FY23 Results - Investor Presentation

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18 Feb 22




#1CREATING A POSITIVE IMPACT GROWING TRUST, CONNECTING PEOPLE 8 AmBank Group AmBank Group ap AmBank Group FY2023 RESULTS (31 MARCH 2023) INVESTOR PRESENTATION 29 MAY 2023 N#2GCEO PRESENTATION Dato' Sulaiman Mohd Tahir 34567 FY23 Financial snapshot Repayment assistance Loans by stages Outlook for 2023 Focus 8#3Financial Snapshot (Reported) | FY23 Financial snapshot FY23 Reported Financials Variance Income 4,738 FY22: 4,665 2% • Delivered 10% ROE, dividend payout of 35% Continuing Operations¹, income grew 12% Expenses (2,100) FY22: (2,094) • ≈2 • Continuing Operations¹, expenses grew 12% Reported CTI 44.3% 2,637 PBP 3% • FY22: 2,571 Profitability (RM' mil) Impairment (467) FY22: (766) (39%) • Continuing Operations ¹, PBP grew 13%, CTI 43.4% Significantly lower WB provisions, partially offset by higher RB and BB provisions Including AmGen's net impairment of RM113mil PATMI 1,735 FY22: 1,503 15% • Continuing Operations ¹, PATMI grew 28% ROE 10.0% FY22: 9.3% 0.7% • ROTE: 10.3% 130.2 Assets & Gross Loans 9% FY22: 120.0 Liabilities (RM' bil) Customer Deposits 130.3 FY22: 122.6 6% • FHC CET12 (with Transitional Arrangements ("TA")) 12.51% FY22: 12.20% 0.31% • Broad-based loans growth across segments CASA grew 13%, CASA ratio 37.4% (FY22: 35.2%) Capital build on track FHC CET1 (without TA) = 12.10% (FY22: 11.65%) Capital & Liquidity 149.2% FHC LCR (9.3%) . Sector liquidity tightening FY22: 158.5% Dividend per share 18.3 sen FY22: 5.0 sen 13.3 sen Dividend payout ratio 35% (FY22: 11%) 1. 2. Continuing operations comprised Banking operations and Insurance. Insurance mainly consists of Life Insurance (as JV) and General Insurance (as associate from Aug'22 to Mar'23) After deducting proposed dividend AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 3#4Repayment Assistance | Repayment assistance loans Repayment assistance by type of borrowers (RM' bil) Retail SME Corporate 16% of total gross loans 17.8 2.2 SME: Repayment assistance by MIA status MIA 3 MIA 1 0.02 bil 0.05 bil 4% MIA 2 0.01 bil 1% MIA ≥4 0.03 bil 5% 9% Total Assistance: RM0.6bil ΜΙΑ Ο 0.45 bil 81% 9.0 6% of total gross loans 5% of total gross loans 6.6 4% of total gross loans 3% of total gross loans 2% of total gross loans 5.5 Retail: Repayment assistance by MIA status 1.8 4.7 4.2 1.4 2.0 1.4 6.7 1.6 1.3 2.2 1.4 1.1 1.1 2.8 2.5 1.9 1.7 0.6 8.9 % of total As at As at As at As at As at As at MIA 2 MIA 3 0.02 bil 3% MIA ≥4 0.03 bil 7% 0.04 bil 8% gross loans 18 Feb 22 13 May 22 31 July 22 31 Oct 22 31 Jan 23 30 Apr 23 Retail 6% 2% 2% 2% 1% MIA 1 0.08 bil SME 8% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 16% Total Assistance: RM0.5bil Corporate 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation MIA O 0.34 bil 66% 4#5Loans (Reported) | Loans by stages Loans by ECL Stages (RM' bil)¹ Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Breakdown by Business Segments (%) Stage 1 Jun'21 Dec'21 PEMULIH 113.5 113.4 117.1 120.0 120.1 124.4 126.3 130.2 BB 1.6% 13.2% 1.5% 1.4% 1.4% 1.6% 1.5% 1.6% 1.5% RB 14.7% 12.9% 12.7% 11.9% 11.0% 10.2% 9.7% WB 91.7% 87.7% 86.7% Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 85.2% 83.9% 85.7% 85.9% 86.5% 87.5% 88.2% 88.8% Stage 2 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 WB RB BB 11.7% 10.4% 7.7% Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Gross Loans Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 (RM'bil) Stage 3 Stage 1 96.7 95.1 100.3 103.0 103.9 108.9 111.4 115.6 WB Stage 2 15.0 16.6 15.2 15.3 14.3 13.6 12.9 12.7 BB RB Stage 3 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.9 Total 113.5 113.4 117.1 120.0 120.1 124.4 126.3 130.2 1. Restatement of numbers due to reclassified unrated bonds/sukuk from loans to financial investments from Q1FY21 to Q4FY22 (Apr'20 to Mar'22) AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 1.9% 1.6% 0.6% Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 5#6Market Outlook | Outlook for 2023 GDP Growth 4.0% to 5.0% Inflation w www Malaysia $$$0 Export Growth -$- Banking Sector AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 3.0% to 3.5% 5.0% to 10.0% USD/MYR Outlook 4.20 to 4.30 Loans Growth 4.0% to 5.0% $ Asset Quality Stable OPR 3.00% E$$ Liquid & Capital Positions Resilient 6#7Focus 8 Strategy (FY21 - FY24) Focus 8: Key initiatives and progress The path to ROE of 10% • FY23 ROE = 10.0%; ROTE 10.3% Improved operating leverage • CTI lower at 44.3% compared to FY20 of 49.9% Sharpening our segment play • AmSPB Total AUM 22% YoY • AmSPB customer base ↑ 7% YoY • SME loans increased 30% since FY20 (17.1% YoY, Industry: 2.2%) • Collaborators & Partners ~22k SME customers acquired through Maxis Partnership (SME-in- a-Box) since inception AmBank-BonusLink co-branded card payments volume 117% YoY; cards in circulation ↑ 10% YoY KLFW'22 customer AUM ↑ 18% vs pre-KLFW • Building capital light revenues Grew CASA balance 69% since FY20 to RM48.8bil (↑ 13.2% YoY) Wealth Management Avg AUM i) AmFunds: RM47.1bil (FY20: RM43.0bil) ii) Private Banking: RM10.1bil (FY20: RM8.4bil) iii) Retail Wealth: RM2.3bil (FY20: RM1.5bil) FX revenue ↑ 24.0% YoY Trade revenue ↑ 10.3% YoY Ο AARAAR • AmBank Digital Payment: Among the first bank to launch Apple Pay in Malaysia • Mobile: i) 1.57mil AmOnline customers (112% YoY), FY20: 0.97mil ii)~39k AmAccessBiz users (↑ 43% YoY), FY20: 4.7k Platform: 55% of all FX deals through digital platform Connecting people Employee Engagement Index (EEI) scored 86% in Malaysia ESG RM1.6b of green financing disbursed • IB launched 3 ESG funds in FY23 . Young Talent: Hired 45 graduates in FY23 through AmGraduate, • Banking partner with Pantas and • Am Digital Graduate and AmApprentice programmes