Second Quarter 2023 Earnings Conference Call

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#1подолодогоголого ого рото огоголотого оло- огогоКОГ ДОГОГА Пог IOLOLOLO OLOL дод гологод гогогогого огогогогогогог ого ог ДГОТООГО ТОГО, ОГОГО ГОТОГОТОГОLО ОСОГОГ I ТОГ огогогогогого огогого О ГОГОГ того огГОГОГО огогогогогогоговорогог готогогог огог гогогогого гогоготогогогогог погоГОТО готогогогогогАЛОГО Second quarter 2023 отототот погогогогого ногого Earnings Conference Call О ого July 26, 2023 то го гогооого 200 гооогогг гого огоо го гологогогог г тог ortoro 0 гооог r ГОГО О О ог ORNO NOT ГО 100010 погото OVOY ОТ VONOT O ЛОГ тогого гото evertec#2Forward-looking Statements Certain statements in this presentation constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of, and subject to the protection of, the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of EVERTEC to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Statements preceded by, followed by, or that otherwise include the words "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "projects," "estimates," and "plans" and similar expressions of future or conditional verbs such as "will," "should," "would," "may," and "could" are generally forward-looking in nature and not historical facts. Any statements that refer to expectations or other characterizations of future events, circumstances or results are forward-looking statements, including expectations that the expanded revolving facility will provide the Company with greater flexibility to execute on its strategic imperatives with a continued focus on M&A. Various factors that could cause actual future results and other future events to differ materially from those estimated by management include, but are not limited to: the Company's reliance on its relationship with Popular, Inc. ("Popular") for a significant portion of its revenues pursuant to the Company's second amended and restated Master Services Agreement ("MSA") with them, and to grow the Company's merchant acquiring business; the Company's ability to renew its client contracts on terms favorable to the Company, including but not limited to the current term and any extension of the MSA with Popular; the Company's dependence on its processing systems, technology infrastructure, security systems and fraudulent payment detection systems, as well as on the Company's personnel and certain third parties with whom it does business, and the risks to the Company's business if its systems are hacked or otherwise compromised; the Company's ability to develop, install and adopt new software, technology and computing systems; a decreased client base due to consolidations and failures in the financial services industry; the credit risk of the Company's merchant clients, for which it may also be liable; the continuing market position of the ATH network; a reduction in consumer confidence, whether as a result of a global economic downturn or otherwise, which leads to a decrease in consumer spending; the Company's dependence on credit card associations, including any adverse changes in credit card association or network rules or fees; changes in the regulatory environment and changes in international, legal, tax, political, administrative or economic conditions; the geographical concentration of the Company's business in Puerto Rico, including its business with the government of Puerto Rico and its instrumentalities, which are facing severe political and fiscal challenges; additional adverse changes in the general economic conditions in Puerto Rico, whether as a result of the government's debt crisis or otherwise, including the continued migration of Puerto Ricans to the U.S. mainland, which could negatively affect the Company's customer base, general consumer spending, the Company's cost of operations and the Company's ability to hire and retain qualified employees; operating an international business in Latin America and the Caribbean, in jurisdictions with potential political and economic instability; the impact of foreign exchange rates on operations; the Company's ability to protect its intellectual property rights against infringement and to defend itself against claims of infringement brought by third parties; the Company's ability to comply with U.S. federal, state, local and foreign regulatory requirements; evolving industry standards and