Flood Management Strategies for the Amur River Basin

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August 21, 2013



#1Flood mapping and flood management in Amur-Heilong River Basin. Joint efforts of Russia and China. Dr.Eugene Simonov (Rivers without Boundaries), Dr.Andrey Shalygin (State Hydrological Institute), Dr.Evgeny Egidarev (PIG FEBRAS and WWF- Amur)#2N005 Rivers without Boundaries work on Protection of Asian Transboundary Rivers NOVOS Novokuznetsk Enisej N.0.0.06 Kanganda Irtysh Kazakhstan Amaly Kyrgyzstan Samarkand Dusharfe Tajikistan Kashi Kabul Indus Pakistan Amritsar New Di Jaipur Ahmada Nagpur Uruma Inner Asia Basin China Enisej Mongolia Charanga Chita Tay Tans Shenyang Amur khabarovs Каррого -No Korea Japan Delen So Korea Qingdao Pusan ukuoka, CHINA Jurong Zhengzhou Nanjing Shanghai Wuhan hengation Salween Chengdu Lhasa Brahmaputra Choraging Changsha Jelang Kuming RIVERS WITHOUT BOUNDARIES gladesh Fuzhou THE Irrawaddy Guangzhou Myanmar Red River T'a Kowloon Vietnam Laos Thailand Philippines E 10000 E 11000 120 00 Dava NL00.00 ХИЛ ХЯЗГААРГҮЙ ГОЛ МӨРӨН 无国界河流 10 РЕКИ БЕЗ ГРАНИЦ#3Amur-Heilong Transboundary River Area -2.1 million sq.km, Length 4444 km, Basin Annual flow: 364 cubic km., Maximum discharge 46000 cub.m/sec in 2013 50000 45000 Амур-Хабаровск. Максимальный сток 2013 46100 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 MONGOLIA Pyongyang Heng Kang PACIFIC OCEAN#4Flood on Eerguna-Argun River in Amur Headwaters - Flooding key ecosystem process. Floodplains most important wetland type -#5Natural means for flood management in Amur-Heilong River Basin KU 110 120 130 140 Selen Tov ULAANBAATAR Bak CLANUDE (17 Hently G 0 ONDORRAAN Buryatiya R CHITA Ingala 16 Tony Dornod Nig Zabaikalskly Argun 14 CHOTBALSAS Dalail Inner Mongolia Suhbaatar HARON URE Blue Nanch Legend AMUR Heilongjiang H N mghing HARRIN SAKHA (Yakutia) Zeiske rese Amurskaya BLAGOVESHENSK Khabarovskiy BROSIDDHAN Yevreiskaya AO KHABAROVSK 10 Edyl AMER Okhotsk State border Province Amur basin Ramsar sites Freshwater lakes, pools, reservoirs Saline, brackish lakes, pools Freshwater mires, swamps, fens, Saline, brackish and alkaline wetla Seasonal/regularly inundated area SHENTANG Liaoning CHANGCHUN Primorskiy Jilin VLADIVOSTOK Jap JAPAN- 80 000 sq.km. of Amur River Basin Floodplains - spine bone in the network of wetland ecosystems#6Specific conditions for cooperation 3550 km of state boundaries marked - along major rivers. • Population density increasing on China banks and decreasing in Russia • Provincial cities in China located on . tributaries, in Russia - on transboundary Amur River. Development density relatively low on both banks of Amur Mutual relations in last 100 years market by alteration of periods of cooperation (1949-61, 1986-2014) with periods of confrontation.#7Non-cooperation on flood issues agreed in 1986 "Russia-China Joint Comprehensive Scheme for Water Resource Management in Transboundary Stretches of the Argun and Amur Rivers" focused on hydropower not floods. Dams on Amur main channel still in China National Plans I 額 |漠河 200/2 已完 正案 规划 黑 连荃 东北水电基地(黑龙江干流界河段) 欧浦 电站位置示意图 160/2 100/2 呼玛 40/2 龙 【黑河 120/2 江 苏 太平沟 200/2 I attempt 1956-1961- failed Il attempt 1986-2000- failed III - attempt expected by 2023.#8Such measures could be avoided through redefining border demarcation rules and treaties LIKELY REASON: BOTH SIDES EMPLOY EMBANKEMENTS AND DYKES TO PROTECT "MOTHERLAND", resulting in destroying wetlands and natural processes, and increasing flood level.