue 2019 Employee Stock Option Program (ESOP) 2017 Stock split 1: 5 on November 10th 4.09 2017 2018 -2.54 2019 2020 2021 2022 -5.23 -5.09 BBRI Market Cap Rank in South East Asia Bank Shareholder 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Government 56,75% 56,75% 56,75% 56,75% 56,75% 56,75% Public 43,25% 43,25% 43,25% 43,25% 43,25% 43,25% Foreign 78,12% 80,12% 84,33% 79,48% 80,68% 77,39% Domestic 21,88% 19,88% 15,67% 20,52% 19,31% 22,61% 2021 2022 3 53.19% 53.19% 4 2019 2022 46.81% 74.68% 76.34% 25.32% 23.66% 46.81% 5 2017-2018 6 2015 2016 2014 2011 First time stock split 1:2 on Januari 11th 2011 2015 2016 Stock buyback 2004 - 2010 Management Stock Option Program (MSOP) 2003 85#86Baa2 or BBB BRI CREDIT RATINGS BRI International & Domestic Ratings Fitch Ratings Long Term Rating MOODY'S S&P Global : BBB ☐ Long Term Counterparty Risk - Fgn Curr : Baal Ratings Short Term Rating : F2 Long Term Deposit - Fgn Curr : Baa2 ■ Viability Rating : bb+ Long Term Debt - Fgn Curr : Baa2 Issuer Credit Rating : BBB- ☐ Government Support Rating : bbb Short Term Counterparty Risk - Fgn Curr : P-2 ☐ National Long-Term Rating : AAA ☐ Short Term Deposit - Fgn Curr : P-2 Stand-Alone Credit Profile : bbb- Outlook : Stable National Short-Term Rating Outlook : F1+ : Stable ☐ Baseline Credit Assessment Adj Baseline Credit Assessment Outlook : Stable : baa2 : baa2 Baa3 or BBB- (Investment Grade) Ba1 or BB+ Ba2 or BB 2011 2012 2018 2023 MOODY'S Fitch Ratings PEFINDO CREDIT RATING AGENCY 2019 S&P Global Ratings 2010 2014 2018 2023 National Rating BRI : id AAA Stable Outlook 86#87AWARDS : BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA ho The AAA AWA THE Asset Asset: THAsset WORLD'S BEST BANKS Forbes 2022 POWERED BY STATISTA VESIOR INVESTOR AWARDS BANK PT BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (PERSERO) TBK BANK TERBAIK 2022 KATEGORI BANK UMUM KEMI 4 MODAL INTI LEBIH DARI RP 70 TRILIUN BRI SME Banker of the Year & Best in Treasury and Working Capital - SME's The Asset Triple A Treasury, Trade, Sustainable Supply Chain & Risk Management Awards 2022 The World's Best Bank 2022 FORBES Best Companies to Work for in Asia HR Asia Award 2022 The Best Bank 2022: Capital Tier 1 more than IDR 70 trillion Investor Magazine Award 2022 Best GCG, Best Corporate, Best CEO, Best Growth & Survival Strategy 11th Anugerah BUMN 2022 (SOE Award) THE ASIAN BANKER THE ASIAN BANKER THE ASAN BARTE LEADERSHIP ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 2022 Bank Rakyat Indonesia Best Managed Bank in Indonesia itech Awarded to BRI THE BEST GOVERNMENT IN SERVICE CXCELLENCE AWARD 2022 infobank MRI itech DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY & DIGITECH WARD 202 TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION AWAR BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (PERSEDOLT itech D AWARD 2022 REAL TELONAVOS MNR HOD 2022 Marketeers INWO of the Year BRANDS PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk UN EXPODIT) Owni Branding Campaign ⑱AWARD AWARD Best Manged Bank in Indonesia & CEO Leadership Achievement for Indonesia The Asian Banker Leadership Achievement Awards 2022 The Best Government Bank in Service Excellence: Commercial Bank Infobank 19th Service Excellence Awards 2022 Best IT Planning & Project Portfolio, Best Transformation & Digital Innovation, Best Digital Readiness for G20, Digital Technology & Innovation Award 2022 Marketeers OMNI Brand of The Year 2022 Best MSME Bank, Best Supporter Of Rupiah And Foreign Currency Monetary Control BI Award 2022 87#88Thank You PT BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (Persero) Tbk. Investor Relations 7th floor BRIII Building Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 44-46 Jakarta 10210 Indonesia Phone : 62 21 5752006/09, 5751952/79 Website: Email : [email protected] Senyuй SENTRA LAYANAN ULTRA TRA MIKRO Sény 3BRI SENTRA LAYANAN ULTRAMO BBRI PNM BRI▸ e Pegadaian PNM▸ BRI masker gratis! Cegah Covid19 Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun crede AgenBRILink TOKO SEJAHTERA EBA BRI

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