adverse changes in global economic, political and other conditions; the Company's level of indebtedness and restrictions contained in the Company's debt agreements, including the secured credit facilities, as well as debt that could be incurred in the future; the Company's ability to prevent a cybersecurity attack or breach to its information security; the possibility that the Company could lose its preferential tax rate in Puerto Rico; the possibility of future catastrophic hurricanes, earthquakes and other potential natural disasters affecting the Company's main markets in Latin America and the Caribbean; and uncertainty related to the effect of the discontinuation of the London Interbank Offered Rate; the elimination of Popular's ownership of the Company's common stock; and the other factors set forth under "Part 1, Item 1A. Risk Factors," in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on February 24, 2023, as any such factors may be updated from time to time in the Company's filings with the SEC. The Company undertakes no obligation to release publicly any revisions to any forward-looking statements, to report events or to report the occurrence of unanticipated events unless it is required to do so by law. Use of Non-GAAP Measures This presentation will reference certain non-GAAP financial information. For a description and reconciliation of non-GAAP measures presented in this document, please see the appendix attached to this presentation or visit the Investor Relations section of the Evertec website at evertec#3Business Summary Mac Schuessler, President and CEO evertec#4Q2 2023 Financial Highlights Strong Results Cash Flow and Liquidity ▪ Total Revenue $167.1 million, increased 4% Adjusted EBITDA $74.5 million, increase versus $74.1 million in prior year quarter I ▪ Adjusted EBITDA margin of 44.6% Adjusted EPS $0.71, increased 6% ■ ■ ▪ Delivered operating cash flow of $126.2 million ▪ Returned $22 million to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases Liquidity of $386 million as of June 30, 2023 I *See Non-GAAP reconciliation summary in appendix, p.19. evertec#5Business Update PR Payments driving growth PR Macro Environment LATAM payments growth Strong growth in both Merchant Acquiring and Payment Processing Increased sales volumes ▪ ATH Movil Business continues to drive growth Unemployment rate ticked up to 6.1%, still near the lowest level in decades ▪ Economic Activity Index was up 1.8% YoY in the month of May Travel, tourism and auto sales up from first quarter ▪ Double digit organic growth ▪ Revenue contribution from acquisitions: BBR and paySmart Sinqia acquisition announcement I 5 evertec#6Financial Summary Joaquin Castrillo, Chief Financial Officer evertec#7Consolidated Results Q2 2023 (in USD mm, except per share) Revenue Adjusted EBITDA (¹) Adjusted EBITDA margin Adjusted Net Income (¹) Adjusted EPS (1) Q2 2023 $167.1 $74.5 44.6% $46.6 $0.71 Y-O-Y % 4% 1% -160bps -3% 6% Strong revenue growth across payment segments in Puerto Rico and LATAM, driven by increased sales volume and transaction volumes, better spreads and the contribution from the two completed acquisitions over the past year, partially offset by the impact of revenues sold as part of the Popular Transaction. The decrease in margin was primarily a result of the impact of the Popular transaction specifically, the revenue sharing agreement and the sale of assets at higher margin. (1) Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS are compared with prior year recast figures. See Non-GAAP reconciliation summary in appendix, p.19 for current year reconciliation and prior year recast figures. 7 evertec#8Merchant Acquiring Q2 2023 (in USD mm, except per share) Revenue Adjusted EBITDA (¹) Adjusted EBITDA margin Q2 2023 $41.2 $15.6 37.9% Y-O-Y % 7% -11% -760bps Increase in revenue was primarily driven by higher spread resulting from the continued benefit of pricing initiatives, a shift in the mix of credit card spend towards premium cards, and an increase in sales volume. 