Development: 114 high potential staff completed their executive development programmes since FY20 • BNM's Greening Value Chain ("GVC") Programme Participated in Malaysia's first carbon credit auction First Fl to be awarded the Energy Management Gold Standard (EMGS) Certification The Digital bank Decided against separate license Exploring a separate business to focus on the underserved market through digital means AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 7#8GCFO PRESENTATION Jamie Ling 8-24 Financial Overview#9Financial Overview (Continuing) | Q4FY23 Financial overview 1 Capital, Liquidity and Funding 2 AmBank Group • Declared dividends of 12.3 sen (FY23 total dividends of 18.3 sen, payout ratio of 35%) • After proposed dividends, CET1 at 12.51%, TCR at 15.65%. Without TA, CET1 at 12.10%, TCR at 15.47% Sector liquidity tightening (FHC LCR of 149.2%, LDR 95.2%) Q4FY23 Results (QoQ) . Income of RM1,160mil, down 6% QoQ NII of RM824mil, down 11%. Reported NIM of 1.84% (Q3FY23: 2.13%). OPR benefits abated Noll at RM336mil, up 12% mainly driven by higher fixed income trading gains and higher share of Life Insurance profits Expenses up 12% to RM556mil, CTI at 47.9% (Q3FY23: 40.4%) PBP fell 18% to RM605mil Net impairment charge decreased to RM51mil (Q3FY23: RM149mil) mainly due to RM56mil forward-looking (FL) writeback as compared to FL charge of 103mil in Q3FY23 Total overlay reserves carried forward RM461mil (FY22: RM394mil); Overlay P&L charge of RM41mil relating to corporate sector exposures as additional prudence Q4FY23 PAT from continuing operations RM428mil FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 9#10Financial Overview (Reported) | FY23 Performance summary - P&L (Reported) P&L (RM' mil) Q3FY23 Q4FY23 QoQ Change FY22 FY23 YoY Change Total Income NII ΝΟΙΙ Expenses PBP Net Impairment PBT 1,231 1,160 (6%) 4,665 4,738 2% 930 824 (11%) 3,275 3,541 8% 301 336 12% 1,390 1,197 (14%) (497) (556) 12% (2,094) (2,100) 734 605 (18%) 2,571 2,637 3% (149) (51) (66%) (766) (467) (39%) 585 554 (5%) 1,805 2,170 20% PAT 453 428 (5%) 1,595 1,676 5% - Profit from Continuing Operations¹ 453 428 (5%) 1,366 1,742 28% - Profit/(Loss) from Discontinued Operation² N/A 229 (66) (>100%) PATMI 453 428 (5%) 1,503 1,735 15% - PATMI from Continuing Operations¹ 453 428 (5%) 1,366 1,742 - PATMI/(LATMI) from Discontinued Operation² N/A 137 (7)³ 28% (>100%) Financial Indicators Q3FY23 Q4FY23 QoQ Change FY22 FY23 YoY Change CTI 40.4% 47.9% 7.5% 44.9% 44.3% (0.6%) NIM 2.13% 1.84% (0.29%) 2.05% 2.07% 0.02% ROE 10.3% 9.7% (0.6%) 9.3% 10.0% 0.7% Basic EPS (sen)4 13.67 12.94 (5.3%) 45.54 52.41 15.1% Net Assets per Share (RM)5 5.32 5.48 3.0% 5.06 5.48 8.3% 1. 2. Continuing operations comprised Banking operations and Insurance. Insurance mainly consists of Life Insurance (as JV) and General Insurance (as associate from Aug 22 to Mar'23) Discontinued operation in FY22 and FY23 comprised General Insurance as subsidiary from Apr'21 to Mar'22 and from April'22 to July'22 respectively 3. 4. LATMI attributable to shareholders stood at RM7.0mil, after adjusting for loss to IAG International Pty limited (minority interest) of RM59.1mil Computed based on weighted average number of shares 5. Computed based on number of ordinary shares issued at period end (excludes treasury shares) AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 10#11Financial Overview (Reported) FY23 Performance summary - Balance Sheet (Reported) Balance Sheet (RM' bil) Q3FY23 Q4FY23 QoQ Change FY22 FY23 YoY Change Gross Loans 126.3 130.2 3% 120.0 130.2 9% GIL 1.62% 1.46% (0.16%) 1.40% 1.46% 0.06% LLC (with Reg Reserves) 116.7% 127.7% 11.0% 139.2% 127.7% (11.6%) LLC (without Reg Reserves) 107.6% 116.5% 8.9% 133.1% 116.5% (16.6%) Customer Deposits 124.3 130.3 5% 122.6 130.3 6% CASA 40.0 48.8 22% 43.1 48.8 13% Capital Indicators (without TA) Q3FY23 Q4FY231 QoQ Change FY221 FY231 YoY Change FHC CET1 12.30% 12.10% (0.20%) 11.65% 12.10% 0.45% FHC Tier 1 12.30% 12.10% (0.20%) 11.65% 12.10% 0.45% FHC Total Capital 15.78% 15.47% (0.31%) 15.18% 15.47% 0.29% Liquidity Ratios Q3FY23 Q4FY23 QoQ Change FY22 FY23 YoY Change FHC LCR 141.0% 149.2% 8.2% 158.5% 149.2% (9.3%) LDR² 97.4% 95.2% (2.2%) 93.4% 95.2% 1.8% LTAF³ 86.3% 84.4% (1.9%) 82.6% 84.4% 1.8% 1. After deducting proposed dividend 2. 3. Loan-to-Deposit (LDR) refers to Gross Loans divided by Deposits (comprised Deposits from Customers and Deposits from Financial Institutions (banks & non-banks), excluding Interbank Borrowings) Loan-to-Available-Funds ratio (LTAF) refers to gross loans (excluding financing funded by Islamic Investment Accounts and loans sold to Cagamas) divided by deposits plus borrowings and sub debt AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 11#12Disposal of AmGen I P&L - Continuing & Discontinued Operations Financial Effects post Disposal (Full financial year) FY22 FY23 YoY Movement RM'mil Reported (A) + (B) Continuing Ops (A) Discontinued Op (B) Reported (A) + (B) Continuing Ops (A) Discontinued Op Reported (B) Continuing Operations Discontinued Operation NII 3,275 3,151 125 3,541 3,498 42 8% 11% (66%) NOII 1,390 950 440 1,197 1,110 87 (14%) 17% (80%) Income 4,665 4,100 565 4,738 4,608 129 2% 12% (77%) Expenses (2,094) (1,789) (305) (2,100) (1,999) (101) 12% (67%) PBP 2,571 2,311 259 2,637 2,609 28 3% 13% (89%) (Impairment)/Writeback (766) (768) 2 (467) (354) (113) (39%) (54%) (>100%) PBT/(LBT) 1,805 1,544 261 2,170 2,255 (85) 20% 46% (>100%) PAT/(LAT) 1,595 1,366 229 1,676 1,742 (66) 5% 28% (>100%) PATMI/(LATMI) 1,503 1,366 137 1,735 1,742 (7) 15% 28% (>100%) CTI 44.9% 43.6% 54.1% 44.3% 43.4% 78.2% (0.6%) (0.2%) 24.1% Financial Effects post Disposal (Quarterly) Q3FY23 Q4FY23 QoQ Movement RM'mil Reported (A) + (B) (A) Continuing Ops Discontinued Op (B) Reported (A) + (B) Continuing Ops (A) Discontinued Op (B) Reported Continuing Operations Discontinued Operation NII 930 930 824 824 (11%) (11%) N/A ΝΟΙΙ 301 301 336 336 12% 12% N/A Income 1,231 1,231 1,160 1,160 (6%) (6%) N/A Expenses (497) (497) (556) (556) 12% 12% N/A PBP 734 734 605 605 (18%) (18%) N/A (Impairment) / Writeback (149) (149) (51) (51) (66%) (66%) N/A PBT/(LBT) 585 585 554 554 (5%) (5%) N/A PAT/(LAT) 453 453 428 428 (5%) (5%) N/A PATMI/(LATMI) 453 453 428 428 (5%) (5%) N/A CTI 40.4% 40.4% 47.9% 47.9% 7.5% 7.5% N/A AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 12#13Income (Continuing) | YoY Income growth benefited from OPR hikes and stronger Treasury & Markets income Business Segments Q3FY23 Q4FY23 QoQ Change FY22 FY23 YoY Change (RM' mil) Wholesale Banking 395 387 (2%) 1,286 1,501 17% Investment Banking 89 84 (6%) 347 322 (7%) Retail Banking 498 454 (9%) 1,673 1,878 12% Business Banking 180 175 (3%) 558 681 22% Group Funding & Others 51 28 (45%) 229 169 (26%) Total Income - Banking 1,213 1,128 (7%) 4,094 4,551 11% Insurance 18 32 74% 7 57 >100% Total Income 1,231 1,160 (6%) 4,100 4,608 12% Underlying (exclude mod gain) 1,034 955 Underlying (exclude mod gain) 1,010 962 1,022 1,156 Underlying (exclude mod gain) 1,217 1,151 3,961 4,546 4,608 RM' mil I 4,100 1,110 1,231 1,173 1,160 950 1,067 1,058 (62) 1,044 989 986 260 281 243 213 221 205 (17) (14) བྷཝ 301 (139) 336 (33) (48) (22) (34) (24) (9) I 3,498 3,151 913 930 786 815 769 781 831 824 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 FY22 FY23 ■Non-interest Income Net modification gain ■Net Interest Income AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 13#14PBP & PAT (Continuing) | Maintained operating leverage, PBP up 13% Business Segments Q3FY23 Q4FY23 QoQ Change FY22 FY23 YoY Change (RM' mil) Wholesale Banking 328 308 (6%) 1,032 1,232 19% Investment Banking 38 31 (18%) 171 128 (25%) Retail Banking 274 208 (24%) 833 964 16% Business Banking 129 116 (10%) 405 472 16% Group Funding & Others (54) (91) 69% (123) (238) (93%) PBP - Banking 716 573 (20%) 2,319 2,557 10% Insurance 18 32 74% (8) 52 >100% PBP 734 605 (18%) 2,311 2,609 13% RM' mil 643 608 575 552 508 377 339 293 734 695 466 453 395 358 I I I 605 2,609 2,311 1,742 1,366 428 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 FY22 FY23 PBP PAT AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 14#15Group P&L (Continuing) | P&L walk YoY Growth 1,366 14% 17% (56%) 12% ▲ 12% ▲ 13% (54%) 46% >100% ▲ 28% 160 425 77 210 414 336 1,742 RM' mil Net Interest Income FY23 3,437 Non-Interest Income 1,110 Net Mod Impact Total Income Expenses PBP Impairment PBT Tax & Zakat PAT 62 4,608 (1,999) 2,609 (354) 2,255 (513) 1,742 FY22 3,012 950 139 4,100 (1,789) 2,311 (768) 1,544 (177) 1,366 Positive growth in FY23 Contraction in FY23 PAT by Lines of Business (YoY) (>100%) >100% Insurance² 3% (2%) Effective Noll % CTI Group Funding & Others (10%) Tax Rate ▼(5%) FY23 24.1% 43.4% 22.7% Business Banking 15% Retail Banking 29% FY22 23.2% 43.6% 11.5%¹ (29%) Investment Banking 6% PAT RM1,742 mil ▲ 28% AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 1. Inclusive of tax credit relating to Settlement of RM235mil and RM26mil tax claims from prior years, offset by Cukai Makmur (Prosperity Tax) charge of RM96mil 2. Insurance comprised Liberty Insurance Berhad (LIB), AmMet Life and AmMet Life Takaful. The results of LIB (associate) has been equity accounted from 1 August 2022 Wholesale Banking 57% >100% 15#16NIM (Reported) | QOQ NIM compressed due to deposit repricing and competition Net Interest Margin (NIM) Movement (YoY) Divisions Funding + Deposits QoQ NIM Q4FY23: Reported: 1.84% ( (29bps)) Underlying: 1.82% ( ▼(28bps)) Q3FY23: Reported: 2.13% Underlying: 2.10% bps 205 8.9 196 2.7 5.3 11.7 0.1 1.1 3.0 1.9 Underlying: 7bps 28.3 203 3.8 Reported: ▲ 2bps 207 FY22 Reported Net modification FY22 Underlying Retail Banking Wholesale Banking Investment Banking Business Banking General Insurance Asset mix Interbank / Group Deposits FY23 Underlying impact Funding Net modification impact FY23 Reported Positive growth in FY23 Contraction in FY23 Excluding NIM Trend Gross Yield COF 3.72% 3.68% 3.73% net mod impact NIM 4.49% 4.62% 4.58% 4.07% 3.80% Excluding net mod impact 4.30% 4.24% 3.65% 3.69% 2.97% 2.97% 2.55% 2.08% 2.03% 2.09% 2.00% 2.12% 2.15% 2.12% 2.13% 1.84% 1.84% 1.82% 1.84% 1.86% 1.84% 1.82% 2.40% 2.39% 2.05% 2.07% 2.03% 1.84% Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 % (Jun 2021) (Sep 2021) (Dec 2021) (Mar 2022) Q1FY23 (Jun 2022) Q2FY23 (Sep 2022) Q3FY23 (Dec 2022) Q4FY23 (Mar 2023) Q4FY23 (Mar 2023) FY22 FY23 (Mar 2022) (Mar 2023) FY23 (Mar 2023) Net interest spread 1.88 1.84 1.90 1.81 1.94 1.92 1.94 1.65 1.62 1.86 1.90 1.85 OPR 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.50 2.75 2.75 2.75 1.75 2.75 2.75 AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 16#17Noll (Continuing) 17% growth in NOII: Strong Treasury & Markets, Business Banking & Corporate Banking fees and Insurance offsetting lower Investment Banking and Wealth Management Income YoY Growth ▲ 20% ▲ 10% ▲ 95% ▼(2%) (25%) (14%) (25%) ▲ 5% ▲ 15% ▲ 27% >100% >100% ▲ 17% Composition 5% 8% 19% 14% 4% 7% 8% 4% 10% 13% 5% 3% 100% 950 10 8 18 101 34 32 14 3 2 14 13 29 1,110 RM' mil Corporate Banking Transaction Banking Group Treasury & Markets Insurance Fund Equity Management Markets Other IB Businesses Wealth Management Cards Other Retail Business Banking (General & Others Noll Life) FY23 61 90 208 146 42 84 85 50 108 148 57 31 1,110 FY22 50 82 107 150 56 97 114 48 94 116 23 13 950 Wholesale: ▲ 50% Investment: (10%) Positive growth in FY23 Contraction in FY23 FY22 Noll FY23 Noll AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation Retail: (5%) 17#18Expenses (Continuing) | Neutral JAWS, CTI 