#9General cooperation mechanisms • Sino-Russian Agreement on Use and Protection of Transboundary Waters 2008 Sino-Russian Environmental Sub- commission under the Commission on Regular Meetings of Heads of State • MOU between Russian Ministry of emergencies and China Ministry of Environment on environmental emergencies and China Ministry of Water Resources. • Ramsar Convention on wetlands of international importance#10Other mechanisms • Since 1986 Russia and China again exchange hydrological data on daily water levels at 14 gauging stations on each side. In flood emergency they also exchange flood water level forecasts. • "Sino-Russian Strategy for Transboundary System of Protected Areas in Amur River Basin" prescribes joint assessment and preservation measures of ecological functions of transboundary ecosystems, which is directly relevant to flood-retention functions.#112013 Flood - the largest in history In Russia flood affected 5 provinces and 3 largest cities of the Russian Far East. 170000 people affected and 30000 evacuated. 15000 houses damaged. Extensive impact on roads, bridges, crops, farms, etc. 1 person drowned. MODIS 12-07-2013 Songhuajiang MODIS 15-09-2013 Songhuajiang MODIS 08-10-2013 Songhuajiang A MUR R U In China had breaches in 340 kilometers of 20 dykes (13% of total dyke length along Chinese Amur). Including 3 catastrophic. 1000 settlements with 5 million people were affected in Jilin, IMAR and Heilongjiang. 300 000 persons evacuated, 37000 houses damaged, 30 lives lost.#12N Flood became top theme in the mass media and folklore U961 Bali AQUALU YAPLAKAL.COM#13New sound policies emerge due to flood For example Zhenlai county in Heilongjiang Province issued new policy: "River-lake-pond- connectivity for water management"- calling to use floodplain retention capacity to store water for local needs. Russian Amur Coordination Committee in urged 5 member provinces to develop flood risk maps and land- use regulations to control floodplain development#14• Cooperation on 2013 flood risk assessment and reduction Prime ministers Li Keqiang and Medvedev had a special phone call to discuss joint measures. Exchange of hydro-meteorological information was intensified Joint discharge measurements were taken again first time in several decades. Some field cooperation took place between emergency services of Russia and China#15Joint Report on 2013 Flood Working Group was appointed at the 6th meeting of China- Russia Transboundary Water Joint Commission in Jan. 2014 to do the research on 2013 flood, and to submit a (Chinese-Russian Joint Report on the analysis of the extreme flood in Amur River in 2013). For Report- writing the two sides established group of experts, the Chinese group was led by Bureau of Hydrology of Water Resources Ministry, and supported by Bureau of Hydrology of Songliao Water Resources Commission and Bureau of Hydrology of Heilongjiang Province. Russian group was led by Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and supported by Moscow State University, Lengiprorechtrans Company, and State Hydrological Institute.#16Evaluation of cooperation by China: 1) Strengthened the collaborative project regulation to alleviate the pressure of flood protection. • 2) Responded rapidly, set up smooth information bulletin mechanism. 3) Timely cooperation in the implementation of trans-boundary flow measurement. 4) Collaborated actively and supported each other in the flood control and disaster relief#17Shortcomings and key problems ⚫ -Lack of shared information systems. preventing understanding of situation and modelling and forecast; - Uneven and insufficient monitoring network falling behind WMO standard; - Use of reservoirs for flood-retention needs improvement and coordination; ⚫ - Floodplains' flood retention volume reduced by dykes, embankments, etc.