8 ▪ The margin decrease was primarily due to the impact from the revenue sharing agreement with Popular, as well as the effect of a declining average ticket. (1) Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS are compared with prior year recast figures. See Non-GAAP reconciliation summary in appendix, p.20-21 for current year reconciliation and prior year recast figures. evertec#9Payment Services, PR and Caribbean Q2 2023 (in USD mm, except per share) Revenue Adjusted EBITDA (¹) Adjusted EBITDA margin Q2 2023 $50.8 $29.2 57.5% Y-o-Y% 10% 22% 560bps Revenue increase was driven by strong transaction growth and continued growth in ATH Movil Business. Revenue continues to benefit from issuing services provided to Health Care as well as increases in transaction processing and monitoring services provided to the LATAM Segment. ▪ The increase in margin was due to leverage off the strong revenue, and the impact in the prior year of a $4.1 million impairment loss on a multi-year software. (1) Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS are compared with prior year recast figures. See Non-GAAP reconciliation summary in appendix, p.20-21 for current year reconciliation and prior year recast figures. 9 evertec#10Payment Services Latin America Q2 2023 (in USD mm, except per share) Revenue Adjusted EBITDA (¹) Adjusted EBITDA margin Q2 2023 $39.1 $14.1 36.1% Y-o-Y % 27% 37% 270bps Increase in revenue is driven by organic growth throughout the region and the contribution from acquisitions. Currency neutral growth would have been approximately 29%. Increase in adjusted EBITDA and margin primarily due to leverage from higher revenues and the reversal of one-time charges, partially offset by higher personnel costs driven by foreign currency appreciation along with higher professional services fees. Normalized margin for the one-time charges would have been approximately 32%. (1) Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS are compared with prior year recast figures. See Non-GAAP reconciliation summary in appendix, p.20-21 for current year reconciliation and prior year recast figures. 10 evertec#11Business Solutions Q2 2023 (in USD mm, except per share) Revenue Adjusted EBITDA (¹) Adjusted EBITDA margin Q2 2023 $57.0 $23.4 41.0% 11 Y-O-Y % -12% -22% -510bps Revenue decrease was due primarily to the impact from the assets sold to Popular partially offset by an increase in IT consulting services driven by the timing of certain projects. Margin decrease was primarily due to the impact from the assets sold to Popular. (1) Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS are compared with prior year recast figures. See Non-GAAP reconciliation summary in appendix, p.20-21 for current year reconciliation and prior year recast figures. evertec#12Corporate and Other Q2 2023 (in USD mm, except per share) Adjusted EBITDA (¹) % of Total Revenue Q2 2023 -$7.8 4.7% 12 Y-o-Y% -5% -10bps ■ Corporate and Other Adjusted EBITDA as a percentage of total revenues of 4.7%, consistent with prior year and in line with our expectations. (1) Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS are compared with prior year recast figures. See Non-GAAP reconciliation summary in appendix, p.20-21 for current year reconciliation and prior year recast figures. evertec#13Cash Flow Bridge Q2 2023 ($ in millions) Beginning Balance¹ $203.7 12/31/2022 Operating Activities $126.2 ($35.5) CAPEX ($22.9) Paysmart Acquisition ($36.3) Debt (Net) & Other³ ($22.3) Repurchases & Dividends ($1.8) Fx Impact (1) Includes $18M in restricted cash. (2) Includes $19M in restricted cash. (3) Includes long-term debt repayments of ($10M), withholding taxes paid on share-based compensation ~($6M), and net decrease in short-term borrowings ~($20M), rounded. (1) Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS are compared with prior year recast figures. See Non-GAAP reconciliation summary in appendix, p.20-21 for current year reconciliation and prior year recast figures. 13 Ending Balance² $211.1 6/30/2023 evertec#14Debt Summary Q2 2023 (in USD mm, except per share) Unrestricted Cash Total Debt Term A Loan (2023 Maturity) Term B Loan (2024 Maturity) Term A Loan (2027 Maturity) Revolver (2027 Maturity, $200M) Other EVTC Net Debt Lev Ratio Net Debt(¹)(2) Weighted Average Interest Rate(³) Net Debt / Adjusted LTM EBITDA (¹)(2) Ending Liquidity L+175bps L+350bps S+150bps S+150bps 14 2023 $191.6 $404.6 0.0 0.0 404.6 0.0 0.0 $213.0 $238.0 5.4% 0.86x $385.6 June 30, 2022 $288.0 $457.9 163.4 294.2 0.0 0.0 0.3 $169.9 $397.9 5.3% 1.36x $404.1 (1) Effective December 31, 2022 Senior Secured Leverage Ratio is presented at EVERTEC Inc level for Credit Agreement purposes and considered up to $25 million of