43.4% Business Segments Q3FY23 Q4FY23 QoQ Change FY22 FY23 YoY Change (RM' mil) Wholesale Banking 67 80 18% 254 269 6% Investment Banking 50 52 4% 176 194 10% Retail Banking 224 246 10% 840 914 9% Business Banking 51 59 16% 153 209 37% Group Funding & Others 105 119 14% 352 407 16% Expenses Banking 497 556 12% 1,775 1,994 12% Insurance N/A 14 5 (64%) Expenses 497 556 12% 1,789 1,999 12% Expense Growth Driver (YoY) Positive P&L impact in FY23 RM' mil 1,789 Negative P&L impact in FY23 Staff cost related - RM162 mil 36 4 8 30 12 33 46 41 Expense and CTI Trend RM' mil 48.5%1 47.9% 1 44.9% 44.2% 42.5% 40.7% 40.4% 1 43.6% 43.4% I 39.7% 1,999 556 424 437 450 469 478 497 478 I 1,999 1,789 FY22 Bonus Salaries & Bonus Accrual other Recruit- ment cost Reversal statutory Other staff cost Admin & Sales & Others General Marketing FY23 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 FY22 FY23 in FY22 payments AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 18#19Loans (Reported) | Broad-based loans growth Gross Loans Movement (RM' bil) YTD Growth Composition Breakdown by concept: Breakdown by customers' type: ROA: ROTA: Retail - 54% 0.92% 0.92% Conventional - 65% Non-retail 46% Breakdown by rate sensitivity: Fixed rate-22% Variable rate -78% Islamic 35% 10% 13% 13% 6% 5% 9% 11% (1%) 12% 9% 13% 14% 16% 35% 10% 2% 4% 4% 2% 100% 1.4 2.2 2.5 0.5 0.2 0.7 2.6 0.2 70 0.1 120.0 Gross loans trend (RM'bil) FY23 FY22 FY21 YoY Growth Industry 130.2 9% 5%² 120.0 ▲ 6% 5%³ 112.7 5% 4%3 FY22 MidCorp Large Corp & Others Business Banking Mortgage Auto Finance Cards & Retail SME Personal COOP, ASB Financing Financing Investment Banking & Others Positive growth in FY23 Wholesale: 12% Contraction in FY23 Retail: 6% 1. 22 Based on BNM data from end Mar'22 to end Mar'23 2. Based on BNM data and in accordance with AMMB's financial period AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 130.2 FY23 19#20Asset Quality (Reported) | Impairment charges significantly lower Net Impairment (YoY Movement) RM' mil 1.7 351.7 34.9 269.7 1,119.5 766.0 767.7 200.8 70.0 254.8 3.2 286.1 67.5 353.6 Overlay (PL) (RM'mil): Q1FY23: 30.0 Q2FY23: 0.6 Q3FY23: (4.5) Q4FY23: 41.4 113.2 466.9 FY22 Reported AmGen FY22 impairment FY22 Continuing Overlay write-back FY22 before overlay ECL Stage 1 & 2 ECL Stage 3 Individual Recoveries Commitments Others Allowance & Contingencies FY23 before overlay Overlay charge FY23 Continuing AmGen FY23 impairment FY23 Reported Positive P&L impact in FY23 Negative P&L impact in FY23 Gross Impaired Loans and LLC Ratios Credit Cost and New Impaired Loans Formation Retail Business 114.0% Wholesale GIL Ratio 2 Loan Loss Coverage (incl RR) 1/2 1,2 AmBank Group FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 2 Loan Loss Coverage (excl RR) 124.1% 139.2% 127.7% 93.4% Net credit cost³ (%) (excl. overlay) 0.17% 0.44%² 0.39%2 0.27% 124.1% 133.1% 116.5% Net credit cost³ (%) 0.30% 0.81%2 0.26%2 0.32% 86.2% 72.5% 1.59% 1.73% 1.57% 1.40% 1.46% Credit cost4 RM' mil 1,853 1,896 (excl. recoveries) (%) 0.62% 1.12%2 0.46%2 0.56% 1,770 1,621 1,676 283 333 260 217 266 New Impaired Loans (RM'mil) 1,491 990 1,357 1,961 222 646 628 517 676 1. 1,342 924 2. 728 882 893 Includes regulatory reserve of RM388m (FY20), NIL (FY21), RM103m (FY22) and RM212m (FY23) Restatement of numbers due to reclassified unrated bonds/sukuk from loans to financial investments from Q1FY21 to Q4FY22 (Apr 20 to Mar'22) 3. FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Computed based on net loan loss allowances (FS Note A25) of RM323m (FY20), RM913m (FY21), RM314m (FY22), RM422m (FY23) 4. Computed based on gross loan loss allowances (FS Note A25) of RM666mil (FY20), RM1,265mil (FY21), RM555m (FY22), RM732 (FY23) 20 AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation#21Asset Quality | Vigilant monitoring of sector exposures Impaired Loans by Sector Loans by Internal Risk Grade Strong Very Strong Satisfactory Moderate Marginal Substandard Impaired Bonds & Loans outstanding 22% Oil & Gas: RM3.0bil 44% 66% 17% Mar'22 Dec'22 Mar'23 Sector Composition RM' mil RM' mil RM' mil QoQ Movement YOY Movement Loans outstanding Agriculture 9 8 7 (14%) (19%) 2% 7% Mining and quarrying 176 44 43 2% (2%) (75%) Manufacturing 227 241 215 11% (11%) (5%) 25% Oil & Gas: RM2.Obil Electricity, gas and 4 46 47 3% 2% >100% ~ 2% of total water gross loans Construction 113 154 172 9% 12% 53% Wholesale, retail trade, hotels and 170 188 213 11% 13% 25% restaurants 3% Transport, storage 19 26 24 1% (8%) 27% and communication 10% Finance and insurance 1 11 11 1% 7% >100% Real estate 188 175 11 1% (93%) (94%) Construction: RM4.5bil 54% ~ 3% of total Business activities 38 51 45 2% (13%) 17% 33% gross loans Education and health 6 10 12 12 1% 17% 91% Household of which: 725 1,087 1,096 58% 1% 51% - Residential 540 811 842 45% 4% 56% Properties - Transport Vehicles 5% 80 118 115 6% (2%) 44% - Others 105 158 139 7% (12%) 33% 33% Total 1,676 2,041 1,896 100% (7%) 13% Real Estate: RM7.7bil ~ 6% of total gross loans 62% AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 17% 1. Categorised under "Mining and quarrying" sector in Financial Statement 21#22Deposits (Reported) | Consistent Retail deposit growth Deposits (RM' bil) CASA (RM' bil) and CASA Composition (%) CASA Trend Customer Deposits Trend YTD Growth Industry YTD Growth Industry 6% 5%¹ 13% FY23 48.8 (2%)1 FY23 130.3 FY22 2% 122.6 5%2 FY22 43.1 21% FY21 120.5 7% 6%2 FY21 35.8 24% 6%2 21%2 Retail FD Non-Retail FD AmBank Group Deposits Market Share (%) 1 Retail CASA Non-Retail CASA Retail CASA Non-Retail CASA CASA Composition (%) 37.4% 5.8% 5.6% 5.7% 5.5% 5.4% 5.5% 35.2% 32.6% 32.9% 32.2% 48.8 5.4% 5.4% 30.7% 130.3 29.9% 30.0% 124.7 122.6 124.3 121.4 121.0 43.1 114.1 115.9 39.6 39.8 40.0 24.9 19.7 37.4 21.4 23.0 20.4 21.3 35.6 18.2 17.6 34.1 24.9 23.0 20.4 43.5 21.3 21.4 51.2 45.0 19.7 45.7 46.3 43.1 18.2 46.6 45.6 17.6 23.9 16.5 17.4 17.7 20.1 19.2 18.6 18.6 23.9 20.1 16.5 17.4 17.7 19.2 18.6 18.6 33.4 34.7 36.1 33.7 35.6 38.1 39.4 38.0 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Retail Deposit 43.8% Mix 44.9% 43.1% 43.9% 45.1% 46.8% 46.7% 47.5% Retail CASA 48.5% 48.8% Mix 47.4% 46.6% 48.5% 46.6% 46.6% 49.0% AmBank Group 1. 