#18Reservoir regulation risks Zeya Reservoir, 01.05-31.10.2013 14000 E inflow 12000 level 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 outflow 322 320 318 316 314 312 310 0 308 28.04 18.05 07.06 27.06 17.07 06.08 26.08 15.09 05.10 25.10 14.11 Date, dd.mm H, m BS Zeya Reservoir has 50 km3 live volume, used only 14 km3 in 2013. Graph shows reduced peak, but prolonged high stage duration due to emptying insufficient flood retention space before flood season.#19Better use of or existing retention volume or building new hydro? • RusHydro proposed "flood control hydropower" plan with 4+ new dams on tributaries and discusses with China Three Gorges Co ways to advance any of these projects. • Planned live volume of those 4 hydropower reservoirs cumulatively is less than 18 cubic kilometers and therefore much less useful than already existing major reservoirs on the same rivers.#20Амур РОССИЯ КИТАЙ August 21, 2013 90.50 --2013 90.00 还原水位 89.50 89.00 88.50 88.00 87.50 87.00 86.50 8/1 8/6 8/11 8/16 8/21 8/26 8 T(M C ХАБАРОВСК Reduced flood retention: Ba Cha Dyke Failure opened massive flood storage volume РОССИЯ Зона Амур затопления КИТАЙ August 27, 2013 ХАБАРОВСК#21Luobei dyke 210 KM3 Suibin dyke 96 KM3 Ba Cha dyke 764 KM3 萝北县肇兴镇堤防谈口淹没区 绥滨县三九零农场堤防波口淹没区 中国 同江市八岔镇堤防读口液没区 据卫星遥感影像图片分析,3处溃口区最大淹没面积分别为21091 84平方公里。 制作 O Failure of just 3 dykes resulted in "adding" of at least 5.5 cubic kilometers of flood retention volume on floodplains. This suggests that 30-70 cubic kilometers of floodplain retention volume is likely eliminated by dykes in China.#22Unfortunately in summer 2014 China was raising dykes along Ussury and Amur by 2-5 meters#23Future Needs for Cooperation : • Joint modelling and forecasting information system Floodplain mapping Mapping and regulation of land use in flood- prone areas Strategic environmental assessment of flood risk management plans and other water management schemes. Protection of floodplain ecosystems: protected areas and environmental flow norms#24Forecasting and modelling Enhance technique exchange and cooperation on hydrological forecasting. The following cooperation measures are suggested: (i) regular workshop on flood forecasting techniques in Amur river basin; (ii) to exchange middle and long term meteorological and hydrological trend forecasting in the beginning of every month. during flood season; (iii) cooperation on development of Amur river basin hydrological model and flood forecasting operating system#25Riverbed elevation (m) 105 99 95 59 91 On-going efforts in modelling. Russian side developed 48 cross-sections Амурская обл. Октябрьский P 0 Шимановск Свободный Серышево- ИИ Февральск • Николаевск-на-Амуре ЕДЕРА И Я Хабаровский край Нов. Ургал Чегдомын Белогорск Благовещенск Завитинск Тырма Райчихинск Новобурейский Прогресс Архара Облучье Биробиджан Еврейская а.об КИТАЙСКАЯ 4 7 НАРОДНАЯ Комсомольск-на-Амуре Амурск. Эльбан Смидович • Хабаровск Корфовский- Хор Вяземский РЕСПУБЛИКА Бикин Лучегорск China side assessed 2013 deformations 87 0 200 400 600 Distance from start point (m) Before flood After flood Max. water level in 2013. 800 1000 Пластун Ванино р. Зея - морфоствор 5 Сравнение данных топосъёмки 2014 и SRTM#26Floodplain mapping To sustain and manage natural flood retention capacity of Amur floodplains and other wetlands a joint effort is needed: • . To create transboundary GIS map of major river valleys in transboundary basin • Develop map of flood-prone areas flooded with 0.5%,1%, 10% probability occurrence.