unrestricted cash as required by the Credit Agreement dated December 1, 2022. (2) Until September 30, 2022 Senior Secured Leverage Ratio is presented at EVERTEC Group, LLC level for Credit Agreement purposes and considered up to $60 million of unrestricted cash as required by the Credit Agreement No. 3. (3) The weighted average interest rate does not consider the impact of the 150 bps applicable to the outstanding letter of credits. (4) June 30, 2023 Leverage Ratio is based on the EBITDA balances per credit Agreement, which normalizes the impact on the results for business acquisitions and disposition. evertec#15Outlook 2023 FY2023 Outlook (in USD mm, except per share) Total Revenue Growth,% GAAP EPS- Diluted Adjusted EPS Growth, % Capital Expenditures Assumptions: Adjusted EBITDA Margin Tax Rate Share Count to compute Adjusted EPS Note: See Non-GAAP reconciliation summary on p.22 15 Estimation range Low $652 5.4% $1.82 $2.75 9% 43% 16% 65.5mm High $658 6.4% $1.91 $2.83 12% $70 44% 17% 65.5mm evertec#16Q&A evertec#17Appendix c#18Non-GAAP Reconciliation Summary The non-GAAP measures referenced in this earnings release are supplemental measures of the Company's performance and are not required by, or presented in accordance with, accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("GAAP"). They are not measurements of the Company's financial performance under GAAP and should not be considered as alternatives to total revenue, net income or any other performance measures derived in accordance with GAAP or as alternatives to cash flows from operating activities, as indicators of operating performance or as measures of the Company's liquidity. In addition to GAAP measures, management uses these non-GAAP measures to focus on the factors the Company believes are pertinent to the daily management of the Company's operations and believes that they are also frequently used by analysts, investors and other stakeholders to evaluate companies in our industry. These measures have certain limitations in that they do not include the impact of certain expenses that are reflected in our condensed consolidated statements of operations that are necessary to run our business. Other companies, including other companies in our industry, may not use these measures or may calculate these measures differently than as presented herein, limiting their usefulness as comparative measures. Reconciliations of the non-GAAP measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measure are included at the end of this presentation. These non-GAAP measures include EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted Earnings per common share, each as defined below. EBITDA is defined as earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. Adjusted EBITDA is defined as EBITDA further adjusted to exclude certain non-cash items and unusual expenses such as: share-based compensation, restructuring related expenses, fees and expenses from corporate transactions such as M&A activity and financing, equity investment income net of dividends received, and the impact from unrealized gains and losses on foreign currency remeasurement for assets and liabilities in non-functional currency. This measure is reported to the chief operating decision maker for purposes of making decisions about allocating resources to the segments and assessing their performance. For this reason, Adjusted EBITDA, as it relates to the Company's segments, is presented in conformity with Accounting Standards Codification 280, Segment Reporting, and is excluded from the definition of non-GAAP financial measures under the Securities and Exchange Commission's Regulation G and Item 10(e) of Regulation S-K. The Company's presentation of Adjusted EBITDA is substantially consistent with the equivalent measurements that are contained in the secured credit facilities in testing EVERTEC Group's compliance with covenants therein such as the secured leverage ratio. Adjusted Net Income is defined as Adjusted EBITDA less: operating depreciation and amortization expense, defined as GAAP Depreciation and amortization less amortization of intangibles related to acquisitions such as customer relationships, trademarks; cash interest expense defined as GAAP interest expense, less GAAP interest income adjusted to exclude non-cash amortization of debt issue costs, premium and accretion of