2. Based on BNM data from end Mar'22 to end Mar'23 Based on BNM data and in accordance with AMMB's financial period FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 22 22#23Capital (Reported) | Capital build on track RWA/Total Assets RM' bil Total Assets RWA/Total Assets Peers FHC Capital Adequacy Ratios³ CET 1/Tier 1 Total CAR 65.0% 66.7% 67.4% 64.4% 62.6% 15.80% 15.43% 15.18% 15.47% 15.32% 15.65% 14.48% 14.14% 58.4% 58.5% 58.1% 56.8% 54.9% 11.89% 12.44% 11.65% 12.10% 11.33% 12.20% 12.51% 10.42% 197.5 158.8 169.2 170.2 174.9 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 1. FHC RWA/Total Assets 2. Based on an average of our seven peer domestic banks as at 31 December 2022 FHC CET1 (YOY Movement) FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY21 FY22 FY23 3. After deducting proposed dividends without TA with TA 12.20% 0.14% 11.65% 11.79% 0.55% Positive growth in FY23 Contraction in FY23 • FY23 interim dividend of 6.0 sen per share . Proposed final dividend of 12.3 sen per share ⚫ FY23 total dividend 18.3 sen per share (dividend payout ratio of 35%) 1.42% 0.26% 0.41% 0.09% 12.43% 12.51% 12.10% 0.63% 0.17% 0.15% 0.33% FY2022 TA (with TA FY2022 (without after FY22 Final TA after Dividend FY2022 (without TA) Profit for Transfer to FY2023 Reg Reserve RWA4 Amgen FY23 Disposal Interim Dividend Others FY2023 Proposed (without Final TA) FY2023 (without TA FY2023 (with TA Dividend TA after Proposed Proposed from RE Paid Proposed after Proposed Dividend) Dividend) Dividend) Dividend) 4. Credit RWA: -0.70%; Market RWA: 0.12%; Operational & Other RWA: -0.05% AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 23#24Summary | FY23 Summary IMPROVED PERFORMANCE Delivered 10% ROE Deposit repricing OPERATING LEVERAGE Neutral JAWS (Continuing Operations basis) Investments in technology and platforms continue AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation • CREDIT PROFILE GIL manageable at 1.46% LLC (incl. RR) 127.7%; RM461mil overlays c/fwd . • BALANCE SHEET STRENGTH Capital build on track: 12.43% pre-proposed final dividend (without TA) Dividend payout 35% 24#25THANK YOU#26FY23 Results (Reported) | Reported yearly performance PATMI/ (LATMI) (RM' mil) & ROE (%) PATMI / (LATMI) 8.8% 7.4% PATMI: ROE: YoY Growth 15.5% YoY Growth 0.7% 9.3% 10.0% 1,505 1,341 1,503 1,735 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 (3,826) -20.2% Cost to Income Ratio and Expenses Growth (%) CTI Expenses: Expenses Growth CAGR FY20-FY23 ▼(0.1%) CTI Avg improvement (FY19-FY23) (2.5%) Total Income (RM' mil) and Non-interest Income (%) Total Income Non-interest Income % Total Income: CAGR FY20-FY23: 3.9% YoY Growth 1.6% 36% 34% 34% 30% 25% 4,552 4,665 4,738 4,227 3,922 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 ROA (%) and EPS (Basic) EPS -ROA 1.08% 0.93% 54.3% 49.9% 46.8% 44.9% 44.3% 50.0 44.6 ROA: YoY Growth EPS: YoY Growth (0.02%) 15.1% 0.94% 0.92% 52.4 45.5 1.1% -1.1% 0.3% -1.8% FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 -12.0% FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation (127.2) (2.24%) 26#27Asset Quality (Continuing) | (Impairments) / Writebacks Net (Impairments) / Writebacks and GIL Ratio Total impairments by category (RM' mil) ECL Stage 1 & 2 / CP - Non defaulted¹ ECL Stage 3/CP - Defaulted Individual Provisions Recoveries Other Provisions² Total net impairments Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 QoQ Change FY22 FY23 YoY Change (122) (124) 56 561 6 19 (55) 17 (>100%) 371 (13) >100% (118) (85) (98) (557) (125) (155) (167) (141) (16%) (858) (588) (31%) (12) (21) (304) (3) (12) (20) (66) (41) (38%) (339) (139) (59%) 57 61 48 74 71 83 68 88 240 (8) (4) (40) (129) (6) (15) 71 26 (203) (173) (338) (53) (66) (88) (149) (51) 29% (63%) (182) (66%) (768)³ (354)³ 310 29% 76 (>100%) (54%) Total impairments by divisions (RM' mil) Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 QoQ Change FY22 FY23 YoY Change Wholesale Banking (68) (101) (258) (586) 21 47 (21) (1) (95%) (1,013) 46 (>100%) Investment Banking 2 7 0 2 0 (1) 0 (0) >100% 11 >100% Retail Banking (43) 5 (43) (77) (38) (121) (85) (58) (31%) (158) (302) 92% Business Banking (22) (52) 1 29 (19) (14) (100) 10 Group Funding & Others (72) (32) (39) 578 (30) 1 56 (1) Total net impairment (203) (173) (338) (53) (66) (88) (149) (51) (>100%) (44) (123) >100% 436 (66%) (768)³ (354) 3 >100% 26 (94%) (54%) GIL Ratio Wholesale Banking 2.08% 1.84% 1.98% Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 1.66% QoQ Change YoY Change 1.34% 1.07% 1.12% 0.64% (0.48%) (1.02%) Investment Banking 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% N/A N/A Retail Banking 1.34% 1.30% 1.12% Business Banking 1.90% 1.66% 1.44% 1.31% 1.42% 1.71% 1.82% 1.87% 1.85% 1.47% (0.02%) 0.55% 1.37% 1.65% 1.57% (0.08%) 0.15% Group 1.59% 1.47% 1.37% 1.40% 1.55% 1.52% 1.62% 1.46% (0.16%) 0.06% Industry 1.62% 1.73% 1.68% 1.71% 1.81% 1.82% 1.72% 1.75% 0.03% 0.04% 123 1. Includes overlay and forward-looking provision 2. 