#27AMVPCK Условные обозначения CHIMOK Aster 07.08.2005. 2 onexrpans Aster-04062002 Водные объекты отображены светлым і Floodplain mapping (by PIG FEBRAS -WWF 2010-2014) Landsat 7-04072000 Landsat 7-22091999 Amar- Fuyaian Am ur Grodelcovo - LIKHA (Yakuti Floodplains in large river basins >10 000 square kilometers 。 N G 0 Legend Country boundary Province boundary Amur basin boundary Floodplains in Amur river Basin Hydrological post JAPAN Amur Malmyzh Amur- Tronskoe#28Assessment and planning Identify floodplain water retention areas most important for reducing risks in 2013 and previous floods. Evaluate already achieved reduction in natural flood-retention capacity and risks of further reduction due to water infrastructure development and other human-induced and natural factors. Cooperate on strategic environmental assessment of flood-management plans.#29Estimated natural flood retention volume Modis Terra 21.08.2013 Water level: Mazanovo-6.96 m. Malaya Sazanka - 10.45 m. Belogorie 8 m. - Blagoveschensk - 8.03 m. Modis Terra 27.00.2013. Water level: Sad Nove now Leninskos-10.37 m. Legend Country boundary H Province boundary Amur basin boundary Hydrological stations Hooded in this study Floodplain Amur verbasin Flooded areas in 2013 Previously delineated floodplain Tong lang JAPAN Modis Aqua - 07.09.2013 Water level: Malmyzh-7.72 m. Troitskoe-6.06 m. Volume of water retained by floodplains during the 2013 flood exceed 130 cubic kilometers.#30• Floodplain management and Wetland conservation synergy Develop joint comprehensive program for preservation and enhancement of natural flood retention capacity of floodplains Develop and implement land-use regulations that limit development in flood- prone areas. Identify floodplain complexes of high biodiversity value that should be added to transboundary network of protected areas.#31Ceny Floodplains protection analysis volgin T छ 12 S H M K NGOLIA E wwwww LEGEND Protected areas Large river floodplain (2010r.) Protected floodplain (%) 0 1-10 11-50 51 - 100 Large River Floodplain (sq.km.) 0 1-100 101-500 501 - 4000 Arahan Paren 0 50 100 200 300 400 500 KM Do#32Planning of a new protected area that cover priority floodplains in accordance with Sino-Russian Strategy on Transboundary Network of Protected Areas (2011) 120 150° INNOTIC - GAUDE AANT Hently MONG CHDOW Subantar 回 IAM TY US S (Chinsky Bain y Butski Domod A CHOYDUAL SAME НАШИМ Pronail capla Citypictu boundary LEGEND Protected a type of Strictly protected area (PA) Countr BofA N N BANHA (Yakuti ALT Arbay This Helonging C H 豆 9 L Cauvery Sunday Protected as types of CHINA H Province blast, kral Previacial natu Win ge, almag boundary Ecoregion Anur med appe Changa Mountain Da Higg-Chady Mount Dwaran format El big Lower Anur wende Manchand Mongolian-Manchand Henggand North Chi Piale deciduous Okhotsk Mancha T-Ball M Tuns-Blac ded and mixed fores Spank Salings-Crithon Preda Hahanal for park Prof Zapadnik (Sacredantic natura H Buffer come of apoveda Mark National wilde reg Provincial widt Habak Pine-net production gives Welland of provincial importance Ecological corridor Lioning HANGCHUN 8 S T ELICT ם DPRK CHOMLIN Hayong bus у imaging-do A LADIVOSTOK INCRE Wabarovsk Sind In MOVSK Posky a S Sea of Okhotsk Sakhalin YUSHING BAHA 8 a P e 0 JAPAN WWF WAT R2007 WWTC 2007 WWF Mongolia 200 TIGIS PGI PERRAS 2007 - FG 2007 SEA 2000#33THANK YOU!

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