discount; income tax expense which is calculated on adjusted pre-tax income using the applicable GAAP tax rate, adjusted for uncertain tax position releases, tax true-ups, windfall from share-based compensation, unrealized gains and losses from foreign currency remeasurement, among others; and non-controlling interest which is the 35% non-controlling equity interest in Evertec Colombia, net of amortization for intangibles created as part of the purchase. Adjusted Earnings per common share is defined as Adjusted Net Income divided by diluted shares outstanding. The Company uses Adjusted Net Income to measure the Company's overall profitability because the Company believes it better reflects the comparable operating performance by excluding the impact of the non-cash amortization and depreciation that was created as a result of merger and acquisition activity. In addition, in evaluating EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted Earnings per common share, you should be aware that in the future the Company may incur expenses such as those excluded in calculating them. 18 evertec#19Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Operating Results Three months ended June 30, 2023 2022 (Dollar amounts in thousands, except share data) Net income Income tax expense Interest expense, net Depreciation and amortization EBITDA (1) Equity income Compensation and benefits (3) Transaction, refinancing and other fees Loss (gain) on foreign currency remeasurement Adjusted EBIT DA Operating depreciation and amortization (6) Cash interest expense, net (7) Income tax expense Non-controlling interest Adjusted net income Net income per common share (GAAP): Diluted (8) (2) (5) (4) Adjusted Earnings per common share (Non-GAAP): Diluted Shares used in computing adjusted earnings per common share: Diluted $28,050 6,586 3,537 22,329 60,502 (1,476) 8,701 7,085 (333) 74,479 (12,835) (3,457) (11,626) 80 $46,641 $0.43 $0.71 $33,556 7,688 5,127 19,560 65,931 (862) 5,405 1,855 1,747 74,076 (11,156) (4,858) (10,075) 1 (7) Represents income tax expense calculated on adjusted pre-tax income using the applicable GAAP tax rate, adjusted for certain discrete items. (8) Represents the 35% non-controlling equity interest in Evertec Colombia, net of amortization for intangibles created as part of the purchase. $47,988 $0.47 $0.67 65,510,091 (1) Represents the elimination of non-cash equity earnings from our 19.99% equity investment in Dominican Republic, Consorcio de Tarjetas Dominicanas S.A. ("CONTADO"), net of dividends received. (2) Primarily represents share-based compensation and severance payments. (3) Represents fees and expenses associated with corporate transactions as defined in the Credit Agreement, recorded as part of selling, general and administrative expenses. (4) Represents non-cash unrealized gains (losses) on foreign currency remeasurement for assets and liabilities denominated in non-functional currencies. 72,149,949 (5) Represents operating depreciation and amortization expense, which excludes amounts generated as a result of merger and acquisition activity. (6) Represents interest expense, less interest income, as they appear on the condensed consolidated statements of income and comprehensive income, adjusted to exclude non-cash amortization of the debt issue costs, premium and accretion of discount. evertec 19#20Reconciliation of Q2 2023 Segment Non-GAAP Results (In thousands) Revenues Operating costs and expenses Depreciation and amortization Non-operating income (expenses) EBITDA Compensation and benefits (2) Transaction, refinancing and other fees (3) Loss (gain) on foreign currency remeasurement (4) Adjusted EBITDA Payment Services - Puerto Rico & Caribbean $ 50,795 28,895 6,087 115 28,102 842 288 Payment Services - Latin America (49) $ 29,183 $ $ 39,076 33,666 5,393 2,290 13,093 999 253 (285) 14,060 Three months ended June 30, 2023 Merchant Acquiring, net 20 $ 41,248 27,616 1,150 14,783 860 $ 15,643 Business Solutions 56,971 39,097 4,469 66 22,409 965 Corporate and Other (¹) $ 23,374 $ $ (21,014) 3,029 5,230 928 (17,885) 5,035 5,068 1 (7,781) $ $ Total 167,076 132,303 22,329 3,400 60,502 8,701 5,609 (333) 74,479 (1) Corporate and Other consists of corporate overhead, certain leveraged activities, other non-operating expenses and intersegment eliminations. Intersegment revenue eliminations predominantly reflect