3. Includes trade & sundry debtors and provision for contingencies Excludes AmGen's net impairment of RM1.7m (FY22) and -RM113.2m (FY23) AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 27#28Loans (Reported) | Loans by sector vs industry AmBank Group (RM' bil) Loans 2% Composition YTD Growth 2% 12% 1% 3% 9% 4% 6% 6% 1% 54% 100% 29% ▲2% ▼(1%) 29% 3% 15% 7% 37% 17% 9% ▲ 6% (79%) ▲ 9% ■Mar'23 69.0 130.2 15.8 4.5 12.2 7.6 7.7 3.1 2.2 1.5 5.2 1.5 0.0 Agriculture Mining & Quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, Gas & Water Construction Wholesale, Retail, Hotels & Restaurant Finance, Transport, Storage & Com Insurance, Real Estate Education & Health Household Others Total Loans & Biz Act 36.9 9.4 128.0 24.7 46.1 103.4 54.6 162.6 140.8 108.1 17.6 Mar'23 Loans 2% 1% 6% 1% 146 Composition 5% 1,204.9 2,037.0 998 8% 3% 7% 5% 2% 59% 1% 100% YTD Growth 4% ▼(14%) ▼(1%) ▲ 20% ▲ 1% ▲ 6% ▲ 13% ▲ 9% ▲ 1% ▲ 2% ▲ 5% ▲ 12% ▲ 5% Industry (RM' bil) Source: BNM, financial statements AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 28#29Divisional Performance#30Wholesale Banking (Reported) | Wholesale Banking Total Income (YoY Movement) and Assets by Line of Business PAT Trend (RM' mil) FY22: 37 55% Total Income RM1,501 mil 17% Transaction Banking 23% Transaction Banking Group Treasury & Markets 63% 143 127 22 QoQ Growth: YoY Growth: 0% >100% FY23: 988 288 227 237 236 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 2% 7% Wholesale Banking Coverage 30% Wholesale Banking Coverage 31% Total Assets RM100.8b (255) Corporate Banking Loan Disbursement and Repayment Disbursement QoQ Mvmt: *Disbursement YoY Mvmt: Repayment QoQ Mvmt: (17%) 16% (45%) Disbursement Repayment *Repayment YoY Mvmt: 4% Group Treasury & Markets 46% 14% Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 *Note: YoY mvmt - FY23 vs FY22 AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 30#31Wholesale Banking (Reported) | Wholesale Banking Income Statement YoY Growth 9% 50% 17% 6% 19% (>100%) >100% >100% >100% RM' mil Net Interest Income Non-Interest Income Total Income Expenses PBP Recoveries / (Impairment) PBT (Tax Expenses) / Tax Recoveries PAT FY23 1,142 359 1,501 (269) 1,232 46 1,278 (290) 988 FY22 1,047 239 1,286 (254) 1,032 (1,013) 19 18 37 FY23 PAT FY22 PAT Positive growth in FY23 Contraction in FY23 Balance Sheet (RM' mil/%) Key Ratios FY22 FY23 YTD Change FY22 FY23 YTD Change Gross Loans/Financing 31,063 34,662 12% GIL Ratio 1.66% 0.64% (1.02%) Gross Impaired Loans 517 222 (57%) CTI 19.8% 17.9% (1.9%) Customer Deposits 53,561 51,391 (4%) Loan Loss Coverage 160.9% 304.6% >100.0% CASA 15,296 15,941 4% ROA 0.05% 1.12% 1.07% CASA Mix 28.6% 31.0% 2.4% AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 31#32Investment Banking (Reported) | Investment Banking League Table DCM (Overall MYR Bonds) Islamic Sukuk Unit Trust Market Share¹ As At Rank² 31 March 2023 10.7% Market Share of Value and Volume Traded on Bursa (KLSE)¹ Trading Value Trading Volume 4.0% 3.9% I 3.6% 3.2% 3.2% 7.3% 4 5.3% 5.5% 4.8% 8.0% 5 4.3% 4.0% Stockbroking³ 5.5% 8 M&A³ Fund Raising³ 1.0% 9 1.8% 6 (non-DCM) 1. Calendar Year data 2. Comparing rank movement with 31 December 2022 3. Rank by value Fund Management - AUM (RM' bil) 47.9 47.6 47.8 42.1 40.5 FY19 AmBank Group FY20 I I CY2019 CY2020 CY2021 CY2022 Q1CY2023 CY = Calendar Year Private Banking - AUM (RM' bil) 9.8 10.1 9.2 8.2 7.9 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 32 22#33Investment Banking (Reported) | Investment Banking Income Statement YoY Growth 11% (10%) (7%) 10% (25%) >100% (30%) (34%) (29%) RM' mil Net Interest Income FY23 50 Non-Interest Income 272 Total Income Expenses PBP (Impairment) / Recoveries PBT Tax Expenses PAT 322 (194) 128 (1) 127 (26) 101 FY22 45 303 347 (176) 171 11 183 (39) 143 FY23 PAT FY22 PAT Positive growth in FY23 Contraction in FY23 Balance Sheet (RM' mil/%) Key Ratios FY22 FY23 YTD Change FY22 FY23 YTD Change GIL Ratio 0.00% N/A Gross Loans/Financing 1,884 2,382 26% Share Margin Financing¹ CTI 50.7% 60.3% 9.6% 1,150 1,661 44% Gross Impaired Loans 0.1 N/A Loan Loss Coverage 100.0% N/A Customer Deposits 855 955 12% ROA 5.39% 3.48% (1.91%) CASA 319 136 (57%) Average AUM² 58,114 57,176 (2%) CASA Mix 37.3% 14.2% (23.1%) 1. Aggregation of AmBank (M) and AmInvestment Bank entities 2. Inclusive of Private Banking AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 33#34Retail Banking (Reported) | Retail Banking Total Income (YoY Movement) and Loans by Line of Business PAT Trend (RM' mil) (24%) Wealth 5% (1%) Total Income RM 1,878 mil 49% 12% Others 4% Retail SME Auto 11% 9% 8% Retail SME COOP & ASB Financing 8% Auto 18% 7% Cards & Mortgage 18% Personal Financing 4% 54% Deposits 37% AmBank Group Total loans RM72.4 bil Mortgage 63% FY23 Results - Investor Presentation (10%) FY22: 515 162 QoQ Growth: (21%) YoY Growth: (2%) FY23: 503 114 144 98 146 92 126 135 تلايان Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Cards & Personal Financing 13% COOP & ASB Financing 3% (6%) (10%) 34#35Retail Banking (Reported) | Retail Banking Wealth Sales (RM' mil) FY22: 2,923 875 795 759 QoQ Growth: (7%) YoY Growth: (35%) FY23: 1,899 Merchant Volume Merchant volume (RM'mil) Merchants in force ('000) QoQ Growth: 4% QoQ Growth: YoY Growth: 38% YoY Growth: (4%) 35 35 35 35 35 34 34 34 FY22: 11,146 3,945 FY23: 15,367 3,870 3,844 3,708 3,341 3,328 563 524 495 433 2,261 2,215 379 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Credit Cards Mortgage and Auto Finance Quarterly Disbursements Cards in circulation QoQ Growth: *Cards in circulation YoY Growth: 3% 10% Cards in circulation ('000) New cards issued ('000) New cards issued QoQ Growth: *New cards issued YoY Growth: (3%) 36% ■Mortgage Auto Finance Mortgage QoQ Growth: *Mortgage YoY Growth: Auto Finance QoQ Growth: *Auto Finance YoY Growth: 8% 9% 6% 66% 100 Cards in circulation 640 620 600 90 80 70 60 580 50 560 540 520 500 ☑ Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 40 30 New cards issued 20 10 1411177 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 *Note: YoY growth - FY23 vs FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 35#36Retail Banking (Reported) | Retail Banking Income Statement YoY Growth 15% (5%) 12% 9% 16% 92% (2%) (2%) (2%) RM' mil Net Interest Income Non-Interest Income Total Income Expenses PBP Impairment PBT Tax Expenses PAT FY23 1,635 243 1,878 (914) 964 (302) 661 (158) 503 FY22 1,417 256 1,673 (840) 833 (158) 676 (161) 515 FY23 PAT FY22 PAT Positive growth in FY23 Contraction in FY23 Balance Sheet (RM' mil/%) Key Ratios Gross Loans/Financing 68,396 72,351 FY22 FY23 YTD Change 6% GIL Ratio FY22 FY23 YTD Change 1.31% 1.85% 0.54% Gross Impaired Loans 893 1,342 50% CTI 50.2% 48.7% (1.5%) Customer Deposits 53,814 61,933 15% Loan Loss Coverage 126.9% 88.7% (38.2%) CASA 20,076 23,936 19% ROA 0.78% 0.72% (0.06%) CASA mix 37.3% 38.6% 1.3% Average AUM 2,779 2,281 (18%) (Wealth Management) AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 36#37Business Banking (Reported) | Business Banking Gross Loans (RM' mil) Non-trade Trade QoQ Growth: YoY Growth: 6% 13% 21,196 20,068 18,736 19,053 19,336 18,070 17,329 17,374 5,465 5,200 5,172 5,300 5,249 4,945 4,676 4,675 12,653 12,699 13,125 13,564 13,753 14,087 14,868 15,731 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Customer Deposits (RM' mil) CASA FD QoQ Growth: YoY Growth: 9% 7% PAT Trend (RM' mil) 16,365 15,231 15,034 15,071 13,831 14,120 12,624 12,517 66 7,250 6,950 7,303 7,431 6,997 7,433 6,139 6,280 8,282 9,115 6,485 6,237 6,398 7,123 7,731 7,639 QoQ Growth: YoY Growth: >100% (5%) FY22: 278 FY23: 265 30 22 82 100 69 69 79 21 96 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 37#38Business Banking (Reported) | Business Banking Income Statement YoY Growth 21% 27% 22% 37% 16% >100% (3%) ▲ 2% (5%) RM' mil Net Interest Income Non-Interest Income Total Income Expenses PBP Impairment PBT Tax Expenses PAT FY23 534 147 681 (209) 472 (123) 349 (84) 265 FY22 442 116 558 (153) 405 (44) 361 (83) 278 FY23 PAT FY22 PAT Positive growth in FY23 Contraction in FY23 Balance Sheet (RM' mil/%) Gross Loans/Financing 18,736 21,196 Gross Impaired Loans 266 333 25% CTI Key Ratios FY22 FY23 YTD Change FY22 FY23 YTD Change 13% GIL Ratio 1.42% 1.57% 0.15% 27.4% 30.8% 3.4% Customer Deposits 15,231 16,365 7% Loan Loss Coverage 89.5% 102.9% 13.4% CASA 8,282 9,115 10% ROA 1.59% 1.37% (0.22%) CASA Mix AmBank Group 54.4% 55.7% 1.3% FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 38#39Islamic Banking (Reported) | Islamic Banking Income Statement YoY Growth 17% ▲ 17% 17% (65%) >100% >100% 100% RM' mil Total Income Expenses PBP Impairment PBT Tax & Zakat PATZ FY23 1,207 (335) 872 (180) 692 (160) 532 FY22 1,032 (285) 747 (507) 240 (52) 188 FY23 PAT FY22 PAT Positive growth in FY23 Contraction in FY23 Balance Sheet (RM' mil/%) Key Ratios FY22 FY23 YTD Change FY22 FY23 YTD Change Gross Financing 39,347 45,641 16% GIF Ratio 1.60% 1.14% (0.46%) Gross Impaired Financing 629 521 (17%) CTI 27.6% 27.8% 0.2% Customer Deposits 37,590 45,253 20% Financing Loss Coverage 114.3% 136.5% 22.2% CASA 14,446 17,785 23% ROA 0.36% 0.95% 0.59% CASA Mix 38.4% 39.3% 0.9% AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 39#40AmBank (M) entity level | AmBank (M) Income Statement YoY Growth 9% 21% 11% 10% 13% (37%) 25% >100% 7% RM' mil Net Interest Income Non-Interest Income Total Income Expenses PBP Impairment PBT Tax PAT FY23 2,341 677 3,019 (1,428) 1,590 (173) 1,417 (326) 1,091 FY22 2,151 560 2,711 (1,300) 1,411 (275) 1,136 (118) 1,018 FY23 PAT FY22 PAT Positive growth in FY23 Contraction in FY23 Balance Sheet (RM' mil/%) Key Ratios FY22 FY23 YTD Change FY22 FY23 YTD Change Gross Loans 80,016 83,739 5% GIL Ratio 1.31% 1.64% 0.33% Gross Impaired Loans 1,046 1,374 31% CTI 48.0% 47.3% (0.7%) Loan Loss Coverage Customer Deposits 85,871 85,391 (1%) 153.4% 123.6% (29.8%) (incl Regulatory Reserve) CASA 29,527 31,342 6% ROA 0.90% 0.86% (0.04%) CASA Mix 34.4% 36.7% 2.3% AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 40 40#41P&L Continuing Operations | Continuing Operations - YoY Income and Core PAT Growth, Improved CTI Continuing Operations - Total Income (RM'mil) & CTI CTI 48.1% 45.2% 45.1% 45.5% 39.7% 44.2% 42.5% 48.5% 44.9% 40.7% 40.4% 47.9% 45.9% 43.6% 43.4% 11% 7% 5% 7% 6% 12% 5% 12% 5% 4,608 -2% -7% -7% -6% 3,900 4,100 24% 23% 28% 877 972 1,037 1,013 1,067 989 1,058 986 1,044 1,173 1,231 1,160 72% 77% 76% 34% 27% 28% 24% 26% 22% 23% 21% 20% 22% 24% 29% 66% 73% 72% 76% 74% 78% 77% 79% 80% 78% 76% 71% Q1FY21 Q2FY21 Q3FY21 Q4FY21 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 FY21 FY22 FY23 NII NOII QoQ Movement YoY Movement Continuing Operations - Core Profit After Tax 1,2 (RM'mil) >100% I 22% 64% 12% 18% 51% 45% 1,742 -40% -75% -14% -26% -3% -5% 1,201 795 317 190 232 339 293 354 395 466 453 428 216 57 Q1FY21 Q2FY21 Q3FY21 Q4FY21 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 FY21 FY22 FY23 Core PAT QoQ Movement YoY Movement 1. 2. Q4FY21 and FY21 Core PAT exclude exceptional one-off items of RM4,767mil and related legal and professional expenses of RM21mil Q3FY22, Q4FY22 and FY22 Core PAT exclude i) tax credit of RM261mil (inclusive of tax credit relating to Settlement of RM235mil and RM26mil tax claims from prior years), offset by ii) Cukai Makmur (Prosperity Tax) charge of RM96mil AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 41#42P&L Continuing Operations | Appendix: Continuing Operations - P&L by Quarters FY21 FY22 FY23 YoY Movement FY21-FY23 (full FY) YoY Movement Q4FY22 RM'mil Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 40 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 VS Q4FY21 Q4FY23 VS Q4FY22 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY22 vs FY21 FY23 vs Y22 NII 576 706 746 775 786 769 815 781 831 913 930 824 1% 5% 2,802 3,151 3,498 12% 11% ΝΟΙΙ 301 267 291 239 281 221 243 205 213 260 301 336 (14%) 64% 1,098 950 1,110 (13%) 17% Income 877 972 