the $13.4 million processing fee from Payments Services - Puerto Rico & Caribbean to Merchant Acquiring, intercompany software developments and transaction processing of $4.4 million from Payment Services- Latin America to both Payment Services- Puerto Rico & Caribbean and Business Solutions, and transaction processing and monitoring fees of $3.3 million from Payment Services - Puerto Rico & Caribbean to Payment Services Latin America. (2) Primarily represents share-based compensation and severance payments. (3) Primarily represents fees and expenses associated with corporate transactions as defined in the Credit Agreement, and the elimination of non-cash equity earnings from our 19.99% equity investment in Consorcio de Tarjetas Dominicanas S.A. (4) Represents non-cash unrealized gains (losses) on foreign currency remeasurement for assets and liabilities denominated in non-functional currencies. evertec#21Reconciliation of Q2 2022 Segment Non-GAAP Results Three months ended June 30, 2022 (as recast) (In thousands) Revenues Operating costs and expenses Depreciation and amortization Non-operating income (expenses) EBITDA Compensation and benefits (2) Transaction, refinancing and other fees (3) Loss (gain) on foreign currency remeasurement (4) Adjusted EBITDA Payment Services - Puerto Rico & Caribbean $ $ 46,078 28,680 5,466 309 23,173 675 27 23,875 Payment Services - Latin America $ $ 30,784 25,032 2,712 123 8,587 973 674 10,234 Merchant Acquiring, net $ 38,539 22,823 1,040 332 17,088 446 17,534 Business Solutions $ $ 64,690 40,297 4,279 624 29,296 555 (16) Corporate and Other (1) 29,835 $ $ (19,520) (2,908) 6,063 (1,664) (12,213) 2,756 1,009 1,046 (7,402) $ $ Total 160,571 113,924 19,560 (276) 65,931 5,405 993 1,747 74,076 (1) Corporate and Other consists of corporate overhead, certain leveraged activities, other non-operating expenses and intersegment eliminations. Intersegment revenue eliminations predominantly reflect the $13.3 million processing fee from Payments Services - Puerto Rico & Caribbean to Merchant Acquiring, intercompany software developments and transaction processing of $3.7 million from Payment Services- Latin America to both Payment Services- Puerto Rico & Caribbean and Business Solutions, and transaction processing and monitoring fees of $2.5 million from Payment Services - Puerto Rico & Caribbean to Payment Services - Latin America. (2) Primarily represents share-based compensation. (3) Primarily represents fees and expenses associated with corporate transactions as defined in the 2018 Credit Agreement, and the elimination of non-cash equity earnings from our 19.99% equity investment in Consorcio de Tarjetas Dominicanas S.A. (4) Represents non-cash unrealized gains (losses) on foreign currency remeasurement for assets and liabilities denominated in non-functional currencies. 21 evertec#22Outlook Summary and Reconciliation to Non-GAAP Adjusted Earnings per Share (Dollar amounts in millions, except share data) Revenues Earnings per Share (EPS) (GAAP) Per share adjustment to reconcile GAAP EPS to Non-GAAP Adjusted EPS: (1) Share-based comp, non-cash equity earnings and other Merger and acquisition related depreciation and amortization Non-cash interest expense (3) Tax effect of non-gaap adjustments Loss (gain) of foreign currency remeasurement Total adjustments (5) Adjusted EPS (Non-GAAP) Shares used in computing adjusted earnings per share (2) Low 2023 Outlook 22 $652 to $1.82 to 0.56 0.47 0.01 (0.18) 0.07 0.93 $2.75 to 2. Represents depreciation and amortization expenses amounts generated as a result of M&A activity. 3. Represents non-cash amortization of the debt issue costs, premium and accretion of discount. 4. Represents income tax expense on non-GAAP adjustments using the applicable GAAP tax rate (anticipated at approximately 16% to 17%). 5. Represents non-cash unrealized gains (losses) on foreign currency remeasurement for assets and liabilities denominated in non-functional currencies. High $658 $1.91 0.56 0.47 0.01 (0.19) 0.07 0.92 $2.83 65.5 2022 (As recast) $618 $3.45 (1.42) 0.49 0.01 (0.10) 0.10 ($0.92) 1. Represents share-based compensation, the elimination of non-cash equity earnings from the Company's 19.99% equity investment in CONTADO, severance and other adjustments to reconcile GAAP EPS to non- GAAP EPS. $2.53 69.3 evertec

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