1,037 1,013 1,067 989 1,058 986 1,044 1,173 1,231 1,160 (3%) 18% 3,900 4,100 4,608 5% 12% Expenses (422) (439) (468) (462) (424) (437) (450) (478) (469) (478) (497) (556) 4% 16% (1,790) (1,789) (1,999) 12% PBP 455 533 569 552 643 552 608 508 575 695 734 605 (8%) 19% 2,110 2,311 2,609 10% 13% (Impairment) (48) (335) (262) (494) (203) (173) (338) (53) (66) (88) (149) (51) (89%) (5%) (1,139) (768) (354) (33%) (54%) / Writeback Goodwill & other (1,937) N/A N/A (1,937) N/A N/A impairment Settlement (2,830) N/A N/A (2,830) N/A N/A PBT/(LBT) 407 198 307 (4,709) 440 380 270 454 509 608 585 554 ▲ >100% PAT/(LAT) 317 190 232 (4,731) 339 293 377 358 395 466 453 428 ▲ >100% 22% (3,797) 1,544 2,255 19% (3,993) 1,366 1,742 >100% 46% >100% 28% Adjustments 4,788 (161) (4) 4,788 (165) Core PAT¹,2 317 190 232 571 339 293 216 354 395 466 453 428 >100% 21% 795 1,201 1,742 51% 45% CTI 48.1% 45.2% 45.1% 45.5% 39.7% 44.2% 42.5% 48.5% 44.9% 40.7% 40.4% 47.9% 3.0% ▼(0.6%) 45.9% 43.6% 43.4% ▼ (2.3%) ▼ (0.2%) FY Financial Year 1. 2. Excluding exceptional one-off items of RM4,767mil and related legal and professional expenses of RM21mil Excluding i) tax credit of RM261mil (inclusive of tax credit relating to Settlement of RM235mil and RM26mil tax claims from prior years), offset by ii) Cukai Makmur (Prosperity Tax) charge of RM96mil AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 42#43P&L Continuing Operations | Appendix: Reported - P&L by Quarters FY21 FY22 FY23 YoY Movement FY21-FY23 (full FY) YoY Movement Q4FY22 RM'mil Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 22 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 VS Q4FY21 Q4FY23 VS Q4FY22 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY22 vs FY21 FY23 vs Y22 NII 614 740 779 803 818 800 845 812 863 923 930 824 1% 1% 2,935 3,275 3,541 12% 8% NOII 479 415 397 326 420 321 338 311 298 262 301 336 (5%) A 8% 1,617 1,390 1,197 (14%) (14%) Income 1,092 1,155 1,176 1,129 1,238 1,121 1,183 1,123 1,162 1,185 1,231 1,160 (1%) 3% 4,552 4,665 4,738 A 2% 2% Expenses (539) (524) (545) (525) (495) (514) (529) (557) (544) (504) (497) (556) 6% ≈ (2,132) (2,094) (2,100) (2%) PBP 554 631 631 605 743 607 654 566 618 681 734 605 (6%) 7% 2,420 2,571 2,637 6% 3% (Impairment) (50) (333) (262) (492) (199) (174) (337) (51) (64) (203) (149) (51) (90%) (1%) (1,137) (761) (467) (33%) (39%) /Writeback Goodwill & other (1,937) (5) (0) 0 N/A N/A (1,937) (5) N/A N/A impairment Settlement (2,830) N/A PBT/(LBT) 504 298 369 (4,655) 540 433 317 514 554 478 585 554 ▲ >100% PAT/(LAT) 402 273 283 (4,670) 422 338 417 418 434 362 453 428 ▲ >100% 2% N/A (2,830) 8% (3,483) (3,712) 1,595 N/A N/A 1,805 2,170 ▲ >100% 20% 1,676 >100% 5% PATMI/ 365 237 264 (4,693) 387 321 403 392 419 435 453 428 >100% 9% (3,826) 1,503 1,735 >100% 15% (LATMI) Adjustments 4,788 (161) 1 4,788 (160) Core PAT¹,2 402 273 283 118 422 338 256 419 434 362 453 428 >100% 4% 1,076 1,435 1,676 33% 17% Core 365 237 264 95 387 321 243 390 419 435 453 428 ▲ >100% 10% 962 1,340 1,735 39% 29% PATMI1,2 CTI 49.3% 45.4% 46.4% 46.5% 40.0% 45.8% 44.7% 49.6% 46.8% 42.5% 40.4% 47.9% 3.2% ▼(1.7%) 46.8% 44.9% 44.3% ▼(1.9%) ▼ (0.6%) FY=Financial Year 1. Excluding exceptional one-off items of RM4,767mil and related legal and professional expenses of RM21mil 2. Excluding i) Total tax credit of RM266mil (inclusive of tax credit relating to Settlement of RM235mil and RM31mil tax claims from prior years), offset by ii) Total Cukai Makmur (Prosperity Tax) charge of RM106mil. Inclusive of AmGen's Cukai Makmur (Prosperity Tax) of RM10mil and tax claims from prior years of RM5mil, before 49% minority interest AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 43#44Glossary & Disclaimer | Glossary & Disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability Reported Performance Reported performance refers to the financial performance as reported in the audited financial statements and disclosed to the market Growth Definition QoQ growth refers to Q4FY23 vs Q3FY23 YoY/YTD growth refers to FY23 vs FY22 Disclaimer on rounding differences Numbers may not add up due to rounding Disclaimer on restatement of comparatives The comparatives for business segments' financials have been restated to reflect current business realignment The information has been prepared by AMMB Holdings Berhad (AmBank Group or the Group) for information purpose and is believed to be correct at the time of presentation. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by or on behalf of AMMB Holdings as to the accuracy and completeness of the information or opinion contained in this presentation. This presentation does not purport to contain all information that may be required to evaluate AmBank Group or its financial position and should not be construed as an offer or recommendation to buy or sell securities. Neither does this presentation to form the basis of, or be relied in any connection with, any contract, investment decision or commitment whatsoever. Certain statements in this presentation may contain forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on current beliefs and expectations of the Group and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. The term "AMMB Holdings" and "AmBank Group" denotes all Group companies within the AMMB Holdings Group and this Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability policy applies to the financial institutions under AMMB Holdings. For further information, visit www.ambankgroup.com; or contact Yeoh Ru Hann Head, Group Finance - Investor Relations Email: [email protected]/ [email protected] Soh Yee Tyng Vice President, Group Finance - Investor Relations Email: [email protected] AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 44

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